Chapter 53

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Adrianna, Kalia, and Lily are standing around me, admiring the stunning short wedding dress I chose a couple of days ago. The dress is slightly longer in the back than in the front, it's tight around my chest and starts loosening up around my belly button. Lace covers the tight area and wraps around my arms. I don't have shoes because I don't need any. They will be useless since my aisle is on the beach. Adrianna did my simple, blue make-up in less than forty-five minutes. She did a really good job too. It's elegant, yet captivating. The blue of the eyeshadow fits well with my nails. My hair is just as wonderful. I have a few strands of hair sticking out in the front, while the rest of my hair is pulled back in a high ponytail. I'm enchanted by everything, but something is missing in my hair. I don't know what but I have a really strange feeling.

"There is something missing," Adrianna blurts out as if she can read my thoughts. Her fingers wrap around the necklace she's wearing. "Let this be your 'something borrowed'. Jax's father gave this to me on our wedding day. I think it will be nice if you wear it. This way his father will be up there with him." Tears glisten in her eyes. Adrianna puts the necklace around my neck and takes a tissue from the table. "Oh dear, you're so beautiful." I smile at her, tears now forming in my eyes, which I swallow down as soon as I feel them. Adrianna will kill me if I ruin my makeup.

"You really are," Kalia adds from behind Adrianna. I flash her a grin, and she winks at me.

There is a swift knock on the door. All of our heads turn to look who it is. My heart drops when I see Mrs. Mason peaking through the door. Jessie's mom looks older than the last time I saw her. She was still as gorgeous with her long brown hair, which has strands of grey in them.

"Mija." She steps into the room completely, showing off a breathtaking turquoise dress.

More tears welled up in my eyes. The only woman who ever seemed like a mother, who left me when I needed her, stands in my room, on my wedding day. I run towards her, her arms wrapping around me as mine wrap around her.

"Lo siento, amor. Nunca quise abandonarte." I hug her tighter and let her words flow through my head. She never wanted to abandon me, yet she did. But right now, I don't care. I'm so happy she's here with me.

"I missed you so much. I'm glad you're here," I respond in the best Spanish I can master at this moment.

Mrs. Mason steps out of the hug and looks me over. "You are more beautiful than the last time I saw you." She rests her hand on my cheek, and I put my hand over hers. Her eyes drop to my exposed scar on my thigh, but she composes herself quickly. Seeing it obviously brought pain to her. "Your fiance is a very nice man. He flew me and my husband here to surprise you. He said I'm your 'something old', but I shouldn't misunderstand it as me being old. I'm simply something from your old life." We both laugh. Love spreads through my whole body. I can't believe Jax did this. I've never even mentioned the Masons to him.

"Thank you for coming." Mrs. Mason pats my cheek and then leaves the room, along with Kalia, Adrianna, and Lily. I turn around and look at myself in the mirror again, making sure my makeup is still intact.

Harvey sticks his head through my door before his mouth drops in awe. "You look absolutely amazing." His hands hide behind his back as he walks into the room. "I have something for you. It's your 'something new'."

I take the little box from him and untie the ribbon on top of it. It's a silver bracelet with a locket hanging from it. I open it and find a picture of Uncle Ben, Harvey, and me on one side, and a picture of Jax, Jeremy, and me on the other. I stare at it for several seconds. I hug Harvey, thank him multiple times, and then he leaves the room again. I put the bracelet on and admire how light it feels.

The next person to knock on my door is Uncle Ben. He, as well as Harvey, is hiding something behind his back. "I don't need to tell you how perfect you look. You know that already. However, there is something still missing." He hands me a bag, which I open immediately after he gives it to me. I pull out the last thing I ever expected to see. The plain blue, silk bandana Jess always used to wear around her head lies in the bag. My hands start shaking while holding something she wore the day she died.

"It's your 'something blue'." I stare at Uncle Ben, whose face is pulled into a sad expression. I nod, breathing harder and harder, while I tie it around my head. It's exactly what I was missing before.

"Thank you," I tell him in a very shaky voice.

"Are you ready?" He holds out his arm, waiting for me to wrap my hand around it.

Everyone is standing on the beach, watching Jax and I get married. Adrianna holds a sleeping Jeremy tightly in her arms. She was very demanding that no one else holds him during the ceremony. When the time for our vows comes, my throat decides to form a huge clump. Luckily, Jax goes first.

"Hailey, before you came into my life, I had no idea what I was doing. I saw you that day in the restaurant and was intrigued. I wanted to get to know this drop-dead gorgeous stranger with an angelic voice. When you turned me down, I knew I would take you in any way, shape, or form." He chuckles, and his cheeks turn a bright red. I love seeing this side of him. "I love you so much, you can't even imagine. When I left you, I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was giving you a chance to meet someone better, but I was broken. I was broken because the piece that fit all my others together was gone. You are my everything and you have given me the world. Jeremy is the best thing that could have happened to us. Thank you for giving me him. I'm sorry that I have caused you pain, but from now on, I promise I will protect you. I know we will fight, I know you will hurt me and I will hurt you, despite my best efforts, but as long as we always find our way back to each other, those fights won't mean a thing." He stops and stares at me for a few seconds. Everything inside of me turns upside down. I'm really marrying him. Everything I want is coming true. "You are the dream I never thought I could have. You are the reason why breathing is easy. I promise to love you, take care of you, protect you, and cherish you until my heart stops beating." He smiles at me, and a single tear falls from his eye.

"My vows seem kind of boring after this. How do you follow something that beautiful?" I smile, and Jax puts his hand on my cheek. "The first time I saw you, I thought you were dangerous because I knew if I let you in, there would be no going back. I knew you would take all of me, and I was right. You have me, completely and wholeheartedly. I'm yours and you are mine. We have been through a lot, people telling us we shouldn't be together, crazy fathers. We also have had our fair share of sad moments. We have lost people we cared about deeply, but I know they are here with us right now." I put my hand on Adrianna's necklace, and Jax's eyes shift to it as well. His purple-green eyes meet mine again. "There will be hard times, you're right, but there will also be times when we will burst from happiness. Like when Jeremy takes his first steps, or when he speaks his first words, or when we expand our family. I promise I will always love you, even in bad times. I promise I will never give up on us. You have taught me so much, Jax, more than you will ever know, more than anyone will ever know. And I promise I will always be your rock, your nurse, your comforter, whatever you need me to be. Without a doubt, I will love you until the day I die."

Then we bind our love forever with one simple kiss.

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