Chapter 20

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I knock on Mother's house door, hoping I can still catch her before she drives Jace and Lily to school. I have to be at the airport in five hours to fly to New York and meet up with potential clients and associates. If this deal goes through then I won't ever have to be worried about the company again. I can work less and have more time for my family. It also doesn't involve selling my company to Hood International. These past few weeks, I've already taken off work a lot because I wanted to be with Hailey, but if this deal happens, I don't have to anymore. I will be able to be with her without having to take a million calls while we're out. Those bother me the most. There isn't a night when I'm off my phone for longer than an hour. It is rude and disrespectful to her, but I still feel this debt and guilt towards my father. Getting more investors in this deal will allow me to hire more people and split the work more evenly. All I want to do is simply spend uninterrupted time with both my family and Hailey. The contract between my company and Daxon Co. will get me everything I want. It is also good for William, who seems to be very frustrated working as much as he does.

Lily opens the door for me, and I squat down to hug her. As always, her small features reveal how happy she is with a bright smile. The tennis lessons, school, and the amount of time I've been spending with her seems to make her feel much better. She's been so open and adventurous these past few weeks, always asking me to take her out of the house to have a fun day, just the three of us. It lifts a weight off my chest. I've been so worried about her, but it looks like I don't have to be so much anymore.

"Where is Mom?" I ask her, and she takes my hand, leading me inside.

"She is in the kitchen," Lily replies and leads me exactly there.

Everything looks so open today. The blinds are pulled back, letting in the natural light in every room through the tall windows. Mom cleaned the entire kitchen to the point where the marble counters are almost shining. She is standing at the fridge, taking out different foods to pack her children for lunch. My lips form a smile before I can stop them. Maybe Mom is back to normal. She turns around to face me, but unlike my facial expression, there isn't even a hint of a smile on her features. She isn't happy to see me nor does she want me in her house. There is anger in her eyes causing my grin to fade.

"Jaxon, I need you to take Lily and Jace this weekend. I have some family business with my sister. Please, pick them up from school on Friday, and I will get them Sunday evening." She turns back around and focuses on the food she's preparing. What the hell is her problem? I'm the one who has been taking care of her children since she disappointed them by being a terrible mother. I even tried to be nice to her, and she still behaves like this. There is no reason why she should be angry with me.

"No problem, Mom."

For a second, she stops, and I can see her take a deep breath. She doesn't say anything else to me, so I simply turn around and pick up Lily from where she's standing. She's smiling brightly, which makes the situation with Mom feel like an unimportant quarrel. I will deal with her when I'm back, but she isn't a priority right now. My company is.

"I'm going to be gone the next two days," I tell Lily, and she frowns. She doesn't like it when I'm not in the same place as her. "King is going to stay with my..." I pause, not knowing exactly what Hailey is to me yet. I haven't asked her what she would like me to call her. We're dating, I know this much, yet I don't know if she is okay with me calling her my girlfriend. Lily looks at me with her big eyes, and I smile. "... girlfriend," I finish the sentence, and her face lights up. Apparently, she likes me having a girlfriend.

"Can I meet her?" she asks as I put her down. I want Hailey to meet my siblings to see if they get along. If they don't, which I doubt because Hailey is amazing, I couldn't see her anymore, no matter how much I want her. If for any reason my siblings don't like her and there is nothing I can do to change that, then Hailey isn't the right one for me. My family comes first, always has, and always will.

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