Chapter 56: Heart by Storm

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Warning: this Chapter will have an explicit sex scene with slight bondage that will also have a little drunken foreplay from alcohol and a special tablet that Dayanara made magically. Scene will be marked.

Dayanara, couldn't believe that they had already celebrated Vanessa's first birthday or Nessa's birthday as Alec affectionately calls her.
Catarina, never truly found a cause of the bleeding that had happened, before Catarina had induced her labor. As soon as Vanessa had been born the bleeding had stopped, the placenta had been healthy with no signs of damage to it. Which had only cemented Catarina to believe it was because the two of them didn't share a mark together. It was now March 8, 2025 she and Jace had a week and a half to go before they were going to get married. Magnus and Alec had decided to have their ceremony the same day. They were getting married in a church, and then Magnus was going to portal them away to a tropical beach somewhere for a few days. Isabelle and Clary we're going to take turns watching Alyssa and her siblings. Maryse Lightwood was going to help Isabelle as well.
Jace had Alyssa, Tristan and Sparrow Imogen Herondale had expressed wanting to meet Jace's children. However, T ristan refused to go without Sparrow. So Jace had no choice but to take Sparrow with him as well.
There was a lot of things that were going to happen that nothing could prepare them for.

Jace wasn't sure how today's meeting with Imogen was going to go. He then looked down at Alyssa.
"Alyssa, no showing off your gifts. You got it young lady? It's important that no one knows just how special you are." Jace said to his daughter as he carried Sparrow in one arm. While he held Tristan's hand and Tristan held on to Alyssa's.
"Yes Daddy, I won't I promise." Alyssa said as she followed him into the New York Institutes doors.
Jace gave her a small smile.
"We're going to go meet Daddy's grandma so she's your great grandma." Jace said letting them know who it was that they were going to go meet later today.
"Daddy, can we go to grandma Maryse's book store when we're done here. She said I could pick out a birthday present, since it's almost my seventh birthday." Alyssa asked her Dad.
"We'll see, sweetheart. Until then we're going to go visit Uncle Alec. So remember no using your gifts around great grandma, Imogen, Alyssa and no magick Sparrow."
"Yes, Daddy." Alyssa said to Jace as Sparrow answered with a "Y-es dada, Ace." As the four of them made it to Alec's office.
Once there, Jace knocked on the door.
"Come in." Alec said to the sound of the knock.
Jace then came in with the three kids he had with him.
"Fairygod Daddy Magnus!" Alyssa squealed as she saw Magnus in Alec's office and went running to him.
Magnus turned towards Alyssa and smiled at her before picking her up.
"How's my little butterfly this afternoon?" He asked Alyssa as he noticed that Tristan and Sparrow were here too.
"I'm good Fairygod Daddy Magnus, my Daddy said no using my special gifts." Alyssa said with a pouty face before Magnus tapped the end on her nose with a finger.
"He is absolutely right. No one but your Daddy and those really close to us need to know how special you are." Magnus said as he sat Alyssa down on her feet. Before taking Sparrow out of Jace's arms.
"How is my little dove, Sparrow? Did you not want to get left behind?" He asked his daughter as he kissed her cheek.
"More like Tristan threw a tantrum until I said Sparrow could come too. I can leave her here with you and Alec if you'd rather Imogen not meet her. Tristan sees her as his sister so I decided that if Imogen doesn't like it then too bad for her. I'm just worried that Tristan will suddenly start showing off a random gift." Jace said to Magnus and Alec about his concern.
"So lying is bad, but not if it's keeping something special secret." Alyssa asked looking at her Dad and then her Godfather.
"So does, that mean that Uncle Alec's lie is okay too. Since he was keeping something special secret." Alyssa asked sounding a little unsure.
"Alyssa, what are you talking about?" Jace asked a little confused by what Alyssa had just said to them.
"That Uncle Alec, has had the special mark that you and Fairygod Daddy Magnus share with Mommy, since before Nessa was born. It's been playing hide and seek with everyone one." Alyssa said with honesty as she pointed to the left side of Alec's chest where he had been struck by the strange spell and burnt.
The left side of his chest started to glow with a golden light as Alyssa and Tristan looked and their Uncle Alec before the glamour rune on Alec's arm rippled and then fade. Leaving the mark on Alec's chest uncovered and glowing showing off the mark that Jace and Magnus shared with Dayanara as well.
Both Jace and Magnus's eyes widened at the sight of the mark glowing through his shirt.
"You've had this mark since we found out Dayanara was carrying Vanessa and you been hiding it from us. I can understand keeping it from Maryse and maybe Izzy, but us? I'm your Parabati, we aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other" Jace said trying not to yell.
"Alexander, is this true I've shared some of the darkest parts of myself with you and you kept this from me? We were in this together, or at least we were supposed to be."  Magnus said as he turned away from Alec.
