Chapter 49: Haunted

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Warning: This chapter has sexual scenes that may make some readers uncomfortable. Reader discretion is advised.
Clary and Jocelyn came in the early afternoon, were there had been crying and a lot of hugging as Dayanara cried on their shoulders over her lost daughter. Magnus had taken leave earlier to spend some much needed time alone with Alec.
Meliorn had been mystified by Dayanara's transformation.
"This makes us family now. Though there is something else that is different that I can't but my finger on it yet." Meliorn had said as he gave Dayanara a gentle smile.
Dayanara had been in pain for almost a day. But she kept telling Jace and Magnus she was fine. She had excused herself, to their bedroom before Meliorn and Izzy had left with Zane. 
Alec was playing with his 5 month old nephew, Zane. When Jace pulled Meliorn aside to ask the question he had. "Do you know what we can do to ease Dayanara's pain. She keeps telling us she's fine but both Magnus and I can feel the pain she is in through the mark."
Meliorn smiled as he looked at Magnus and then back at Jace. "Did Magnus not tell you?" Meliorn asked in a amused tone.
"No, he didn't tell me anything that could help." Jace said in a firm tone as he stared daggers at the High Warlock.
Who refused to look at Jace, before grabbing a glass of wine off of a tray and downing it and picking up another, downing it as well.
"It may have slipped my mind as I knew Alexander, wouldn't be fond of the idea." Magnus said before downing a third glass.
Izzy eyed Alec and then Magnus, choosing to remain quiet for now.
"Besides, we're home now and Dayanara has Jace to help with those needs as well as pain relief." Magnus said trying to turned the conversation from him.
"It maybe that she is bonded to Jace. But it wasn't Jace who was present when she became a Seelie you were. So would you not agree that she would benefit more from being able to physically touch you? As much as it pains me to say you both just had to give up a child recently." Meliorn, said as he continued to eye Magnus before looking at Alec.
"I'm going to go check on Dayanara." Jace said as he excused himself from the room.
"Well, we should get going, isn't that right Isabelle." Meliorn said as he shared a look with Isabelle.
"Yes, we should be heading out. It's almost time for Zane's feeding and nap." Isabelle said before taking her son from her brother.
"I'll talk to you later about that special assignment I've been on." Sharing a knowing look with Alec. He nodded in acknowledgment.
"Besides, it seems you and Magnus have some things to discuss it would seem." Izzy said looking between Alec and Magnus.
"But please feel free to reach out, if Dayanara were to need to talk to a Seelie. I am curious to see how all of this turns out.
Meliorn and Izzy with baby Zane in tow showed themselves out the door.
Alec then turned to look at Magnus. "Did you think that it would bother me that much?" He asked his Warlock lover.
"Yes, because I promised it was only you and then all this madness has happened and I was afraid if I told you that being with Dayanara would help with my own pain you might take it the wrong way." Magnus said as he picked up a dram of rum and poured himself a glass.
Alec then noticed how much Magnus was trying not to look in the direction of Jace and Dayanara's bedroom.
A thin sheen of sweat was building on his brow. Magnus then suddenly bit back a moan.
"Magnus, did you just?" Alec started to ask.
Magnus interrupted him first.
"I'm guessing you'd like to..." Alec continued.
"You have no idea how much. But I'd be happy to show you." Magnus said as he found himself pushing Alec down onto the couch. His lips crashed down onto Alec's so hard and fast that his breath was taken from him. Magnus's hands found their way under Alec's shirt feeling his way up his sculpted torso all the way to his firm chest. Before long Magnus decided that Alec's shirt was in the way and he gave it a yank ripping open the front. His hard erection was staining against the front of his pants.
Alec pulled out of their kiss panting.
"How about what you do with Dayanara while I'm at work is your business and we don't mention it unless it somehow involves the both of us." Alec said as he frantically did his best to rid Magnus of his own shirt. He was about to kiss Magnus again when he noticed that the mark he shared with Dayanara was still glowing like it had earlier in the day.
"You know this could get more interesting if we were in a hotel room somewhere." Alec said with a smile.
"Oh something ritzy it is." Magnus said as he snapped his fingers. Whisking them away to a more private venue.  They would have the kids for the next two days. Before, Magnus had to go to a meeting of Warlocks.
Clary and Simon had agreed to watch Alyssa, Ezra and Nova if Dayanara wasn't back to herself when Magnus and Jace had to leave for their respective trips.

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