Chapter 35: Where Do We Go From Here

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Nine months later, Alyssa had turned three in March and it was now May. Alec went to the see Magnus to ask him a favor.
"Magnus, I need your help planning a party." Alec asked the High Warlock of Brooklyn.
"Have you met me?" Magnus questioned him.
"It's for Max's runeing ceremony." Alec added.
"I think I'll pass. I don't think I can take much more of Maryse right now. She's already shown her distaste for me." Came Magnus's slightly curt response.
"Please, Magnus for me. Besides, this is to show my mother and father that your not going anywhere." Alec said as he leaned in to kiss Magnus.
"There's more as well." Alec continued.
"How much more, Alexander?" Magnus questioned as he pulled back a little.
"Jace wants to introduce Dayanara as his fiancé. I know this isn't the best timing, but Jace is right we can't hide her forever." Alec replied he then took in Magnus's expression.
"Magnus, what is it? I thought you would be happy for them." Alec asked the High Warlock. He then watched as Magnus touched the right side of his chest.
"Yes, of course I'm happy for them this all came as a surprise that's all. Well, good for them, I will have to remember to congratulate them both. Would you excuse me, Alec. I have a party to put together and a small time frame in which to do it in." Magnus said as he busied himself making phone calls. Cutting Alec off before he said anything else.
Alec sat at a table at the Hunters Moon, waiting for his Parabatai, Jace to arrive.
"Hey Alec, I got your message. What did you want to talk about?" Jace asked his brother.
"It's about Magnus." Alec confessed.
"What about Magnus? Did you two have a fight or something?" Jace asked
Alec shook his head. "No, we didn't have a fight. He just acted strange when I told him you were going to introduce Dayanara as your fiancé."
Jace just smiled at his brother.
"Do you remember what it felt like when we received our Parabatai rune? How connected we both felt to each other."
Jace then showed him the mark that connected to Dayanara.
"This mark connects me to Dayanara in ways I never thought possible. If I wasn't your Parabatai all ready, feeling all of what Dayanara is feeling would confuse the hell out of me." Jace explained.
He then put a hand on Alec's shoulder. Give him some time he'll talk to you about it when he is ready. He is probably confused and a little scared. Just don't tell him I said that."
"I think he feels like he is betraying me, betraying us. Especially, after telling me that while we are together there would be no one else. But things are different now and there isn't much we can do about. Other then change along with it all." Alec confessed.
Jace patted Alec on his shoulder.
"Don't worry so much it will all work out in the end. I'll see you at Magnus's in a few hours for Max's party." Jace said as he stood up and said goodbye to his Parabatai.
Six hours later, Max's runeing party at Magnus's apartment.
Alec had given Magnus a guest list to follow. But other then that he had given the High Warlock free rein, with everything else. Music, dancers and an open bar. To which Maia had agreed to be a bartender for.
"This is amazing Magnus!" Alec said as as he walked up to his boyfriend.
"You don't think it's too over the top? Magnus questioned.
"No, I think it is just about right." Alec said to reassure him.
"Yes, it's very nice thank you for throwing it, Magnus." Maryse Lightwood replied.
"It was my pleasure Maryse. Anything for the young man of the hour." Magnus said indicating Maxwell Lightwood.
"It's nice to finally meet you Max." Magnus said to Alec's little brother.
"Are you really a Warlock?" Max asked his big brother's boyfriend.
"I am indeed." The High Warlock answered in return.
"Can I see your Warlock Mark?" Max asked
"Max, it's impolite to ask that, don't be rude." Alec scolded his little brother.
Magnus just smiled. "It's quite all right, Alexander."
He then knelt down to Max's level.
"Now Max only my closes friends get to see it. So you have to promise not to tell anyone." Magnus informed the little boy.
"Ok, sure I won't tell anyone. I swear it." Max replied to Magnus.
"All right, then we have a deal." Magnus said in return. He then flashed his gold cat eyes at Max.
"Whoa, Cool!" Max said with a smile.
Magnus stood up and placed a hand on Alec's shoulder.
"Excuse me, a moment would you? I'll be right back." He then excused himself.
He had spotted Dayanara and Jace coming through his apartment doors.
"Dayanara, Jace so wonderful for both of you to make it. I also hear that Congratulations is in order." Magnus said with a smile to the Nephilock and Shadowhunter.
Dayanara smiled in return. "Yes, thank you Magnus.
The High Warlock then spotted the ring on her left hand.A small heart shaped diamond sat in the center of a gold band while smaller pink rhinestone circled it.
"What do we have here. Very lovely and very you. Well I'll let you two love birds go. I see someone else I must say hello to." Magnus then disappeared into the crowd.
Holding on to Dayanara's hand Jace pulled her through the crowd as he made his way to Alec's side.
Jace had a smile on his face by the time they reached them.
"Maryse, it's great to see you again."
Jace went to hug her. He then turned to Dayanara.
"Dayanara, this is Maryse. She and Robert Lightwood took me in when I lost my father. Maryse this is my fiancé Dayanara Bavol."
At first both Jace and Alex thought she would say something negative about Dayanara but it would seem Maryse was holding her tongue on the matter.
