Chapter 30: Summer Rain

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(A/N: Clary and Dayanara have both been through a lot, mentally, physically and emotionally and each one will deal with it their own way. Dayanara starts to worry that she is more of a danger to the others then she is help. While Clary wonders if she can ever truly be a Shadowhunter any more.)
Dayanara's eyes fluttered open as she did her best to get her bearings. The air was warmer here. After a few seconds she realized where she was, Magnus's apartment. Her eyes moved around the room taking everything in, that's when she noticed Jace laying on a daybed by the bay window. Dayanara wanted to call out to him but she was still so tired that sleep beckoned.
A little while later, she started to awake once more. She jumped as she felt someone touch her, as a reflex she brought magick into her hand. Dayanara had expected there to be a void where her magick usually was but this time she felt the warm surge and crackle of her magick rush to her hands. She had almost forgotten what it felt like. Dayanara sighed at the feel of the energy coursing through her body.
As she lashed out she felt her magick connect with something.
"Easy, Kitten it's ok you're safe now. No one here is going to hurt you." Came the sound of Magnus Bane's voice sounding slightly out of breath. At hearing him speak, Dayanara gasped as she became aware of her surroundings. Blinking she realized her magick had Magnus and Jace both pinned against the wall. Panicked Dayanara quickly released them.
"Oh By the Angel, Magnus, Jace I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I just felt something touch me and I lashed out."
"After what you've been through we can't fault you." Magnus said in a soft forgiving tone.
Dayanara casted her eyes down and away from the two men that were slowly capturing her heart. Subconsciously, she brought her left hand to the back of her neck, to stroke the mark there. When Dayanara did her fingers came in contact with the gauzy fabric of a bandage.
She looked back up at Magnus, questioning him with her eyes.
"Your mark was weeping almost as if you had been remarked. We can only guess it's because of whatever Iris did to link you and Clary." Magnus replied in answer.
At hearing Clary name Dayanara's eyes widen.
"Oh my god, Clary is she going to be ok."
Dayanara asked in concern.
"Other then being pregnant with warlock babies Clary seems fine." Jace said in response to Dayanara words of concern.
"I'm starting to think that you, Izzie and Alec should have left me where I was. Ever since you gave me my freedom, I've caused you nothing but trouble." Dayanara countered.
"You're not responsible, for other people's actions Dayanara." Magnus exclaimed in return. His words rendered her speechless for the moment.
"The only thing that any of us want to do is for you to let us take care of you and Clary and I promise you that Iris Rouse won't lay a finger on either of you again." Jace replied firmly
Magnus watched the exchange between Jace and Nara for a second before speaking.
"Well, I better go check in on our other patients." With a snap of his fingers a bell appeared in his hand.
"Give this a ring if you need anything." Magnus explained before disappearing out the door.
With Dayanara in the care of Jace. Magnus made his way over to Alec who was nervously watching Catarina look over his sister Isobel.
"What's the diagnosis, Catarina?" Magnus asked his friend.
"This is new to me as nothing like this has happened before. All of her vitals look normal now. The coughing spell she was having has ended." Catarina replied.
"See Alec, I'm perfectly fine." Isobel said trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"I didn't say that I said the coughing had gone away. But whatever was in this Powder she threw at you. Is really potent stuff. I'd keep her away from any missions involving demons." Catarina said in a serious tone.
"You're Kidding right?" Izzie asked in return.
"Do I look like I'm joking. I won't go into detail because your brother and Magnus are here but I think it would be best." Catarina suggested.
"I don't believe this. You know what I'm going home to the Institute." Izzie replied as stormed out of Magnus's apartment.
"Isobel, wait let me explain your test results to you." Catarina called out as she ran after the young Shadowhunter.
"Izzie isn't going to take no for an answer." Alec stated as he looked over at Magnus.
"No, I suppose not. The only thing you can do is look out for her the best you can." Magnus replied in return.
"There are a lot in our little team that need looking out for in more then one way." Magnus stated to his lover.
"How do you mean?" Alec asked
"Dayanara, believes she has become more of a hinder then help. Then there is Clary, even though she left the room earlier without saying anything. I think the fading of two of her runes has her fearing if she will ever be a Shadowhunter." Explained Magnus.

Magnus turned and walked toward his balcony and walked through the doors. Alec followed after him.

"Magnus." Alec spoke softly as he placed his hands on his shoulders.
"Things are changing Alec. How do we know that we will make it through all of it?" The High Warlock questioned.
"Have your feelings for me changed? Alec asked. Magnus turned on his heel to look Alec in the eyes as he caressed his cheek. He then pulled their lips into a heated kiss. Before pulling out of the kiss a few minutes later.
"Never, Alexander." Magnus replied to Alec's earlier question.
Magnus's hand went to the side of his chest that now bound him to Dayanara like the mark that Jace bore did.
"But, I can feel something changing when it comes to my feelings for Dayanara. I know what you said about the babies Dayanara is carrying. I'm afraid of losing you if my feelings for Dayanara were to grow." Magnus confessed honestly.
"You will never lose me, Magnus. I will never stop loving you either. No matter what is thrown at us. Besides, everything I've done has been for us and our future together. I'm not about to give up on that." Alec said trying to quell his warlock's fears.
Thunder rumbled in the distance as lightning streaked across the sky. The heavens then opened up as rain began to pour down on them. Making the two lovers headed back into their home. They both smiled and laughed lightly as they brushed water from their hair and shook some from their clothes.
When a voice interrupted their moment together.
"Well, I'm glad someone around here is having fun. Mind telling me what is going on Magnus Bane."
Magnus's eyes widened at hearing the familiar voice, it startled him as well. He turned quickly toward the voice.
"Kane,what are you doing here? I didn't think you ever left the realm beyond the rift anymore?" Magnus questioned.
"I don't but people are disappearing, changing. There are people showing up in my realm that never existed before. Tell me why does it look like Dayanara Bavol  only has a month or two to go before she delivers the twins?" Kane asked Magnus.
"Because she is, Catarina said around August 12th or 15th." Magnus replied to Kane's question.
Kane shook his head, "No that is impossible her due date is November 12th but she is supposed to go into labor at midnight on October 31st. If that doesn't happen your children won't be born with the powers they are supposed to have!" Kane then looked from Magnus to Alec before speaking.
"How the hell, did this happen!" Kane all but shouted at them.
To be continued...
Thanks for reading I will do my best not to be so late with Chapter 31. But life happens especially with kids.

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