Chapter 41

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After Jax calms down, I lie back down on my bed and fall asleep again. Every part of my body aches. There are cuts all over my arms from the glass which shattered and fell on me. Sleeping feels good because it helps me gain energy. I wake up a couple of hours later to find Jax sleeping in the chair next to my bed. I'm glad he is getting some sleep. He has dark circles under his eyes, and I worry he hasn't slept the last couple of days. I barely slept too. For some inexplicable reason, I couldn't sleep without his arms wrapped around me.

I take a few bites of the disgusting hospital food since I haven't eaten much since Jax left. After three bites, I feel my stomach twisting and turning upside down. Nausea bubbles in my throat, and I slide out of bed. I ignore the pain shooting through me as I walk to the toilet. My head spins aggressively until I throw up everything I just ate and more. It takes me a while to not feel nauseous anymore. I get up and brush my teeth to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. I feel terrible. My stomach is cramping, and I'm sweating.

Jax is standing next to my bed when I walk back out of the bathroom. "There is something I need to tell you," he says and approaches me. He stops a meter away and smiles. I would be more concerned if he didn't seem so happy. "The nurse told me earlier they found something when they were testing you." Now I'm slightly more concerned, but his grin confuses me.

"What is it?" I ask impatiently.

"You're pregnant." My hand flies to my mouth. "We're pregnant," he says again, and I can't stop the feeling of nausea that shoots through me again.

"I'm pregnant?" He flashes me his beautiful smile and then nods. I put my hand on my stomach and try to process what is going on. It takes me a couple of minutes to let the new information sink in. Eventually, I smile without realizing it. "I'm going to be a mom," I tell him as if he doesn't know it already.

"Yes, baby. You're going to be a mom." I grin from ear to ear. "If that is what you want," he adds, and I stare into his green-purple eyes.

"Yes, it is." There is no doubt in my mind, not a single one.

"I'm going to be a dad." His eyes are so full of love, which is why I feel bad for what I say next. My expression turns serious so I can make the joke funnier.

"This is awkward. You think this baby is yours." I laugh a fake nervous laugh. Jax's eyes open wider than I've ever seen them. "It isn't yours. I have to go find Ryder. He's going to be so happy." His face drops, and his mouth falls open. I start laughing but he doesn't relax. "I'm kidding." He closes the distance between us and picks me up from the ground.

"Don't do that to me," he simply mumbles before he places his mouth on mine. When he pulls back, I look deep into his eyes.

"Don't ever leave me again. Not because you think telling me something will make me think less of you. Not because you're scared I won't accept you," I said, my voice only a low whisper.

Jax brings me to my bed and lays me down before covering me with the blanket. "Trust me, baby, I can't leave you again. I physically can't. Leaving you broke me." I lift my index finger to his bottom lip. I've missed doing this. I've missed him. "Rest, love. Baby Jeremy is going to need his mom fully rested so she can grow him to be the perfect baby I know he is going to be." Jax kisses the top of my head while his hand rests on my stomach. He carefully bends down and places a kiss on my stomach as well.

"Jeremy? What if it's a girl?" My heart races, and I put my hand on my stomach. I can't believe what's happening, I can't believe I'm carrying a child inside of me. I know I'm happy about it and terrified at the same time but I'm also confused. Becoming a mother at my age should be scarier than I think it is. But I also know I've wanted a family of my own for my entire life. There is nothing and no one who will ever harm my child as long as I live.

"Skylar. Sky for short." Jax tears me away from my thoughts, and I pay attention to him.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" A blush settles on Jax's cheeks. I cock an eyebrow because I'm too surprised by this small, involuntary action of his.

"Ever since we met. I knew you were the one for me. There is no other woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Not then, not now. You're it for me." His hand is still on my stomach. He's happy and so am I. "I know this is horrible timing because I don't want you to think I'm only asking because you're pregnant, but, will you-" Jax cuts off, and I swallow hard. "Will you be crazy enough to marry me?" We both let out a small laugh.

"Yes," I reply firmly. Jax has been the one for me since I realized how imperfectly perfect we are together.

"Yes?" He laughs and hugs me tightly. I nod and hold him close to me. I got him back. We are looking at forever, and I have never felt less mortal.

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