Chapter 31: The Witching Hour

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As the month of Dayanara's new due date approached. She and Clary were watched over and pampered. Everyone, took shifts looking out for them. Catarina came every week to examine them and make sure they were doing well. Magnus had put extra wards on his apartment. Kane had sent his best guards from beyond the rift.
"I'm kind of starting to feel like a prisoner here. I mean when Magnus, Jace and everyone aren't here. There are guards at the door and guards at the balcony doors. I mean we can't even breathe fresh air." Clary exclaimed one day to Dayanara.
Dayanara chuckled lightly, at her red headed friend's distress.
"You know everyone is just trying to protect us." Dayanara replied.
Clary sighed. "I know, especially since its looking like I'm going first. Have you figured out why that might be?" Clary asked Dayanara in return.
Dayanara shrugged, as she answered. "It probably has something to do with the serum she gave you and the powder she threw at Isobel. As long as I'm pregnant she can make you or someone else pregnant."
Dayanara glanced at Clary before asking. "Aren't you suppose to be on bed rest?"
Clary sighed as she answered. "Yes, Catarina mentioned something about bed rest."
"You know when Simon gets here, he will worry about you if you aren't resting." Dayanara replied to Clary.
She then smiled at her Shadowhunter friend.
"You know, bed rest doesn't have to be actual rest in bed. A couch can work just as well. I'll tweak a few things here and there and you'll be in heaven."
As Dayanara busied herself helping Clary. She couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. When a voice echoed inside her head.
"Yes, I know the time is getting nearer. I've been keeping a close watch on the two of you. If I would have known about the future your twins had in store I would have never sped up your pregnancy. Of course, once I realize what I had a hold of, it was to late to change things. Neither one of you will see me coming and if I can't have these babies don't forget I have an insurance plan in place as well. You should feel honored, you're helping to preserve the Warlock species so Valentine won't wipes us all out." Iris Rouse voice reminded as her voice faded inside her head.
The glass she had been holding slipped from her gasp and shattered on the floor. Sparkling Cranberry spreading all over the floor.
"Dayanara, are you ok?" Clary tried asking her but got no reply.
Dayanara came to as she felt Jace's hand touch hers.
"Dayanara, what is it what's wrong?" Jace asked when he saw worry in her eyes.
"Iris, she's coming. She knows where we are and she plans on making sure she takes Clary's babies, she already has one. Iris reminded me of the insurance plan she put on me. Iris casted a spell on me when I was weak and vulnerable. To insure she was able to take a baby from me.
Jace cupped Dayanara's left cheek in his hand. "Hey, we aren't going to let anything happen to any of these babies or to either of you." Jace promised her.
Dayanara shook her head at first.
"What if you can't, what if she finds a way around all of Magnus wards." She couldn't help but question him.
"She won't, Iris Rouse is powerful. But she isn't as powerful as I am." Came the sound of Magnus's confident and reassuring voice.
Simon smiled at Clary and Dayanara trying to reassure them as well.
"Besides, according to Catarina Clary and you at least two to three weeks to go." Simon said with great confidence.
His words were shattered by what Clary said next.
"I think my water just broke." Clary then looked down at her wet maternity pants. Dayanara looked as well, agreeing with what Clary had just said.
"Yes, I would definitely say that your water has broke. We need to get you cleaned up and into bed. Magnus and Jace can send out fire messages to everyone that is aware of what is going on." When Dayanara finished she turned to Simon.
"Ok Simon, you and I are going to get Clary cleaned up and into a fresh night gown and get her into her bed. By then, Catarina should be here." Dayanara said reassuringly.
Once Dayanara had helped Clary change into clean,dry, nightgown.
Simon helped her get Clary into bed. Dayanara then looked at Simon.
"Are you sure, you want to be here? There is going to be some blood." She said questioning Simon.
"I'll be fine I've eaten today so I'll be fine. I'm not leaving Clary." Simon stated.
Dayanara, turned her attention to Clary trying to reassure her.
"Do you remember how you helped me through my labor when I had Alyssa? Well now I'm going to help you as much as I can while we wait on Catarina to get here." Dayanara gave Clary's hand a small squeeze.
"Ok, now I need you to find something focus on. It will help you breathe through the pain. Clary took hold of Simon's hand.
"Can I hold on to you for a little while Simon?"
Simon just smiled at her. " Clary, you can hold onto my hand and squeeze it all you want to."
A few minutes later, the young vampire was learning what kind of grip Clary had.
As Dayanara, was coaching Clary through another round of contractions. Catarina arrived to take over. Magnus was gathering up things that Catarina had asked for. He had sent Jace and Alec out to get the few things that he didn't have.

Dayanara, carefully made her way out of Clary's room. Making her way to the guest room that Magnus had given her once more. As she climbed into her bed to rest. Dayanara inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. She let herself relax as the softness of her bed wrapped around her. Today was going to be a long day for everyone.

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