Chapter 13

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I'm sitting in my office, staring at one of the most important documents I have ever received. Hood International wants to buy my company. Normally, I wouldn't even think twice about it and decline the offer immediately, but it's different this time. There is a lot more money involved, and Hood International's CEO, James Hood, is an old friend of mine. I have to consider it because ever since I was fifteen and became CEO of Hickley Jets, selling private jets to rich people has been all I've known. How could I just give this up?

On one hand, I hate that whenever I'm out with my friends, there is an emergency at work and someone needs something from me. It is as if I'm the only person capable of providing an answer. I also hate that I work until midnight every single night. Yet, what I hate the most is that whenever Hailey and I get closer, my phone starts ringing. On the other hand, I need my job to earn the same amount of money. I have to support two households and make Dad proud. Selling his company would disrespect him, and disrespecting him is the exact opposite of what I'm trying to do. After what I've done, he deserves every sweat, tear, and drop of blood that I lost to keep his company alive and thriving.

I send James an email, explaining why I have to decline his offer. He says he completely understands and hopes we can grab a beer sometime soon. I shut my laptop and lean back in my chair. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and let my body relax. I made the right choice, I keep reminding myself. I stare down at my phone and debate whether I should ask Hailey to meet me earlier. I really want to see her face. After seeing her at the beach the day before, it is even harder to keep her off my mind. The way she looked in the yoga pants and that bikini did things to me, things I don't want to explain. Then, when I think about her smile, I feel things that I can't explain. I hate how she makes me feel, yet I'm unable to stop seeing her. I don't want the feelings to end as much as they scared me. She is like the drug I never wanted to try but can't get enough of.

"Hi, baby." My eyes shoot open and I stare at the last person I ever want to see. My security guard obviously didn't get the 'Do NOT Let Cara Katson In' message yet.

"What the hell do you want, Cara?" She pouts and walks over to my desk. I roll my eyes when she plays with the belt on her coat. I'm a hundred percent positive she's naked underneath, and more than anything, I don't want her to take that belt off. The only thing I want is for her to get the fuck out of my office.

"Wanna get dinner?" She reaches her hand out to touch my chest, but I slap it away.

"Yes, but not with you. I'm having dinner with someone else tonight." I get up and grab my blazer before putting it on.

"With who?" She spits the words. The poison dripping from her words is disgusting.

"None of your goddamn business." I open my office door and hold it open for her.

She walks up to me and pulls her coat aside so that her breasts are exposed to me, but I'm not looking at her. When she continues to stand in front of me, half-naked, slightly pressing her body against mine, I decide to lightly push her out of the door, before closing it and leaving the building. The thought of ever touching her again makes me want to vomit.

I drive to 'Hallewell's' to meet Hailey. I might be driving a bit too fast, but I feel this urge to see her, to be with her. When I walk in, she's already sitting at a table. Her eyes scan the room and a big smile covers her face the moment she lays her eyes on me. Hailey waves me over, and I almost sprint towards her. I pull her into a tight hug and sigh. I needed her. After Cara, I really needed her.

"Hello to you, too," she chuckles, and I smile into her hair. She always smells so good.

I place my hand on her neck and kiss her cheek more tenderly than usual. "Hi," I reply and look her deeply in the eyes. The way her eyes linger on my lips, and her chest moves up and down too quickly makes it incredibly hard not to lean down and press my lips against hers. I let go of her and take a small step back. I'm hoping it will help me control my desire for her.

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