Chapter 7

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Hailey is absolutely stunning. The way she stood on stage and sang with all of her heart, awoke emotions in me I didn't even know I had. She is all I can think about, all the damn time. When I wake up, at work, at home, everywhere and anytime. I want to get to know her and spend time with her. She is so shy and sweet, yet has a body, which could keep me up at night. She has me wrapped around her little finger already, and I hardly know her.

On Wednesday morning, I wake up to my ringtone, informing me I received a new text. I'm annoyed until I read Hailey's name on my screen. A huge, absurd smile breaks out across my face. I unlock my phone and read her message.

Hailey: Hey, I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you on Friday. I heard some stuff and I don't think I'm what you're looking for. Thank you for the invitation though. I'll see you around.

I stare at my phone for a couple of seconds, disappointment and confusion washing over me.

Jax: What did you hear?

My curiosity gets the better of me and before I know it, I hit send. I'm a little scared it's too forward or she won't respond, but I need to know why the only girl I've ever been this interested in is rejecting me. A couple of minutes pass before she replies.

Hailey: You seem like a nice guy Jax, but I don't think we would work out.

Jax: Can I at least explain whatever you heard? Don't you think that would be fair?

I'm fucking desperate. It is pathetic how much I want her. It takes her a while to respond, which drives me crazy. I want to explain whatever she heard, no matter how bad it is. I know people have certain opinions about me, but I don't want her to push me away based on that. She should push me away because I'm an idiot.

Hailey: Yes, it would be. My shift ends at 10p.m. Come see me after, and we can talk about your... reputation.

Reputation? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm glad she agreed to see me because there is no way I can leave it like this. She got under my skin. I haven't let anyone under my skin, but Hailey seems different. For some reason, I want to explore things with her. No girl has ever made me feel like I need to surround myself with them. I'm going to talk to her after her shift. It would be so much easier if she said she wasn't attracted to me or wasn't interested, but she used a very specific word. She said my reputation is what led her to believe we would never work, and I need an explanation. I want to hear what people in this small town have to say about me. It may be selfish, but every once in a while, I have to be.

Before I do any of that, though, I'm going to pick up my siblings from school and spend time with them. Even though Mother has been doing a better job the past few days, I'm going to check in with them and make sure they are actually okay. They are and will always be my first priority, no matter how old they are.

At ten, I walk into the restaurant, ready to convince Hailey to give me a shot. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am of how drawn I am to her. If she still doesn't want me after we talk, then fine. I'm going to leave her alone.

My eyes scan the room for her without any success. I'm nervous, which only frustrates me more. I have never been nervous because of a girl. Never. It feels beyond absurd, and I don't like it. Not one bit. I can't find her, but I spot Hunter flirting with one of the waitresses on the other side of the room. He never acts on it, but he likes his innocent flirting. A lot. Probably too much.

My feet bring me towards him, and I am determined and confident.

"Where is Hailey?" I ask, not bothering with greetings. I am very close to making a plan to beg her to go out with me. If I knew my friends wouldn't make fun of me if I did that, I would probably do it.

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