Chapter 32: Witching Hour Part 2

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Dayanara let out another breath, as she tried to relax and try not to focus on to much of what was going on.
Then there was a knock at the door, before Jace poked his head into the room.
"Hey, just thought I'd bring you some tea. The flavor was Magnus's idea actually."
Dayanara tried to give Jace her best smile as he came into the room. He then sat the cup of tea on the bed stand.
"Thank you Jace, some tea sounds great!"
As she reached over to take a sip of tea.
"You said this was Magnus's idea?"
"He thought the ginger in the tea might help the nausea you've been feeling.
Jace raised an eyebrow as he looked at Dayanara. That was when a thought came to him.
"Dayanara, are you in labor?" He asked his Nephilock lover and mother to his daughter.
"Nope, not in labor besides everyone is busy helping Clary. They don't have time for me to be in labor too." Dayanara stated with confidence.
"Clary just delivered a girl and a boy. So I think everyone would be able to help." Jace said trying to reassure her.
"Not, in labor Jace just trying to relieve some of the pain in my back. Dayanara said in return.
Just then there was another knock at her bedroom door.
"Knock, knock kitten, did the tea help at all?" Magnus asked coming into the room.
"Dayanara, Jace what's going on?" Magnus asked as he took in the expressions of both of them.
"Nothing." Dayanara stated.
"She's in labor, Magnus." Jace respond back.
Magnus took a few steps closer to the bed. Dayanara started to respond to his words."
" I am not..." Was Dayanara's reply when she stopped mid sentence.
A startled expression came over her face.
"Oh crap, my water just broke."
Dayanara, then started to cry. "No, no I can't have these babies now. If I do Iris will come for them. I've felt her thoughts they are all she thinks about besides her granddaughter." She tried to stifle a sob as she continued to talk.
"They weren't even supposed to be born now!"
Magnus gave her right a hand a squeeze, while Jace gave her left one a squeeze.
"We won't let anything happen kitten,I promise. I'm going to go get Catarina."
Jace stopped him right outside the door.
"Magnus, hang on a second. Why don't you stay here with Nara and I'll get Catarina. The minute that first baby is born you are going to get some intense emotion from that mark on you chest trust me I know." Jace explained.
"It won't change your feelings for Alec. But it may intensify the feelings you have for Nara. The pull from the mark can be a lot." Jace then confessed.
"I'm sure I'll be fine Jace, but thank you." Magnus replied as he turned to go get Catarina.
Jace sighed as he closed the door and turned back to Dayanara.
She gave him a small smile. "You can't make him do anything he doesn't want to do. He is after all Magnus Bane."
"I was just trying to make this easier for him." Jace confessed.
"Nothing about any of this is easy Jace. Alec is the love of Magnus's life right now. For some reason the Universe thought it would be funny to throw me in the middle." Dayanara said as a sarcastic laugh escaped her lips. She gripped Jace's hand as another contraction hit. 
"You know, when I first met Magnus I thought he was arrogant and selfish, in a way I guess he is but in a good way it helps him protect the people he cares about." Dayanara confessed.
"What did you think you think of me?" Jace asked out of curiosity.
"I thought you were an arrogant, pretty boy, who thought he could do whatever he wanted. But I also thought you were kind of cute." Dayanara admitted.
She squeezed Jace's hand harder as another contraction rocked through her body.
"It's going to be ok you got this." Jace said giving her a boost of encouragement.
Dayanara did her best to continue breathing through her contractions. When her grip suddenly tightened on Jace's hand. As she was hit by a much bigger contraction.
"Where's Catarina, the baby's coming I need to push now!" Dayanara almost screamed at Jace.
Catarina rushed into the room with a small flourish.
"Okay, looks like its just about time to welcome some more babies into the world. Alright, Dayanara when you feel the next contraction push."
Jace looked at Dayanara. "You can do this."
At the next contraction, she bared down as hard as she could. To hear Catarina reply back. "That's it it's coming I see a beautiful dark head of hair. Push again its almost here."
