Chapter 43: All the King's Horses

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Dayanara sighed as she continued to cut up vegetables and dumped them in to the pot on the stove. She had escaped back to one of the places her father had as an emergency hide away. She rubbed her back as she turned to call out to her children.

"Alyssa, Ezra, Nova time for you to get cleaned up for dinner."

Six months had passed and she was now in her seventh month of her pregnancy. The nausea during this pregnancy had lessened but hadn't gone away. There were brown streaks in her normally violet locks. Dayanara's magick was on the fritz as well.
Which only led her to believe that she had to be carrying Jace's baby. However, this time there seem to be something different about it as well. With her magick not being that dependable, Dayanara had decided that it would be best if the children didn't use their magick either unless it were important.
A kick to her ribs from the inside, knock her from her thoughts.
"Alright. I get the idea. Time for us to have dinner too." Dayanara said as she rubbed her large belly.
She smiled at Alyssa who was now four, as she and her almost two half, half brother and sister. As they played with their food while eating.

A few minutes later, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up on end. Dayanara, felt as if she was being watched.
"You ok mommy?" Came the sound of Alyssa soft worried voice.
Quickly making the worry disappear from her face.
"Yes, Alyssa sweetheart Mommy is okay." Dayanara answered her daughter with a small smile.
Even though she said that she was okay. Dayanara couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. When another set of kicks hit her ribs. She was reminded that they would have to go back soon. There were emotional demons that she had to face with Jace, with him being the heir to the Herondale family.

Dayanara looked over at Alyssa as she was finishing up her dinner. Her blonde curly hair and blue-gold eyes. Were a reminder that Alyssa was a Herondale now too and not a Wayland.
The scars left by Jace's great great grandfather were deep. She wasn't sure if or when she would be put back together again.
Alyssa was in their bedroom playing with the twins as Dayanara busied herself cleaning up after dinner. It was then she thought she heard something skidder across the floor. Turning quickly away from the sink. She gasped when she saw a Shax demon crawling across the floor. A flash of purple magick shot out of her left hand killing the Shax demon.

This wasn't good at all. Where there was one Shax demon there were always more. Dayanara, knew her magick wasn't very reliable right now. Going to the kids bedroom, she quietly closed the door behind her.

"Alyssa, sweet heart you know how Mommy said not to use your magick? Well Mommy is telling you that you can use them. I need you to think about Magnus and take your brother and sister with you." Dayanara explained as she put on the twins harnesses.
"Stay with Lyssa ok." She said to the twins as she kissed their foreheads.
Turning to Alyssa, she kissed her forehead as she handed the leads to the twins harnesses to Alyssa.
"I know this is something big Mommy is asking. But I need you to hold on to Ezra and Nova as tight as you can and think about Magnus and Daddy. I'm going to open a portal to Magnus just keep thinking about him and the portal will get the three of you there." Dayanara said to her daughter as gently as she could.

Closing her eyes to focus on drawing all the magick she could into her hands to open a portal to Magnus's. A golden portal suddenly popped in the bedroom just as a bunch of Shax demons started to slam their bodies against the bedroom door.

Dayanara focused on her children once more, as Alyssa looked up at her  Mom. Dayanara nodded to them as Alyssa and the twins took a step forward. Ezra and Nova gripped their big sisters hands as they went through the portal together.

The only thing Dayanara could hope for was that they made it to Magnus or Jace without a scratch.
As she did her best to prepare for the one sought of Shax demons that were just outside of her door.  How had they managed to find them, she and her children had been so very careful with their magick so there wouldn't be a trail for anyone to follow. So how had she been found?
Magnus was taken by surprise when a portal suddenly opened in his living room. As were the two male Shadowhunters sitting in his living room. What was even more surprising was seeing his four year old goddaughter, Alyssa Ravenlight Herondale as they all had just learned several months ago. Beside her stood his two year old twins, Ezra and Nova Bavol-Bane.

It had been over six month since any of them had seen them. Though the twins let go of Alyssa's hands and ran toward Magnus the moment they saw him. Alyssa hung back toward the portal keeping it open.

"Oh, my little prince and princess thank goodness your ok. Look how much you've grown!" Magnus exclaimed as he hugged the twins. He then looked up at Alyssa.

Noticing that the portal was still open. Magnus spoke to his god daughter.

"What is it my little butterfly, where is your Mom? How come you came hear without her?"Magnus then questioned.

Alyssa turned her head to look at her Daddy before looking back to Magnus.

"Mommy, sent us to be safe and to get help. Someone sent nasty Shack demons after Mommy." Alyssa answered. Both men's eyes widen at her words.

"Alec, would you mind staying with the kids." Jace asked as he got ready to step through the portal.

"Do you really think you should be the one going? After all she bolted the second she found out that you're a Herondale, the great, great grandson of a man that tried to kill her." Alec questioned.

Jace just shook his head. "I'm not going to hold that against her. I still love her, we'll get through this it may take some time. But now that I have a way to get to her I'm going. You're not changing my mind, Alec."

"Then I'm coming as well. That is if Alec doesn't mind watching the children?" Magnus says.

"Are you two really going to give me a choice?" Alec asked as he looked at both his Parabati and his boyfriend.

When neither said any thing Alec responded.

"I didn't think so." Alec said with a small smile.

Jace looked over at his Parabati one more time before disappearing through the portal with Magnus. Jace wasn't sure if he would be able to fix everything with Dayanara. Hell, he wasn't sure if all the king's horses and all the king's men, could fix what was broken between them right now but he sure as hell was going to try.

He'd do anything to prove he wasn't his great- great grandfather. Jace could only pray to the Angel that he and Magnus would make it to Dayanara's side. She had to be at least seven months pregnant and he didn't know if she had her magick still.

A/N: Sorry for the very extremely late chapter. My unexpected pregnancy has been a roller coaster. As has moving into our own home. Since my due date is fast approaching, I just knew I had to give you guys a chapter. This chapter is shorter then planned. The rest of this chapter will be included in Chapter 44: Walk Though Fire. Thanks so much for reading enjoy!
Brenna Long

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