Chapter 1: Are You In or Out

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"There has to be some thing we can do to reach Jace. Just because he believes that there is no goodness in him, because Valentine raised him. Doesn't mean that he's right, I know there is light in him. Jace just can't see it anymore that's all." Clary pouted to Alec and Izzy.

Alec and Isabelle Lightwood shared a look, before Izzy decided to speak.

"There may be something we can do or someone who could help. Though the Clave won't be happy if they find out."

"Izzy." Alec chided his sister

"What, so you don't want to help Jace?"

Alec frowned at his sister, "Or course I want to help Jace. I just don't know if we should involve her is all."

Izzy frowned back at him. "Do you have a better idea, Alec?"

Alec looked away from his sister. "No, but do you know how much trouble we could get in."

Izzy just smiled at her brother, " Like that has stopped us before. Dayanara Bavol is the perfect person to help us. Besides I love a challenge."

Isabelle's words confused Clary. "What's going to be so challenging about getting Dayanara to help us?"

"The Clave has her locked up in a room right here inside of the institute. Isabelle stated matter of factly.

"So she's a criminal?" Clary asked.

"No, the Clave, just sees her as an abomination. Dayanara is half Shadowhunter and half Warlock. Word is that she has wings when she is locked in a battle. Or at least that is the rumor. After all warlocks can't have children, yet she exists."

"You forgot to mention one other thing to Clary, Isabelle ."

"We have to find a warlock willing to help us get through the barrier they placed around her room." Alec informed Clary as he leaned against the far wall, crossing his arms across his chest.

Alec then locked eyes with Clary.

"Before you even say it, don't you think we've asked enough from Magnus?"

Clary countered by asking, "Don't you think we should leave that up to Magnus? If he won't help us then we'll find someone else who is willing to."

Neither of them got to say another word, before a voice interrupted them.

"My ears are burning it must mean that someone is talking about me."

Alec was surprised by his appearance. "Magnus, what are you doing here?"

"I figured it would be easier, if I came to you for a change. Besides I had a feeling you were going to ask me for help."

Alec moved to stand in front of him. "You don't have to do this, Magnus. We can find someone else to help us."

Magnus frowned at him. "Well now I'm hurt, Alec. I came all this way to see you and now you don't want my help. Didn't Clary just say it was my choice to make?"

"Yes, of course it is your choice to make. I just think that we have already asked so much of you all ready." Alec voiced.

"It's one of the reasons I love you. So direct and commanding, however Alec my pet I must say I'm going to help you. Especially if it will stick it to the Clave. What is it you need me to do?"

Clearing his throat Alec told Magnus what they needed from Magnus.

"We need you to break through a magical barrier."

Moments later, they found themselves standing in front of the door that held the person they wanted to free. Magnus looked from Alec to Clary before speaking.

"Just who is it that we are freeing when I remove the barrier that is on this room. It's not one of mine, but the one that placed it here had enormous power, they died some time ago. It's a wonder that the person inside hasn't broken out before this."

Starting his work on the barrier. Magnus asked, "I'm guessing this plan has something to do with helping Jace. Who is it that we are helping out of here?"

"Her name is Dayanara Bavol."

Magnus made a jester toward the door. " There all done, now tell me why does that name sound familiar to me."

Alec reached the door first with Magnus standing next to him. Allowing light to filter into the room in front of them.

"I was wondering when the four of you were coming."

"You must be a Lightwood." Dayanara said, looking straight at Alec.

Her gaze then fell on the man standing next to him. For a brief second, she could have sworn her heart stopped.


Words escaped Nara as she stood there staring at them. The memory of her mother's words came to her.

"No matter what happens, find Magnus he can help protect you."

Protect her, protect her, where was he when she had needed help. She had been locked up in here for a century or three and no one had come for her until now. All because they wanted her help with Jace Wayland.

'Well it beats being locked up in here.'

Alec wore a look of confusion as he glanced at her.

"How did you know that there would be four of us?"

"I had a vision. I knew there would be four of you, just not who. Now if we're going to get out of here we'd better get moving."

Magnus used a portal to transport them out of the institute.

Stepping out of the portal Dayanara smiled she was free. Free to live a life she hadn't had. Free to do what she could to find her own happiness, after so much darkness had blanketed it.

"Well since you freed me. I guess I owe you a favor or two. So what is it you are hoping that I can help you with that your warlock can't?"

Magnus took a moment to really look at Dayanara she was of small build, 4'11" to 5 ft tall. She had a few curves not quite an hour glass figure. Her purple hair was cropped short and wild. Her brown eyes were soft yet sad and yet, he found that Dayanara was rather stunning to look at.

'Why does her name seem so familiar? Like I've said it before. Bavol, Bavol Stefan Bavol. Of course he was the warlock that was killed a three centuries ago and his love of a Shadowhunter gave forth to this warlock hybrid. But no one know how it was possible.'

Magnus's attention turned back to Alec and the others at the sound of Dayanara's soft laugh.

"So let me get this straight you have a friend that you think is drowning in darkness and you think I'm the cure."

Magnus continued to watch not saying a word.

'Oh but you are my sweet you just don't know it yet.'

Magnus then waved his hands in the air gesturing toward his friends and their guest.

"Well this has been nice but if we're going to be any use to Jace we all better get some shut eye don't you think. Dayanara there's a spare room down the hall to your left you can use. Alec your more then welcome to stay as well."

Alec walked over to Magnus and looked deep into his eyes.

"As tempting as that sounds I think I should sleep in my bed tonight."

He then gave Magnus a deep lingering kiss before leaving to call it a night.

(A/N: Thank you to anyone who is taking the time to check this story out.)

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