After two more pushes the cries of a newborn filled the air once more.
"Congratulations, Dayanara you and Magnus have a son." Catarina announced
Dayanara gave the baby a small smile. Before another contraction hit.
"I really want to hold him but, his sibling isn't waiting." Dayanara said as she spoke to Catarina.
"Just remember to breath, Dayanara."
With a little blue colored magic from her hands the baby was clean as if it had just had a bath.
"I'll be right back, I'm just going to see if anyone wants to hold him.
"Magnus, you have a son would you like to hold him?" Catarina asked her friend and High Warlock.
Magnus didn't answer her at first until he felt Alec caress his shoulder.
"Why don't you hold him, Alec. I want to make sure everything goes all right with Dayanara." Magnus said before walking away.
Catarina gave Alec a small smile as she placed the tiny baby into Alec's arms. She placed a hand on Alec's shoulder.
"He'll come around. Just give him sometime, Magnus has a lot to think about. He's been given a gift, that no other Warlock has to have a child of their own, and he is about to have two. Magnus would never say this out loud but he's afraid."
Jace suddenly appeared in the doorway of Dayanara's room.
"Catarina, I could really use your help in here!"
She turned away from Alec as she hurried back into the room.
"Are we ready to welcome this last little one?"
Catarina then took in the look of fear on Jace's face.
"Jace, what is it, what's wrong?"
"The baby's head is right there. But Dayanara is refusing to push." Jace all but yelled.
Dayanara's eyes glassed over white as a vision over came her.
"Iris, is coming and she's bringing demons with her."
When her eyes returned to the honey brown of Dayanara's glamour. Jace was smiling at her.
"Like Magnus And I said. We will keep all of you safe. But you won't be able to keep anyone safe if you die. Now you need to push Nara and we will keep them safe together." There was determination and promise in his voice.
Dayanara, nodded and gripped tight to Jace's hand and pushed.
"Come on, Dayanara you're doing great! Two more pushes, and you'll get to see the sweet little face of your baby."
And she did, Dayanara gave two more pushes when the time was right and the last baby slipped free. Letting out a tiny cry as it protested about being thrusted out into this new world.
"It's a girl, Dayanara you have another daughter.
Dayanara took in the baby with a little swirl purple hair that stood out among her raven locks.
"For some reason I pictured her different. Not that it matters, my little Nova Leona Bavol- Bane." Dayanara said as she smiled softly down at her.
She then handed Nova to Jace. As he talked and cooed to her. Catarina looked at Jace as she spoke.
"Why don't you take her to meet everyone while I finish up here with Dayanara. She needs to rest right now."
As Jace came out of the bedroom he was greeted by four faces that all looked in his direction as he came out. Luke and Jocelyn were gushing over Clary's twins. While Alec and Izzie were still smiling at Dayanara and Magnus's son.
Jace noticed Magnus looking out his bay doors. So he made his way toward him.
"Hey, Magnus there's someone you need to meet."
Magnus turned at the sound of Jace's voice. He couldn't help the smile that appeared on his lips as he stared down at the baby in Jace's arms.
"Her name is Nova Leona she's..." Jace was cut off as Magnus finish his sentence for him.
"My daughter, she's my daughter it feels strange to say."
Jace then handed her over to Magnus to hold. He was hesitant at first but when she was settled in his arms there was no denying the connection he felt.
"She's beautiful like her mother."
"There's someone else you still haven't said hi to yet. As far as I know he still needs a name." Alec said as he walked up to his heart and his Parabatai.
Alec smiled, as he looked down at the baby girl in Magnus's arms. As Nova smiled and looked at Magnus with her cat eyes. "She's beautiful, Magnus."
Magnus looked up at Alec and smiled.
"She is indeed, Alexander."
As Jace took Nova back. Alec placed Magnus's son in his arms.
"Now, what are we going to name you little one?" Magnus said as the baby in his arms showed off his own set of cat eyes.
"Erza Alexander, that is what your name will be."
"Magnus, you don't have to..." Alec started to say.
