EPISODE - 52 She is the girl I love Nani..

Start from the beginning

Cabir and Aman sighed, one by one secrets are being revealed and everything was against their relationship.

"I also don't think this relationship will bring any good for you both. You both are really different from each other.." said Divyanka, Payal seems like her Chiku, and Ansh is a soft hearted person. She fear her brother might suffer in future with Payal's behavior.

"Di even me and Manik are very different from each other..", Nandini said.

"Nani we all do mistakes in life and if elders don't forgive us and show us the right path, then who
will? Whatever Payal did, she's really sorry for it.. Please forgive her and give permission for this
marriage..", Nandini walked to Nani.

Nani looked away, Nandini smiled whispering a, "Please", which melt Nani's heart in seconds.

"Who will ever deny you?" Nani smiled and kissed Nandini's forehead.

She turned to Payal, "I forgive you.. But to marry my grandson, I still need to test you and be sure
about this.. Only then I will approve this relationship..".

Payal nodded her head smiling, she hugged Nani tightly, "Thank you so much Nani..".

Nani stood stern staring at Ansh, who smiled sheepishly at her.

Nandini signaled Payal to touch Nani's feet to take blessings from her.

Payal nodded and broke the hug, bending to take Nani's blessings.

Nani had a small smile seeing that she didn't forget to touch her feet. Little did she know Nandini was
the one who reminded Payal.

Ansh sigh in relief while Manik walked near Nandini, he held hand and pulled her to a corner.

"Don't do this..", he said with an angry expression on his face.

"What?", Nandini asked startled.

"Payal isn't what you're showing to my family. Why did you signal her to touch Nani's feet? This is you Nandini and not her.. After sometime, when everyone see her true face, then everyone will be hurt na..I know you will help her pass her test, but What after this? Did you ever thought about it?", Manik asked.

Nandini looked at him serious, "You're right.. What will we do now?".

"Do simply nothing Nandini! Let Payal be herself in front of everyone and let's see the outcome na..Haan, you can help her in one thing..", Manik said.

"What?", Nandini asked curiously.

"Teach her how to respect others like you do, explain to her how each and every member of this family is, teach her what is wrong or right.. But don't change herself, don't tell her what to do or not.. Like you do with Anvi , you teach Anvi something, and Anvi alone does it when the situation arises na because she remembers your words and advices, same goes to Payal.. What you did now was wrong, because she touched Nani's feet not because you taught her but because she wanted to impress Nani. And impress someone being something you're not is wrong!", Manik said.

Nandini smiled faintly staring at him. She nodded her head, "Mr. Always right I still have a lot to learn from you!".

Manik pinched her nose with a small smile, "Mrs. Always right..".



Everyone went to the living room again to talk with Payal, more precisely to watch Payal give an exam to Nani. Payal was nervous, but Ansh was more. He just wanted her to pass from this quickly and lay on the bed in relief, knowing its a Yes from his family.

Payal was about to sit beside Nandini, but Manik came and sat beside Nandini to protect his wife!!

Ansh called her to sit with him.

Nandini rolled her eyes, "Aren't you being over protective?" she asked while patting Anvi's back, Anvi was falling asleep resting her head on Nandini's lap.

"I have to be, you're so thin that if Payal slapped you that day you would have landed in the sky itself..", Manik mocked.

Nandini pouted.

"So why you fell in love with Ansh?", asked Nani.

Payal remembered Nandini's words sometime ago, she remembered how Nandini said to her, that she needs to answer every question of Nani honestly and not to impress Nani. She needs to be herself and not create an image of a woman she's not.

"When Ansh came to me first time and confessed his feelings, I really thought he is a playboy and just wants to have fun. But after seeing his insistence on getting me, I realized he's not lying. He has really fallen in love with me and I fell for him, because while he was trying to impress me, I met a caring, patience, soft hearted and honest man in him, who would fill the empty space in my heart.. I felt only Ansh is the man who I can fall deeply in love with..", Payal said honestly.

Ansh smiled lovingly at her.

"Kitne cute hain..", said Nandini chirpily.

"Ansh or his family?", Nani asked.

Payal thought for a while, in her heart she would always choose Ansh. But if she answers Ansh, and not them, they might think bad of her. But this is what Nani wants to test her only, if she is trying to impress her or she loves Akash truly.

Nandini shut her eyes tightly, she silently murmured, "Answer Ansh.. Not family.."


Thank you For Showering your love in previous Part😍😘


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