Chapter 39: Hidden

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Dayanara just couldn't shaking this feeling she was having. Everything had been quiet since she had healed and woken up from being poisoned over 3 months ago. She glanced out the window at the bare tree limbs. It was now January and the air teased that snow was coming.
"It's been too quiet I don't like it." Dayanara whispered out loud.
Hearing a commotion behind her, Dayanara turned to find Jace trying to juggle two diapers bags, and push the one year old twins in their stroller. All while trying to hold on to his three year old daughter.
Dayanara found herself giggling at the sight. "I'm sorry I'm letting my thoughts get the better of me. Here let me help, this diaper bag goes under the stroller in the basket. The second one can hang off the back of the stroller." Dayanara said to Jace. She then pointed out the one handed handle on the stroller.
"Ok, let me grab my jacket and we'll head out." Picking up her jacket Dayanara turned to look at Jace.
"Are you sure we should be dropping them off at Clary and Simon's. I mean, you saw how Alyssa was after Ezra and Nova was born." Dayanara questioned unable to hide how worried she was.
"They will be fine and remember Clary and Simon offered." Jace answered in turn.
"What if she accidentally purifies Simon. When her powers get out of hand. Oh by the Angel, what if she uses her powers on Emma or Thomas." Dayanara blurted out as her anxiety started to spiral just a bit.
Setting Alyssa down to play with her favorite stuffed butterfly and kitty. Jace walked over to Dayanara and rested his hands on her shoulders.
"Dayanara, breathe everything is going to be fine. Alyssa will be fine and it's not like Simon is going to be by himself with her. He'll have Clary and Jocelyn there with him." Jace said looking into her honey brown colored eyes.
Dayanara nodded her head in response as she spoke.
"Ok, ok you're right. You're right, everything will be fine. But don't get use to it." Dayanara warned as she lifted Alyssa up into her arms with her favorite toys and walking toward the door.
"Don't get use to what?" Jace questioned as he    grabbed the stroller to follow Dayanara and Alyssa from the apartment.
"Being right." Dayanara answered as she turned to look at Jace as he closed the door behind him.
A thought then came to Dayanara. "What did you all tell the institute after Clary had Thomas and Emma?" Dayanara asked.
"With the help with a few allies we just made it seem that Jocelyn and Clary had moved to Idris. Jocelyn has a friend there willing to help out. She has to report in later this week with her mom." Jace explained to Dayanara.
Once making it to Simon and Clary's Dayanara did her best to keep a smile on her face. She couldn't stop the uneasiness she felt.
It had felt weird to be able to be herself for awhile.
"Are you sure the three of you will be able to handle four one year olds and a temperamental three year old with Angelic powers?"Dayanara couldn't help but ask.
"It's just that Alyssa has been acting out lately and I don't want anything to happen to anyone." Dayanara said unable to hide her worry.
"Dayanara, don't worry. We'll be fine and I'm sure Alyssa will be on her best behavior." Clary said with a warm smile as she hugged her.
"Besides, I got her a finger paint set to help keep her a little busy." Clary confessed to Dayanara and Jace.
Dayanara was about to say something when her phone rang . Looking down at the number, Dayanara looked at her friends.
"Excuse me, I need to take this." Dayanara said as she slipped out the front door to the hallway.
"What's was that about Jace?" Clary asked looking at her blonde friend.
"I don't know." Jace said as he watched Dayanara disappear. out the front door.
"Hello." Dayanara said into her phone.
"Oh, thank the Angel! We were beginning to think the poison killed you. Every time we called someone else answered."
"We found her, we found Mia. We have been hiding with her for awhile. With you out of commission, we didn't know who to trust. We barely trust each other, you know." Said a male voice on the phone in a teasing tone.
"I can't portal to you. So we'll have to take the long way." The male voice said.
"Yes, you can Jax she can't track you here.just do it in the next three minute. Does she still have the charm I sent? What about the elixir, I gave Holly?"
"Yes, she's wearing the charm and she's been getting the elixir a little every day. I don't know how it managed to last this long. Especially, with you being out of commission." Jax said into the phone.
"It was part of the spell I used when I made it the bottle was to refill as you needed it to. I'll be happy when I don't have to use it." Dayanara said in return.
"We're on our way Dayanara." Jax said into the phone.
Dayanara took a white power out of her pocket and poured it on the ground in the place Jax's portal would appear. It would keep Iris or any other Warlock in the area from sensing the portal.
A second later a Warlock with piercing blue eyes wavy blonde hair with small horns in front near his forehead, stepped out. Behind him stepped a female Shadowhunter, with short brown hair done in a pixie cut. She had stunning violet eyes. In her arms was a little girl about a year old with dark curly red hair. Her eyes were a beautiful crimson color, before turning a dark green color.
