Part Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

'Robbie. I'm so sorry I'm not there to hold you, but listen, please. She's in great hands alright? I'm sending you a massive hug. She'll get through this, and you'll get to see her soon. Do what you want, alright? I -- I love you okay? So please for the love of God don't forget to take care of yourself.'

'I.. I love you too Noah. I -- I need to go.'

'Okay, but please keep me updated. And if you want to facetime as well then I'll be there for it. Take care.'

'I'll try.'

He hangs up before I get a chance to say anything else. I sit silently under my covers, letting the news sink in. I would've been more excited seeing as we both said the 'L' word to each other for the first time. But of course, that's overshadowed by the way more important thing right now.

I know I can't really do anything apart from being there for Robbie, but I hope that I can do that well. Despite the season three premiere happening tonight, I'm more focused now on him, and if he'll be alright to play his gig tonight. That's a decision I hope I never have to make. Maybe playing the gig might be a great way for him to vent some of his emotions and stress, but what do I know. I just hope he doesn't let this negativity take over again, making it all translate onto his wrists.

Millie has text me whilst I've been deep in thought, and I check the message. She's double checking about when I'll be meeting her to go to the premiere event tonight. I don't even know anymore. I can't help but worry about Robbie, but I don't want to end up ruining the premiere for everyone else by constantly checking my phone for updates and being generally upset.

I unlock my phone, and send Millie a text, updating her on the situation. She is one of my closest friends after all, and she may be able to help me figure out how I should be going about this. She calls me immediately on facetime and I swipe across my screen to accept it.


'Oh my God Noah, I'm so sorry to hear about Robbie's nan. Is she okay?'

'He said she's in hospital and that his parents are gonna keep him updated. I-- I feel so... helpless. I can't be there for him.'

'How's Robbie dealing with it?'

'I really don't know, and that's what's bothering me. Obviously we weren't on a video call so I couldn't tell how he really was, but I could just... hear how much he was hurting y'know?'

Millie looks at me in understanding, nodding. We fall silent as my mind races, trying to think of ways I could support Robbie.

'Are... are you still gonna come to the premiere?'

'What? I mean -- I kinda have to. I just might not... be with it.'

I'm suddenly feeling a chill travel down my spine, and into the the rest of my body, making me shiver a little. I get up from bed, heading over to my closet, and throw on a hoodie. I continue to talk as I complete my little trip and get back onto my bed.

'I don't want to ruin the evening for you guys though. So don't worry, I'll be there. I apologise in advance if I'm acting a little weird.'

Millie grins.

'Acting more weird than you normally do? Not possible I'm afraid. But don't worry. I'll let the gang know you're going through stuff so hopefully no one's gonna get more stressed than they need to be tonight.'

'Thanks Mills. You're the best.'

'I know I am.'

I roll my eyes, making her laugh a little, as a notification comes in on the top of my phone. It's a text from Robbie, asking if I can call him now.

Wait For Me to Come Home (Noah Schnapp x Gay Male OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now