(TW) whispers & wallows.

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whispers and wallows
sweet dreams & lullabies
although your heart is more hallow than mine
i still love your sweet smell
of cherries and limes
let's gather & grow at the same time
for roses & lilies
blossom & bloom
i hear your angelic laugh at the call of noon
when whiskers & bunnies
dance in the room
it reminds me of your hands
that tickle & boom
raindrops & clouds
sweet tears of my own
for i still love you after this storm
oh no, i'm doomed
i don't want more
yet butterflies & jitters creep up my thigh
i tell you to stop
& you yell, "let's have a good night!"
whispers & wallows
turn to screams & shrieks
but i still love your big smile that creeps
so sweet dreams & lullabies
we're off for a "good" night.

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