my galaxy.

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i'm in love with a galaxy
i'm back
to a place
i've grown to hate
i'm back
where my heart
reaches the stars
at the sight of this boy
here i am, again
on this long journey ahead
where i'll be feeling the constant
ache in my chest
take me to this galaxy
i'll be wrapped in its embrace
it'll shelter me
and hold me
i'm in love with a galaxy
here i am again
falling in love
with someone who's out of this world
someone who id never have a chance with
i'm in love with a galaxy
someone so caring and raw
someone who brought light in this black hole
i'm in love with every part of this galaxy
the good and the bad
and i know that i won't find anyone
better for a long time
this galaxy is rare
one of a kind
someone who keeps me alive

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