Chapter 34: Not Afraid Anymore

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Alec dapped at the cut on Magnus's right cheek cleaning the blood from it.
"I still can't believe that Iris played us the way she did." Alec said as he continued to clean Magnus's cheek.
"I'm afraid some of that was my fault. I let her gloating get to me and I played right into her hands. Iris got under my skin the second she threatened my family." Magnus admitted.
"So she threatened the twins? Alec questioned.
"No, Alec she didn't just threatened twins. She threatened all of you. If these last two years have taught me anything, it's that I have the family I never dreamed of. As a Warlock, I never dreamed of having a family the conventional way. Then Dayanara came into our lives and life as I knew turned on it's head. Magnus explained.
"Maybe but from what I see it was for the better." Alec said as he leaned in to capture Magnus's lips in a kiss.
"We have Jace back and out of Valentines hands. I've never seen Jace this happy. I'll have to admit it wasn't easy for me. I didn't trust Dayanara or Clary and I was a little jealous at first. But you're right they are family."
Alec said as he continued his ministrations to his lover.
From Magnus's lips, Alec placed a feathery kiss on his bandaged cheek. He then nipped at his earlobe, before moving to kiss Magnus's neck. As Alec made his way down his neck. Then started to place kisses across Magnus's chest.
"To what do I owe this pleasure to my Darling." Magnus asked his dark haired shadowhunter.
"We're alive and I never get tired of showing you how much I love you." Alec said as he continued to place kisses across his chest.
Alec's lips soon brushed against the mark on Magnus's chest that bonded him to Dayanara. Magnus felt his toes curls the second Alec's lips touched the raised tattooed skin.
"Oh My Angel, Alec!" Magnus exclaimed, he had never in over four hundred years been this close to an orgasm from just one little kiss.
Alec stopped and looked up at Magnus.
"Magnus, did you just..."- Alec asked before stopping.
"Yes, Darling I did indeed. In all my years, I have never felt anything like it before." Magnus confessed.
"Can you remember if it was always this sensitive?" Alec questioned.
"No Alexander, I've never experienced that before. I think I would remember." replied
"I'll have to remember that it's sensitive now. Now where were we?" Alec questioned the High Warlock.
"I believe you were showing me how much you loved me." Magnus said reminding him.
Alec smiled up at him.
"That's right I was wasn't I."
He then gently slipped his mouth over Magnus's cock, bringing orgasm after orgasm. After the end of his last climax of an orgasm. Magnus's cat eyes glowed as he looked over at Alex.
"One great pleasure after another deserves one in return. I'm dear sweet angel, it's your turn." He said as he turned his attention to Alec.
Three days later
Dayanara stretched as she started to wake up. She felt great this morning, all her aches and pains had disappeared.
"By the Angel your awake!" Came the worried and relieved voice of Jace.
Dayanara then remembered the twins and everything that had happened.
"Erza, Nova are they ok where are they?
What about Alyssa?" Dayanara asked as she questioned Jace.
Jace just smiled at her.
"They are fine Alec and Magnus are babysitting them, Magnus insisted. Besides I think he is enjoying introducing Alyssa to them. I'm thinking we have a jealous two year old on our hands." Jace informed her.
"Why do you say that?" Dayanara asked
All of a suddenly a golden yellow light filled the room and a two year old Alyssa was sitting on the floor. Curly golden locks falling about her head and her little mouth turned down in a frown as her golden eyes looked from Dayanara to Jace. Jace bent down and lifted her into his arms.
"Come princess don't you want to spend time with Uncle Alec and Magnus?"
"No, no go. Stay here ith daddy." Alyssa said as she pouted.
All of a sudden Alec came rushing into their apartment and to their room.
"Oh thank the Angel, she's here. Alyssa keeps disappearing. I think Magnus is getting a kick out of watching me panic and run after her."
Alec replied as he collapsed on to the floor trying to catch his breath.
Dayanara stifled a laugh as she took in Alec's form sprawled out on the floor.
"Aww, see Alyssa all your disappearing has worn Uncle Alec out he can barely move."
Climbing down out of Jace's arms. Alyssa made it over to her Uncle that was laying on the floor.
"I sorwhee, Owwec." Alyssa said as she crawled on top of her Uncle Alec and laid her head on his chest.
"It's just that you gave us a scare sweetheart. You just can't run away like that. I don't have powers like you and Magnus. We want to keep you safe we can't do that if you don't stay with us. We all love you very much and just because you have a new baby brother and sister doesn't mean we stopped loving you. It just means there's more to give ok." Alec said to his niece.
He then sat up taking her into his arms.
"What do you say to going back to Magnus and Erza and Nova. I'm sure Magnus has some cookies waiting for you." Alec asked his little niece.
Her curly hair bounced as she nodded her head yes. Alec smiled as he stood up holding her in his arms. Alec then gave his Parabatai a wink.
"Ok, We'll see Mommy and Daddy a little later. Alec said to Alyssa as the started walking for the door.
Once Jace and Dayanara were alone. Jace took his jacket off and hung it on the back of a chair. Before making his way over to the bed and sitting.
"Are you sure you're ok. I mean I know you were asleep for two days, but are you sure you're ok." Jace questioned the female Nephilock.
Dayanara just smiled at him. "Speed healing remember so I'm fine." She said trying to reassure him.
"I'm glad to hear that, there is been something I've been wanting to do for a while, now and we keep getting interrupted." Jace confessed.
He then crawled up on the bed and captured Dayanara's lips with his own. She returned the kiss in kind. Until it became much more heated. Dayanara grabbed the bottom of Jace's shirt and started to pull it up over his head. She then ran her hands down his chest as Jace continued to kiss her. Dayanara's night gown soon found its way to the floor. As Jace continued his ministrations to her. As he slid to fingers into her folds he was taken by surprise at how wet she already was. Jace then slid his cock deep inside her as they both reach the height of their climax together. After their fourth time, they both sagged against one another sweat glistening against they skin.
"That was incredible! I've been with others before but it was never like this." Jace confessed as he rolled onto his back.
Dayanara rested her chin on his shoulder.
"You know I never got a chance to answer you before all of the craziness started. Yes, I'll marry you. Though I'm not sure there is a perfect time. Things are different now that Magnus and I are connected too. Though I'm trying to ignore it."
"We can plan it however you want. As for everything else we'll figure it out soon so will Magnus. Things may be intense for awhile but I'm sure he and Alec can handle it. After all you and I being thrown together was accident." Jace said as he looked into Dayanara's eyes as the shifted to her cat eyes.
"Look how well that is going. I have the hottest female Nephilock in town." Jace said with a smile.
Dayanara countered his words.
"I'm the only one in town."
"That's even better." Jace said as he gave her a passion filled kiss.

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