"I know, but I want to we're all family here. So why shouldn't he be the name sake of one of his fiercest protectors. I'd happily use your name again if given the chance." Magnus replied.
Catarina suddenly appeared beside them. "They are perfect Magnus. I hope you realize how blessed you truly are."
"I'm beginning to see that." Magnus replied as he looked to his Warlock friend and back to Alec and his children.
"How's Dayanara and Clary?" Jace asked with concern in his voice.
"They both are resting. Dayanara will have to take it easy for a few days until her healing kicks in. As for Clary, we will have to wait and see if she starts healing when Dayanara does."  Catarina explained.
She then looked over at Magnus.
"I have other patients, that I need to go see. But call me if anything goes south." Catarina stated as she head toward the door.
Jocelyn and Luke walk over to Magnus while still holding Clary's twins.
"Magnus, Jace they are beautiful. What are their names." Jocelyn asked about the babies in their arms.
"This handsome little fellow is Erza Alexander Bavol-Bane and the little star that Jace is holding is Nova Leona Bavol-Bane." Magnus said in reply to Jocelyn's question.
"What about you, who do we have here?" Magnus asked about the tiny red headed newborn in Jocelyn's arms.
"This is my granddaughter Emma Elizabeth Fairchild." Jocelyn said as she looked over at Luke.
"And this is my grandson, Thomas Lucas Fairchild." Jocelyn said as she finished.
"Their names suit them just fine, Jocelyn." Magnus said with a small smile. "You do realize that they are Warlock children, right? They will never be accepted by other Shadowhunters or the Klave. They will be outcasts. Magnus finished saying.
"You know, I would never judge them because of that." Jocelyn replied in return.
"I know that Jocelyn, I'm just trying to prepare you. Clary's life will never be the same either if word gets out that she some how had a child with a demon. It will ruin everything she's been working toward." Magnus countered.
"I will support Clary with whatever she wants to do." Jocelyn replied in return.

As Jocelyn and Luke walked away to lay Emma and Thomas down. Jace lowered his voice to a whisper as he moved closer to Alec, Magnus and Isobel.
"Dayanara, had a vision before Nova was born. Iris is on her way and she's bringing demons with her. We have to tell Luke and Jocelyn. Jace then looked at Isobel.
"Izzie, I really wish you had stayed at the institute."
I'll be fine. Besides it's going to take all of us to protect everyone." Izzie answered firmly.
Jocelyn, Luke and Simon all came out of Clary's room.
"That, Witch isn't getting anywhere near Clary or my grandchildren again." Jocelyn replied with certainty.
"I second, that Maia is already with Alyssa and the pack is on the look out. They are to send a warning at the first sign of Iris Rouse." Luke informed everyone.
"I third it, the not letting Iris get to Clary and her babies. Wow, that's weird to say and the first part sound better in my head." Simon replied.
Jace and Magnus laid Nova and Ezra in a bassinet in Dayanara's room. Dayanara was still a sleep, the faint metallic smell of blood still hung in the air slightly.
Jace walked over to Dayanara's bedside and kissed her on the cheek.
"I promise you that I won't let anything happen to you or our kids no matter what."
Jace walked passed Magnus and out of the room with his seraph blade in hand.
"We gotcha kitten." Magnus said before he followed Jace out of the room.
Everyone had gathered out in the living room. Maia was leaning against the wall not far from Alyssa's room. Jocelyn had her own Seraph blade drawn, Luke and Simon were positioned not far from the room Clary and her twins were in.
Izzie had her whip in hand facing the bay doors. Jace stood adjacent to the door to Dayanara's room. Magnus and Alec stood facing the front door. An echo of howls suddenly filled the air. As Jace's seraph blade started to glow. "They're here, watch your backs." Jace yelled.
Magnus's apartment start to shake as lesser demons started throwing themselves against Magnus's barriers evaporating at the contact.
Alec readied an arrow into his bow and Magnus brought his magic into his hands and they glowed blue.
A small swarm of shax demons made it through first.
To be continued in Chapter 33: Not Invincible

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