Dayanara smiled down at Alec and Jace's little brother Max.
"Hello, there Max and Congratulations."
"Are you a Warlock too?" Max questioned Dayanara.
"Sort of, I'm half Warlock and half Angel. I'm a Nephilock." Dayanara explained.
"So do you have a Warlock mark and a Angel mark." Max questioned Dayanara.
"I do but I can only show you the first one. The other is a secret that can only be shown in emergencies." She said in reply.
Dayanara then flashed her cat eyes at Max.
"Cool, yours have flecks of brown and green in them, so awesome." Max said beaming.
Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end. Trouble was heading this way.
"Why thank you, Max I did not know that. Would you excuse me a second." Dayanara asked.
She glanced at Jace and Alec catching their eyes. As she weaved herself through the crowd Dayanara made her way to Magnus with Jace and Alec following behind her.
"We have a problem. There are at least three or four Warlocks headed this way. They are working for Valentine." Dayanara informed them.
"I'll raise my wards, no one will get in." Magnus replied in turn.
"That won't be enough. They are after you and Max Lightwood. Something about molding a new generation of Shadowhunters." Dayanara confessed.
"But why target Magnus?" Alec questioned.
Magnus looked at Dayanara and then at Alec and Jace.
"Because Dayanara rescued, Dorothea Rollins from him. She's been in hiding since then. Dot doesn't even know that Jocelyn is alive." Magnus said truthfully.
"Jace, find Izzie and fill her in. Alec stay with your Mom and little brother. Magnus call Clary and Luke and let them know what's going on." Dayanara instructed them. In return she said. "I'm going to find out what their plan is."
Dayanara, already knew what they were planning. She had no intention of letting them take anyone. Turning she brought her magick into her hands she placed a shield around everyone in the room. Jace and Izzie came running up to the protective purple shield.
"Dayanara, what are you doing? Let us out!" Jace said raising his voice a little.
"I'm protecting all  of you. They have no intention of leaving anyone alive. I can't let that happen you'll be invisible to them as long as you stay put. Oh, and don't worry I won't be alone. I won't be holding back either." Dayanara said trying to reassure Jace.
Alec appeared beside Magnus and Jace, along with his mother and little brother.
Just then a portal opened up out on Magnus's balcony, and four Warlocks walked out three males and one female. She had blonde hair and her eyes were green, before flashing yellow showing her Warlock mark.
"Well...look what we have here. The Klave's little pet." She said as she sneered at Dayanara.
"Don't tell me we missed the party and the guest of honor." The female Warlock said looking around what looked like an empty room.
"I'm no one's pet, but the four of you clearly are. Sorry but yeah the party is over." Dayanara gloated in return.
The female Warlock laughed at her.
"No, I think the party just started to bad you're all alone."
Dayanara looked around at the other Warlocks each proudly showing off their Warlock marks. To the left of her one of the male Warlocks had sprouted bat wings, the one beside him was covered in lizard scales. While the third had cloven hooves for feet.
"Well, since We're all showing off what makes us special. I want to show and tell too. Oh and snake eyes, I'm never alone."
Dayanara dropped her glamour spell to reveal her cat's eyes and her lilac colored wings sprang free.
As the four moved toward her eyes glowed in a golden light. There was a loud yeow from behind her as her brown and white tabby, Logan, and Magnus's two cats Mr. Meow, Church along with fifteen other cats attacked the male Warlock with the bat wings.
Pulling magick into her hands until her purple colored magick was pouring out she threw it at lizard scales first, turning him to stone. Dayanara threw another flowing stream of magick at Cloven hooves freezing him in his tracks as he too started to turn to stone.
"Three, down just you left. Are you sure you don't want to make a run for it?" Dayanara asked.
Green magick flickered out of the yellow eyed females hands. "No, I'm actually having fun. Your more powerful then I thought. Tell me though you don't really think a bunch of tiny felines are going to keep him down?" She questioned Dayanara.
Dayanara just smiled at her, as her cat eyes glowed once more.
"No, but those two might." Just then two black panthers stalked into the room just as all the house cats scattered. The two big cats ran at bat wings knocking him back to the ground. And started to play with him like a cat toy.
As the Dayanara and the other female Warlock continued to dodge the magick that the other was throwing. The yellow eyes female Warlock made a sword appear, Dayanara did the same as she made an elegant sword appear. The two females continued to cross their swords together and fight.
"I've been rather impressed, your stronger then I thought you would be." The yellow eyed female said.
"You've only seen half of what I can do." Dayanara answered back in return.
It was then that Dayanara realized that her opponent had been distracting her away from her surroundings.
The heel of her sandals hit brick as her enemy thrusted her sword at her and pushed her back.
"This would have been easier if you had just given us the boy, along with Magnus Bane." She sneered at Dayanara once more.
"Sorry, it's my job to protect those I care about." Dayanara counter back. 
She then looked into Magnus's apartment, at the protective barrier she had put around everyone. When she realized they were near where the wall of the balcony wall dipped to a lower wall. Dayanara opened a portal in midair as she wrapped her arms around the yellow eyed Warlock pulling her over the edge of the balcony with her. Opening her wings, Dayanara made sure the two of them fell straight into the portal.

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