"Hi, Mia I'm your Aunt Nara can I hold you? I have some friends that have been wanting to meet you." Dayanara said as she held her arms out to Mia, after a few seconds Mia decided to to go to her. She then touched her forehead to Dayanara's her eyes glowing their crimson color , showing her the only images of Clary she had. After she was born before Iris had taken her from Clary.
"She's your momma sweet heart. She forgot you for a little while but she remembers you a little and has missed you. You have a brother and sister to." Dayanara replied to Mia.
Dayanara turned to look at Jax and Holly to find them kissing.
"Oh yes, I see how you despise each other." She said raising an eyebrow.
"With your cloaking spell no one can see us. We rarely get to see each other." Holly said as she captured Jax's lips before running her fingers over his horns.
"Don't touch the horns, or I won't be able to control myself." Jax warned Holly.
"One day you won't have to hide. The Klave won't be able to touch us. I promise you both. We will be free to be with who we want." Dayanara said some of her magick was spilling out around her creating a purple aura around her. Jax and Holly bowed to her discreetly. Over come by her magick aura.
Dayanara waved her hand and a door appeared behind Jax and Holly. 
"This will give you twenty-four hours. Try not to get caught together and no portals. I'm sure Iris is still looking for Mia."
"If it doesn't work out with her family. I'd gladly take her back and raise her as my own. You could challenge the High Warlock of Brooklyn for his title." Jax said still seeing a slight purple aura around Dayanara.
"I have no desire for his title. He is a friend of mine. I would never take that from him. And you should never disrespect him." Dayanara said in warning.
"I would never dream of disrespecting Magnus Bane, love. But there are others that would. Especially since he's with a Lightwood." Jax said.
"He's not just with a Lightwood. He's with me too. The four of us have a arrangement. So be careful what you say. Two powerful Warlocks with two powerful Shadowhunters. So keep that in mind." Dayanara warned as she held Mia. She then pulled a envelope from inside her coat and threw it at Jax and Holly your payments are there and the room enjoy." Dayanara said before getting ready to turn away.
She then looked back at Jax and Holly. If the two of you ever want to be together in more then one way, come see me again." Dayanara watched as Jax waved at her. Before he and Holly disappeared into the magic door.
"Ok, little one time to take you home and meet some very nice people." Dayanara said taking hold of the door knob to open the door.
Jace greeted her as she stepped inside and closed the door.
"Nara, what's going on, everything ok? Who's this little one?" Jace asked with a bright smile.
"This is Mia, Jace." Dayanara replied.
"Wait you mean Mia as in stolen baby Mia?" Jace asked.
Before Dayanara could reply Mia reached over to touch her forehead to Jace's.
"Whoa! She's Clary's first child. What was all that?" Jace questioned Dayanara.
"It's part of her powers and how she communicates. I think she may be mute. Only time and a check-up from Catarina will tell." Dayanara said in return.
"Clary, Simon, Jocelyn there's someone here I think you should meet." Dayanara said as they looked over at her and Jace from playing with the other five children.
Clary was the first to stand and take a small step towards them.
"Is that who I think that is?" Clary asked slowly, tears starting to form in her green eyes.
"This is Mia Fairchild your stolen first child. She's only a few months older then Emma and Thomas." Dayanara explained to Clary.
Mia quickly touched her forehead to Dayanara's as a small smile formed on her lips. As she asked Dayanara her question.
"She is sweetheart. This is your real Mommy." Dayanara said in response to all of Mia's memories flipping through Dayanara's mind.
Mia then reached out toward Clary. Who gently takes Mia from Dayanara.
Once in Clary's arms Mia grins at Clary as she presses her forehead to Clary's sharing every memory she had of Clary from birth. The first moment she saw Clary and Clary saw her. The memory of Clary giving Mia here name.
"Mia Heart Fairchild, my little Mia."
Tears started to fall as Clary took in the memories from her first born daughter.
"I'm so sorry I forgot you. I didn't have a choice. But I have you now and no one will take you away from me again. Come on Mia,  time for you to meet your family." Clary said  as she took Mia to meet Simon, her mother, sister, brother and cousins.
Dayanara leaned into Jace's embrace as she watched Clary introduce Mia to Simon and her mother, Jocelyn and Mia touching her forehead to theirs sharing her memories with them. Before Clary sat her on the floor to meet Emma and Thomas. Alyssa, Ezra and Nova became curious about Mia as well.
"Is there anything else that you haven't told me yet?" Jace asked.
Dayanara bit her lips as she answered him.
"No, why would you ask?" Dayanara asked calmly.
"Because you didn't tell any of use that you were looking for Mia." Jace said in return.
"I was going to tell all of you once I was sure I had found her. The whole being stabbed and poisoned put a hold on that. But I'll try to remember to tell you everything the next time I'm dying." Dayanara said in a sarcastic tone.
Jace then placed a kiss to Dayanara's  cheek.
"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to start a fight with you, Nara. If Clary and Simon think they can handle five, one year olds and an almost four yr old. Maybe we can try to have our alone time." Jace said in a playful tone.

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