Dream Above the Stars

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if only i could dream above the stars.
if i could imagine what i wanted so badly, that it would break my world & it'd come true.
i think i would first wish for happiness.
i would wish that everyday i wake up, it would be a gift & not a burden.
i would wake up and happiness would be everywhere i took a step.
the sun would dance around my shoulders & the clouds would sway me off my feet.
music would be playing and my world would be at peace.
THE world would be at happiness and peace.
if only that dream, THAT imaginative thought could come true.
i love the stars.
i think about watching them
the pretty sky twinkling, reflecting from my eyes.
as the beautiful light would rip through my heart, gracefully.
the stars take away the heavy weight on my chest.
they're a million light years away, and yet they can bring my mind at peace within a second.
if only i could dream above the stars

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