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everyone has their demons. even demons have their demons in some cases. but it takes a person that has demons to recognize others that have them too. but then there's people like me, who is a combination of all three and more. i am more than a person who has demons, because i, myself, am a demon. my mind is a demon. i recognize others around me that try to hide their demons, because i try to hide my own. the demon i try so hard to hide, is myself. i'm my own demon. i'm my own burden and i have a hard time to allow myself to burden others. i don't want to be another demon to someone else, because i already am to so many. my mind may be a demon, but my heart will always be angelic. sometimes my mind can take over, simply because my heart has been damaged so much. but it's still there, and somehow it still beats. even demons are angels. and even demons have their own demons to hide, maybe that's why they're demons themselves.

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