Chapter 42

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Three days later, I'm finally allowed to go home. Jax and I made the decision to move in together about five minutes after I agreed to marry him. Owen, Ryder, Jax, and Hunter moved all my stuff into Jax's house with the help of Harvey and Uncle Ben. They were very supportive of this step I've taken. We still live very close to each other, which is why we didn't see it as too big of a deal. It's not like we won't see each other anymore. My new home is ten minutes away from my old one. My home... this is going to take some getting used to.

Jax and I also decided we won't tell people I'm pregnant and that we're engaged. It's not the right time. I'm already planning on how I will tell Harvey and Uncle Ben, I just need to find the right moment. Apparently, Ryder already knows I'm pregnant, but I trust him not to tell anyone.

The whole way home, Jax is very quiet. His face doesn't reveal anything, but his hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly. I put my hand on his arm, and he smiles.

"I don't like it when you're angry." I hope my voice sounds soothing so he calms down a little bit. To my surprise, he actually does. He removes one hand from the wheel and takes mine in his before he lifts our intertwined hands to his mouth to press a kiss to the back of mine.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking about William. It makes me angry." He laughs, and I smile. William is a horrible, terrible man. There isn't one good thing about him, he doesn't have one decent character trait. It's difficult to forget someone who has done so much damage. "I got raised by a cheater and an asshole. Sometimes I wonder what kind of a man that makes me. What kind of a father I will be. I'm scared I will be like him." I stare at him and saw pure sadness. He's terrified.

"Baby, you're nothing like him. You are loving, courteous, loyal, kind, giving, and countless more good adjectives. You don't have to worry about what kind of a father you will be because you already know. Look at Lily and Jace. You raised them too, and they are turning out to be the most amazing children I have ever met. I know you are going to be incredible and little Jeremy knows it, too." He visibly relaxes and takes a deep breath before he smiles. He's so sexy when he smiles. Everything in my body twists and aches when he smiles.

"Why are you so perfect?" he asks me and squeezes the hand he is still holding.

"Only in your eyes, the most important pair of eyes in my life." He laughs, and I grin.

"That was fucking cheesy." He shakes his head and puts the car in park.

Jax leans over and kisses me firmly. My whole body starts to tingle with the sensation of his kiss. How much I've missed him. He flashes me his dazzling set of teeth as the sexiest smirk spreads over his face. My heart thumps against my rib cage, thinking about what would probably happen next. My cuts have been healing immensely well, and the bruises on my legs luckily don't hurt as badly as they look. The doctor said I'm very lucky to have gotten away this healthy. I know Jessie is the reason why. She was watching over me, protecting me and my three-week-old baby.

We get out of the car, and Jax grabs my hand to lead me to the garage. I watch him, confused by what we're doing. He opens the garage but I keep my eyes on him. It's hard to take them off when his smile takes my breath away. His unique eyes shimmer in the sun, while his hair moves with the wind in such a slow, smooth motion. All I can do is take out my phone and capture this moment. I want to remember it forever. When he catches me, he takes my phone and presses a quick kiss to my lips before turning me around so I face the garage. In it stands a beautiful black 2018 Chevrolet Camaro. It's the same as my wrecked car, just newer.

I turn to look at him, completely caught off guard by this surprise "What the hell? This is mine? Are you crazy? It must have cost a fortune." His only response is a shrug of the shoulders. He hands me the keys, which feel heavier than my old ones, but only because he also put his house key on the same chain. Our house...

"Do you want to take a test drive? She drives wonderfully." I have something very different in mind and when I turn to look at him, he knows exactly what I'm thinking.

Jax and I make our way to the bedroom. I pull my dress over my head, and he pulls his shirt over his. While I study his hard muscles with lust, he studies my bruises and cuts. But then, his eyes linger on my stomach. He can't see anything because I'm not showing yet, but he knows our baby is inside there. I close the distance between us and stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. We're both in desperate need to be intimate with each other again, and our kiss confirms it. His tongue slides inside my mouth with ease, and I moan out of both lust and relief. I run my hands through his hair and tug on the roots when his mouth finds my sweet spot on my neck. The throbbing between my legs increases. Jax's hands wrap around my bare chest to cup my breasts. My hand drops from his neck to his erection, and my body gets even more excited when I feel him get hard. He picks me up and places me on the bed carefully, making sure not to put too much weight on my sore body. Jax breaks our kiss to take off his pants, and his boxers follow seconds later. I slide down my own underwear.

"Should I put on a condom?" he asks, and I lift my finger to his bottom lip.

"Yes. I want us both to get tested again before we take this step." Jax smiles at me and mumbles an 'okay' before sliding a condom down his length. He spreads my legs wide and waits for me to assure him I'm ready.

When he slides inside, we both moan loudly. Everything inside of me catches on fire, and goosebumps trail down my skin. I've missed being this close to him. Jax moves in and out of me while we both scream each other's names, repeatedly and messily. My body is aching in the best ways possible. He gives me sloppy kisses, but mostly focuses on keeping a steady rhythm to make us both feel pleasure. His hands are on each side of my head, and my nails dig into his arms. This feels overwhelmingly good. I can feel him going deeper than ever before, which, for some reason, makes the sex even more incredible. The familiar knot in my stomach builds up with each stroke.

"I love you so much," Jax moans into my ear. His mouth drops to my nipple, and he pulls it into his mouth. My eyes roll into the back of my head, and I feel a strong yet indescribable orgasm wash over me. A scream of pleasure leaves my lips instantly. Jax keeps going until he groans my name, and his legs start to shake as he orgasms. "Fuck," Jax pants, and I smile. We are both completely out of breath and sweating.

"I love you," I tell him, and he gives me a sweet kiss. He slides out of me and a small whimper escapes me.

"Give me a couple of minutes," he says and lets out a small laugh. Jax rolls onto his back and I pout, wanting him to keep touching me. "Okay, okay," he tells me after he sees my disappointed expression. His hands wrap around my ankles, and he spreads my legs.

Jax trails wet kisses along the insides of my thighs, making me crave what is about to come next. I'm dripping, and he knows it. He knows how much I need him and his mouth on me. Jax bends down until his lips are hovering over my most sensitive area. He slightly blows on it before his tongue flicks over it, and I grab the sheets for support. His tongue keeps flicking over my aching chore, and he adds two fingers, which pump in and out of me. I'm a moaning mess under his touch but right before I can come, he flips me around and kisses my back. I hear a condom package being ripped open and seconds later, Jax slams into me from behind. I gasp and hear him moan my name for the twentieth time. This is too damn addictive.

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