Chapter 13: Truth or Dare

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A/N: I was listening to Madness by Ruelle while writing this chapter.

As Alec continued to cut away at the thorns. Simon found himself chanting to himself.

"Please don't let there be a dragon. Please don't let there be a dragon." Simon continued to say.

"Dragons, don't exist anymore, so stop worrying so much. Let's just do what we're supposed to so we can go home."

Making it through the doors of the castle the two continued on their way.

"Do you even really care, what happens to her. I mean you haven't really trusted Dayanara from day one." Simon questioned Alec.

"Me, I'm doing this because I consider her a friend." Simon replied.

"She is special to Magnus and she is carrying Jace's child. So I'm doing this for them." Alec replied to Simon's question.

"Other then that, that's all that matters. My feelings toward her don't matter. If I can help save her then I'll do it, its the right thing to do."

Without warning, a figure cloaked in shadows stepped in front of them stopping them in their tracks. A malevolent female voice came from the figure.

"Remember your words, Shadowhunter. Something tells me you will fail in the task you have given yourself. I could easily end her and the child."

The figure then vanished from their sight. It's voice suddenly​ echoed all around them.

"You're running out of time Archer. You and your vampire pet, better hurry the longer she stays trapped here the weaker she becomes. This child she carries is an abomination! It deserves the same death it is causing its mother. It will live and Dayanara will die!"

Alec and Simon continued to chase after the echoing voice. Until they both came to a stop in front a room. Inside suspended in the air by some kind of magic, was Dayanara.

Leaning over her was the cloaked figure they have been chasing. Dagger in hand the figure was about to plunge it in her womb.

"No!" Simon yelled as her sped into the room grabbing hold of the figure of shadow.

As they fought the figure threw Simon into the wall. Retrieving its weapon it continued on it mission.

Two arrows whizzed through the air. Trapping the cloaked figure to the stone wall.

"I don't know who you are, but I can't allow you to hurt either of them."

Alec reached forward to remove the hood from the figure that was now his prisoner. He gasped as he took in the persons features.


Alec's eyes went from the one being suspended in air, over a bed, to the one pinned to the wall. Simon was picking himself up as he walked over to them.

"Now I get it, Alec." Simon responded as he looked at both woman before him.

"What is it that you get Simon?"

"That we are our own worst enemies. A hidden darkness, that is deep inside of all of us. This is the darkness inside Dayanara."

The dark Dayanara, started to laugh.

"Go ahead, kill me! I dare you to do it. Killing me kills the others too. You have me, the darkness, the child me is innocents and light. The one laying there is the one that balances us all. She keeps us all in check, she is annoying in that way."

Dark Dayanara then sneared at Alec.

"After what you Shadowhunters have done to us. She should have destroyed all of you."

Alec glared at her for a moment before looking over to their Dayanara.

"All we have to do to wake her up is to put you back together again."

Alec then called out to Simon.

"Simon, you get little Dayanara to join with Dayanara."

"And what you think I'll just skip on back to my prison? I don't think so."

Alec just smirked at her.

"It's where you belong, but no I don't think you will go back inside willingly. Trust me when I say I have ways to persuade you."

"I'd love to see you try sweet cheeks." The Dark Dayanara bit back.

Grabbing a hold of the Dark Dayanara's arm before pulling his arrows free of her clothes. Then in a blink of an eye they were standing beside Dayanara.

"If you know what will happen if you don't join with her. I suggest you do it on your own accord." Alec stated to her firmly.

The dark part of Dayanara just sneared at Alec.

"If Magnus Bane or Jace Wayland truly care for us and want her back then they better come for me themselves."

Dark purple smoke started to envelop her.

"This definitely, can't be good." Simon spoke out loud.

As the smoke cleared there before them, stood a dragon.

"I told you so, I knew that this was going to happen!"

'I don't require you here vampire. Go back to where you belong. You can past along my message to them. That is if you don't die first.'

Just then the dragon blew fire in Simon's direction catching his clothes on fire.

"Oh crap I'm on fire! Alec vampire on fire here!"

Alec moved to go help Simon put out the flames. But suddenly, found himself frozen in place.

'You're not going anywhere archer boy.'

"Dayanara, stop this! You don't want to do this, this isn't who you are."

Dayanara chuckled at Alec's words.

'How do you know who I am? You've been judging me from the first moment I stepped into your life.'

"You're right I have and that was wrong of me. But I do know you, there's a part of you that is still a young scared little girl. Who had everything she ever loved ripped away from her." Alec replied to the Dragon version of the Dark Dayanara.

'Your dislike of me, will tear you and him apart. For they will come for Magnus and Dayanara to rectify the mistake they made.'

"What about Jace and his child?" Alec questioned.

'There is nothing that can be done about this damnable mark that Jace and I carry. Not without Dayanara's death. Upon her death Jace's mark will fade and the one she bares will pass to her child, if it survives its birth.'

It was then that Alec realized something. He could no longer hear Simon.

"Simon, is he..." Alec words trailed off.

'Dead, no he's not he's just returned to reality. I do hope he remembers my message to Jace and Magnus. Tick tock, tick tock though. We are running out of time.'


(A/N: Alec and Simon have found out what happened to Dayanara her soul has split into three piece. Her part Neutral which is who she is, Light which is her child self and Darkness a version of adult Dayanara that is made of her fears, pain, and anger. Hope everyone enjoyed. Next Chapter is: Chapter 14 Truth or Dare Part 2)

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