Chapter 55

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Eight months later

"You can do it Jer, come on buddy." Jax's voice is filled with excitement when our son stands on his feet, trying to take his first steps. I'm filming the whole thing, wanting to be able to remember the exact moment Jeremy walked for the first time. He's smiling and laughing while he tries to make his way towards his Dada and me. He has been saying Dada and Mama for a few weeks. Jax was so mad when Jeremy's first word was Mama and not Dada.

He said, "You're gonna be a real fricking Mama's boy, aren't you? Well, crap." I laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants. I have to be careful now. I don't have as much control over my bladder as before giving birth. It's really amusing watching Jax say fudge when he hits his toe against a piece of furniture around Jeremy.

Jax puts Jeremy in his crib and comes to hug me. He kisses my cheeks, my nose, my forehead, and then my lips several times. Ever since we got married, Jax has been even more affectionate than before. He brings me flowers for no reason, arranges for a babysitter so we can go for dinner, and surprises me in the shower. Jax cooks for me a lot, proving to me just how great of a husband he actually is. Whether it is the way he is with Jeremy or simple things, like the way he wakes me up in the mornings. He also supports my idea to go back to work three times a week. Adrianna has agreed to take Jeremy those three times, which helps us a lot. Jax doesn't want me going back to work in Hunter's restaurant, so I went and got myself a job in the small clothing boutique, not far from our house.

Jax picks me up off the ground and carries me to the couch. His arms wrap around me, and we lie there for a couple of minutes. We don't have to talk because there is nothing to say.

Eventually, we both doze off. We take every chance we get to sleep a little.


"Hailey." Her voice is soft and soothing. I turn around and stare into her eyes.

We are back in our paradise. Flowers everywhere, a rainbow with vibrant colors, and Jessie, wearing her blue bandana. I run towards her, and she opens her arms for me. I know it's a dream. The same dream I had more than a year ago.

"I missed you." My voice is shaking. I'm too happy to keep it strong.

"I never left you. I've been by your side all along." I look at her, blinking a few times to get the tears out of my eyes and see her clearly.

"In the other dream, you tried to warn me about William." My hand shoots to my mouth as the realization sank in. "Is this real?" The question seems ridiculous, but I have to ask. Jess looks at me, an evil smile spreading across her face, and then she shrugs.

"All you have to know is, I will always be protecting you and your beautiful little family. All five members of you." I pull my eyebrows together in a confused expression. King, Jeremy, Jax, me, and? She simply points at my stomach and smiles. "Yes, all five of you."

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. We both smile at each other.

"You do move fast, I have to say. You're first one isn't even a year old yet. Then again, your husband is smoking hot, I understand why you like making babies." I shake my head at her comment. Even in death, same old Jessie. A pink tulip appears in my hands.

"I have to go now. Just know, if you ever need me, I'll be standing right next to you, holding your hand. I love you. Forever and Always."

"Forever and Always," I reply, and she is gone.

But is she really?

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