Chapter 6: Untold Prophecy

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Magnus's lair was quiet, no Shadowhunters, wolves, vampire or Warlocks coming back and forth. Just to stare at her, the immortal child that shouldn't be. Most of the ones Magnus or Clary had introduced her to had been kind, two wolves Luke Galloway, Maia and her best friend Simon Lewis who was a vampire.

Magnus had introduced a vampire call Raphael. All the rest of the vampires, warlocks and wolves had just stared at her like she was some kind of micro organism under a microscope.

It was quiet in Magnus's home because, Magnus himself wasn't home as well. He and Alec had gone out together for the evening. Leaving Dayanara on her own, she had to convince Magnus that she would be fine.

He had so many books in his home she convinced him that she would have plenty to do. Magnus had been so many different places it was wondrous to just look at his photos.

Before Alec had convinced him to go out Magnus had insisted that he strengthen the wards on his home.

Dayanara was three hundred twenty - five years old to Magnus's four hundred or whatever he was telling people. Yet, she felt as if she was still a teenager of eighteen. There was so much she had yet to experience. Since she had been imprisoned, just for being.

The world for one, love, and a sense of belonging.

The Clave had taken her in first after her warlock father had been kill. Once the institute in New York had been built. She was given to them as a sign of trust.

She shivered at the thought of what would happen to Magnus and the young Shadowhunters, once the Clave found out she had been set free.

"I can't let them get in trouble for freeing me."

"Well, I think you should let Alec and the others decide the risk."

Dayanara was take aback to see Jace leaning against the door frame to the living room.

"Jace, what are you doing here? She asked in surprise.

"I thought I'd check on you, that and Clary said you had a cleansing ability. I thought maybe..." Jace trailed off a bit.

Dayanara gave Jace a sly smile. As she strolled over to him, trailing a finger over his shoulders and chest as she circled him.

"You want me to cleanse you of your demon blood." She stated matter of factly.

"Because, you think cleansing yourself will remove the darkness inside that you feel. You do know that my magick is a little off, it happens when we are forced to repress it."

"I think, I'll risk it. Jace said with a smirk.

"If we are going to do this, I won't be held accountable for anything that goes wrong. Guess I should have asked for payment up front." Dayanara said with a sigh.

"If you can cleanse me of my demon blood. I'll pay you anything you want." There was urgency in his voice.

"Ok, I'm going to place a hand on your heart and one of your forehead. It would probably be better if you laid down for this."

Laying down on Magnus's leather couch Jace waited for Dayanara to begin.

She started by putting her left hand over his heart and her right on his forehead.

"This may sting a bit, though I'm not really sure. Seeing how I've never did this before. The only magick I was ever allowed to use was healing magick when the rune itself wasn't enough."

"Just do it, I trust you." Jace stated in a firm tone.

"Wow those are big words coming from a shadowhunter. Especially one that hasn't known me long." Dayanara snapped back.

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