Chapter 28: Time of Reckoning

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Last Time:"Let's see how you do without the use of a glamour or your powers for awhile." Iris sneered as she poked a needle into Dayanara's arm getting ready to inject her with the liquid inside.
"Let's not and say that we did shall we." Came a familiar voice. Just as blue and gold colored magick slammed into Iris knocking her away from Dayanara.

Dayanara felt herself sag against her pillow as she took in the sight of Magnus standing just outside a portal with Jace and Alec next to him. Simon followed behind last, all of a sudden Izzy appeared through the portal right before it closed.
Alec narrowed his eyes at his sister.
"Damn it, Izzy. You disobeyed an order. You were told to stay behind with Maia and Alyssa. You're putting yourself in danger for no reason." Alec scolded.
"I've never missed a mission before with you guys. I wasn't going to start now." Isobel replied stubbornly.
Magnus looked behind him at the siblings.
"There's no time for me to open another portal to send her back now. Iris won't stay unconscious for long."
Magnus and Jace both frowned at Dayanara's shackles.
"They are magick proof so my magick isn't going to help us." Magnus said a little frustrated.
"Iris, keeps the key on her." Dayanara pointed to Iris's unconscious form.
Jace checked Iris over till he found the key in a hidden pocket.
"Like this one?"'Jace asked holding up a key.
Dayanara nodded in return.
As Jace undid the shackles on Dayanara's ankles and wrist.
Magnus frowned as he took in her appearance. There were dark circles under her eyes. Though as big and round she was and how obsessed with warlock children Iris was he had a feeling the babies she was carrying were fine Dayanara however wasn't.
"Let's get you out of here kitten." Magnus said taking her hands to help her sit up.
"No not yet, Iris has information that we need. Help Clary and Sarah first. There is a panel on the wall that opens it to Clary's room." Dayanara answered.
"Who's Sarah?" Alec asked.
Dayanara place a hand over her belly as she slowly stood up, once the IV's and other lines had been removed.
"She's another Shadowhunter that Iris kidnapped from the L.A. Institute. Sarah Rosewood I think that's what I heard her say." Dayanara confessed.
"No worries we'll figure it all out once all of you are out of here." Alec reassured her.
"What about the mundanes she has here?"
Dayanara added.
"We'll get them too as soon as we know that you, Clary and Izzy are out of here safe and sound." Jace replied to Dayanara's question.
"I'm standing right here." Izzy counter.
"You know what I mean Iz." Jace shot back.
"Come on Simon let's get Clary. Just remember that it will probably be a shock seeing her so pregnant. Don't forget her memory has been alter. So we just have to play along, so we don't upset her." He then turned to Dayanara.
"Nara, are you sure you're ok? Jace's asked her.
"I have Magnus and Alec here. I'll be fine." Dayanara answered with a small smile.
As Jace, Simon and Izzy worked on opening the wall. Magnus took stock of one of the IV bags that had been attached to Dayanara. Magnus unhooked a bag of blood and handed to Alec.
"We'll be taking that with us. Catarina can give you a transfusion once we're home. That will bring your color back. Can't leave all that behind." The High Warlock stated.
Alec unzipped the bag on his shoulder and slipped it inside.
Once the wall slid open Jace nodded to Simon.
"Go in first, she'll be expecting you. Tell her you're taking her out to dinner." Jace whispered to him.
He then followed after Simon.
Simon froze as he took in Clary's sleeping form on the bed. Jace had said Clary was pregnant, he just hadn't expected for her to be six to seven months pregnant.
"Ok, this just got awkward. I wasn't expecting her to be so big." Simon confessed.
"We told you that she and Dayanara had been linked together. There is also a chance since they are connected that Clary is carrying twins like Dayanara. We won't know till Catarina can look her over." Jace replied.
"What are we going to do about Jocelyn? I can't imagine she's going to be happy about this. Simon questioned.
"Let's just get Clary out if here first and then we'll worry about Jocelyn." Jace replied to the vampire.
"She's asleep, should I wake her?" Simon questioned.
Jace removed the IV's and leads from her as gently as he could.
