Chapter 14: Truth or Dare Part 2

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Clary stifled a scream when Simon's clothes suddenly caught fire.

"Magnus, do something!" Clary half shouted at her High Warlock friend.

She suddenly came to her senses and drew the extinguish rune in the air. The flames soon vanished, leaving behind only smoke rings and a sight burn on Simon's skin.

"What the hell Magnus, I thought you said you had safe guards up?"

"Just calm down Clary I do have safe guards up. Somehow, she found away around them."

Simon's eyes snapped open suddenly. He's eyes darted around him as he took in his surroundings. Simon's eyes stopped on Magnus.

"She sent me back, with a message for you and Jace. She said that if you or Jace harbour any feelings for Dayanara then the two of you have to come and get her."

Magnus's gaze flicked over to Alec's motionless form.

"What about Alec?" Magnus questioned.

Simon winced as he sat up more in the chair he was in.

"Dayanara's soul is split we managed to put some of it back together. The darker half is a little tricker. Magnus she said she'd let Alec go if you and Jace come to her." Simon explained.

"That is going to be tricky since I'm the only one here that can do the spell." Magnus replied.

"So you send me first, once Alec is free you come in his place." Jace said from his place against the door frame.

Simon looked from Jace to Magnus before adding.

"There's more this darker version of Dayanara can shape shift. That's how I almost became extra crispy, she changed herself into a dragon."

"That's impossible, Simon, my dear. Dragons live on a completely different plain. Shape shifting is something is a magick that takes a lot of practice. But it takes an enormously amount of magick to do." Magnus countered back at Simon.

"I hear what you're saying, but I know what I saw. It's not like I lit myself on fire. Simon replied.

He then looked over at Dayanara. Before looking back to Jace and Magnus.

"It's like something out of a fairytale in there. I didn't think she would even know any fairy tales. You know with her being a prisoner of the Clave for so long."

Magnus gave Simon a curious look before asking.

"Which fairy tale is her mind portraying, Simon?"

"I'm pretty sure its the tale of Sleeping Beauty."

Magnus stroked his chin as he readied somethings in a pot on his stove.

"If memory serves me right. Alyssa had a fairy tale book she read to Dayanara before and after she was born.

Which of course, means that there is more to this then I originally thought."

Jace wrinkled his nose up in disgust, as he took in the smell of what Magnus was mixing together.

"What the hell is that your brewing it smells gross." Jace said not hiding the sound of disgust in his voice.

"This Jace, will help link us to Dayanara. You are already partially linked, thanks to that mark on your wrist." He said matter of factly as he plucked some hairs from Jace's head.

"Ow! That hurt ask next time. Jace exclaimed.

"What do you need my hair for?" he questioned Magnus.

"For the potion I'm making, you are already linked like I said. Through the mark on your wrist and through the child she is carrying. I on the other hand have no such link. If this is to work I'm going to need one. That's is where your lovely hairs come in." Magnus finished.

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