She kept running until she came to a very familiar compound. It had low single story buildings and was surrounded by a high chain link fence. The part that made it so familiar was the sign out front reading 'Surrender All Weapons.' Damn, she said to herself internally, she never thought she'd see Provincetown again.

She stood outside the gate weighing her options. The fence was still intact but she knew that it would have only kept in the Z's that were once the people who inhabited the camp. Then she remembered that Z on the road, would it be worth it to test herself with more than one zombie? Maybe a pack? Or was it stupid? She supposed she could always just mercy them if it became too much, without her gun of course, the gunshots would only give away her location to the Man. Then her stomach growled and she knew she'd have to stop somewhere for food eventually so why not a safe compound? She remembered Major Williams saying they grew all their own fruits and vegetables, hopefully if the Z's didn't trample it the garden would have kept growing on its own meaning she'd have food.

She looked both ways making sure there were no vehicles around and no sign of the Man before she ran across the street and climbed the fence. When her feet landed on the ground inside she drew her knife and got ready to take on any aggressive zombies. She carefully made her way about the camp trying not to have a trip down memory lane, especially since this place didn't have the best memories. She found herself rubbing the scar under her chin that she'd gotten here while a quick flash of 10K's concerned face appeared in her mind. She shook her head, now was not the time to get distracted. Then as she walked she found the door that 10K had barricaded with a large wooden cross and removed it standing it straight up against the building before opening the door and going inside. There was one Z mulling about the hall, she recognized the woman with the blue bandana who had said she'd been a TSA agent Pre-Z. At the sound of the door opening and closing the woman turned and looked at Bailey but didn't make any move to attack her. Instead she just stared with her head cocked at an angle as she watched Bailey go by. Bailey kept her eyes on the Z in case it decided to charge at her but she never did, once Bailey left the hall the TSA woman went back to mulling around.


Bailey had been able to gather some food from the garden which had overgrown since her last time here. She found a bedroom with little to no blood in it and knew it would be the best she'd gotten in a while. She was using what was left of the daylight hours to look for the Z's who had been part of that cult, the ones who took all the weapons from the armory. Her group had managed to get theirs back before they fled the camp but there had been more and Bailey could use them when she ran into the Man again. She didn't question whether it would happen or not, she knew it would happen. The Man wouldn't give up looking for her, so she'd need as much heavy artillery as she could carry to help her out. As she was searching the grounds she came across a Z who was very familiar, it was that preacher Jacob, the one who'd started this tragedy, the one who'd shot Garnett. He was still dressed in his red and white robes and was mulling about the courtyard near the zombie cage. She felt a burning hate boil up inside her, being a person who grew up in a religious family she hated when people as wicked as Jacob used her beliefs to encourage negative stereotypes or to hurt others. Bailey found a shovel leaning against another building and grabbed it before she headed over to him. She didn't want to mercy Jacob, he didn't deserve that, she wanted him to suffer the best way a Z could, cut off their ability to find and eat brains. He was already near the zombie cage and with a bit of coaxing she managed to get him to wobble his way in front of the door. She shoved him in and snapped the lock shut trapping him inside. Without any means of getting food he'd likely decompose which she hoped felt as terrible as it sounded. She smirked watching him try to get out only to stumble into a wall and head for another one just to stumble and head for a different wall again over and over.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now