Chapter 45

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"Hailey?" Jessie's voice is soft and almost inaudible.

I'm standing in a field full of lilies, yellow roses, and a single coral rose, which rests in my hand peacefully. The sky is blue without a single cloud in sight, the sun shines brightly on my skin, and the never-ending meadow of flowers reflects the sun as if they were mirrors. It's beautiful, peaceful, and familiar. Too familiar.

I look around more, trying to find some kind of clue as to why I know this place. I find nothing, except for a woman, who stands rather far away. I wave at her, and she takes a step forward. With every step, her face becomes clearer and clearer. With every step, my knees grow weaker until I fall to the ground. Jess stops in front of me, both her fists on her hips. Her stunning, curly hair is loose in the wind and a simple smile decorates her face.

"What's wrong, Mami? Why are you on your knees?" Amusement sparkles in her eyes, but I'm too surprised to find this funny. I stand up and hug her.

"How are you here?" But instead of answering, she simply shrugs. She sits down on a chair, one I didn't see before. When she makes a picture of both of us from second grade appear out of nowhere, it hits me.

"I'm dreaming." It isn't a question but she nods anyway. "This is our paradise. The one we dreamed of our whole lives. A place where we could make anything appear, where there was peace. This is how I always imagined it." I smile at her, sitting down on the chair I create by thinking about it. I can't believe my own eyes. This is insane.

"Why are you here?" I ask and her face grows dark.

"I'm here to warn you. There are bad things that are going to happen in your near future. I can't tell you what, but I can tell you this: Jax loves you and baby Jeremy so much he is willing to die for you. Don't let him. Find another way." And with that, she's gone, disappeared into thin air. And so does our paradise.

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