"Seriously, we could get attacked any second what do you think?" Jace asked the young vampire.
"Mobile, Sleeping Beauty it is then." Simon said lifting Clary up into his arms as gently sas he could.
Clary mumbled something in her sleep as she nestled closer to Simon while he held her to him.
Jace then turned toward Izzy.
"Izzy you're with me, we'll see if we can find Sarah. Simon you get Clary, to Magnus and the portal." Jace instructed.
"Magnus, see if you can keep Iris under a little longer. I almost have the memory I'm looking for." Dayanara, said holding her hands on either side of Iris's head.
"There I got it!" Dayanara exclaimed just as the little reserve of magick she had left.
Dayanara was a little wobbly as she got to her feet.
"Just what memory of Iris's were you looking for Dayanara?" Alec couldn't help but ask.
"The location of Clary's daughter, now that I have it we can go and get her back."
Simon appeared with a sleeping Clary in his arms.
"Ok, I've got Clary. Jace and Izzy are looking for the others."
Upon seeing Simon, Magnus conjured up a portal for him to go through. Simon didn't waste anytime before walking through the portal with Clary.
"Alec, take Nara through the portal next. Iris will be coming to soon." Magnus ordered.
"Magnus, I'm not going to leave you behind." Dayanara said with determination.
"I'm sorry kitten, but you don't have a say in this." Magnus answered in reply.
Just as he told her this Jace and Izzy returned alone.
"There isn't anyone else here, all the cells and rooms are empty. There were definitely other people being held here, but they're gone now. It's almost like she was expecting us." Jace stated firmly.
"That's because she was. She caught me after I had sent my astral self to you. Iris must have had her lackeys move everyone some where else. Iris was about to punish me for my actions when you showed up." Dayanara said in reply to Jace's statement.
"Well, we can't do anything about the others right now. But we can get you back home." Jace said as he walked over toward Dayanara. Cupping her left cheek in his hand. Jace gently lifted her head to look at him. "I just want to know you're safe."
"Alright, I'll go back now. It's not like I'll be much help in the state I am now." Dayanara confessed.
Dayanara took Jace's offered arm and started toward the open portal.
"Izzy, go with them."Alec said firmly to his sister.
Isobel started to say something then stopped.
"Ok, fine I'll go with them."
"Oh no, please stay a little longer Isobel Lightwood. I have so much more in store for you." Came the sound of Iris's firm voice.
Magnus looked in the direction where her unconscious form had been. It was no longer there, instead another warlock lay in her place. One of her helpers had glamoured himself to look like her. Allowing Iris to have the upper hand, as she blew a reddish pink powder into the air toward Isobel. Her natural reaction was to cover her mouth with her jacket.
Magnus had brought magick into his hands ready to put her down again.
"Using someone else to help with your dirty work clever. But, it's time you paid for you crimes Iris Rouse."
Magnus warned the female warlock.
"If trying to save and improve our species is a crime. Then I suppose I will one day. But it won't be today, Magnus Bane. We'll meet again I will come to collect what's mine very soon." Iris promised as a portal opened up behind her and she vanished inside.

With the portal gone along with Iris. Jace and Dayanara stepped through the portal Magnus had opened. While Alex and Magnus went to help Isobel who was still coughing.
"I'm fine, Alec, I'm fine. So stop worrying so much." Izzy said in a horse voice as she tried to convince her brother of her well being.
"You're not fine Isobel. You still breathed in that powder and we don't know how much or little is needed to affect you." Alec reminded his sister in a stern voice.
"Let's just get you home and have Catarina check you out. We'll have to report this sooner or later. I rather not think about what they would want to do to you or Clary. For now we will keep this quiet until we know more.

(A/N: Thank you for being patient while I was in mourning. Truly not done grieving yet may never be. But have to take it a day at a time.
Well, Clary and Dayanara have been rescued. Izzy has been possibly compromised. Next Chapter is titled Chapter 29: Thank You for Caring.)

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