"Dayanara, almost died, your daughter had to be delivered early! None of that would have happened if you hadn't been trying to hide the mark!" Jace fumed his voice starting to get louder.
"Jace, I never meant to hide it this long. Every time I wanted to tell the two of you. There was always someone else in the room. I'm not like the two of you. How would it look for a gay guy to have intimate feelings for a woman? I was scared,      of what it would be like. I was afraid it would change how I felt about Magnus, how I felt about you. So yes, I hid mark. I didn't think a glamour rune would work on it to hide it when I did I was surprised. But I also was relieved it had worked."  Alec confessed to his fiancée and his Parabati. 
"I never meant for Dayanara to get hurt. If I had known that hiding the mark would cause harm to Dayanara and Nessa I never would have done it I swear. I'm so sorry." Alec said truthfully hoping that Jace and Magnus would understand. The real truth to it was that he had lied to them both.
Before, Alec had the chance to say anything else. Alec realized that Jace's fist had come in contact with his right cheek.
"I'm really not the one you should be apologizing to. I can't do this right now. I have to go and have dinner with my grandmother. Magnus, are you sure you're ok with Sparrow going with us. I'd understand if you didn't." Jace said to Alec before looking at Magnus.
"No it's fine, I know you wouldn't let anything happen to her. Beside we wouldn't want Tristan to throw a tantrum in front of Imogen Herondale. Besides, I don't think I would be the best company right now." Magnus said as he kissed the top of Sparrow's head, before handing her to Jace.
Jace then picked Tristan up as well. "Come on, Alyssa we need to go tell Uncle Alec and Fairygod Daddy Magnus bye." Jace said to Alyssa.
"Bye Fairygod Daddy Magnus. Bye Uncle Alec hope I didn't get you in trouble?" Alyssa said as she waved goodbye.
"Bye my little butterfly, little golden boy and my little dove, I love you all ." Magnus said waving bye.
"Bye Alyssa, Tristan and Sparrow, no you didn't get me in trouble, Alyssa. I got myself in trouble." Alec said as he continued to rub his jaw.
After Alec said his good byes Jace left Alec's office.
Which then left Alec and Magnus alone in his office together. However, the atmosphere was very different from when they had been alone before Jace and the children had come in.
"Magnus, are we okay?" Alec started to ask before Magnus stopped him.
"I don't know, I see where you were coming from. But, it still hurts knowing you didn't trust me enough to tell me how you felt and the fact that you kept this from me for so long. I may stay somewhere else tonight. I need a little space to think and decide if I can forgive you for not trusting me. Good day Alexander, I'll let you know what I have decided." Magnus said as he gave Alec one more look before walking out of his office.
"I don't want to get into it to much over the phone. Are you sure you'll be okay if the three of us stay awhile longer? We only had one moment where Alyssa got upset with Imogen and almost showed off her gifts." Jace said to Dayanara through the phone.
"Jace it's fine, Erza and Nova are having a sleepover at Clary and Simon's. Izzy just picked Nessa up, so I should be ok. Are you going to be ok?" Dayanara asked through the phone.
"I'll be fine and I'll see you later this evening. I love you, Nara." Jace said before hanging up the phone.
Dayanara had fixed herself a glass of white sweet wine and had just sat down on the couch when there was a knock on the door. Knowing she isn't expecting anyone, Dayanara gets up to answer the door. Looking through the crack in the door she see it's Magnus. So she closes and then unlocks the door.
"Magnus, why did you knock?" Dayanara asked a little confused before taking Magnus's appearance in.
"I seemed to have misplaced my key." Magnus said as he leaned against the door.
"Are you drunk, Magnus?" Dayanara asked the father of four of her children.
"That fact has yet to be decided. However, I seem to have the wrong key." Magnus said as he did his best to straighten himself up.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Magnus said as he leaned into Dayanara's shoulder.
"Okay, maybe we should get you to bed." Dayanara said as she helped him sit on the couch.
"I'm working through feeling betrayed. I was willing to give up my magick for him and then he keeps this big secret for me. I mean from me." Magnus says as he pours himself another drink of bourbon.
"Okay so I'm guessing you and Alec got into a fight about something." Dayanara said as she took the last bit of her glass of wine.
"Oh, it wasn't just about something, Kitten. It was about you. Jace actually punched Alec in the face over it." Magnus said as he continued to make sure his glass wasn't empty.
"It turns out Alec has been linked to you with a mark since the day we found out you were pregnant with Nessa. He's been keeping it hidden with a glamour rune. Of course, Jace is angry he has every right. You could have die if Catarina hadn't made you deliver." Magnus said as he continued to look at Dayanara.
"You are like a work of art in itself. I've been a fool all this time. Jace seems to be excepting of the bond the three or four of us have now." Magnus says he moves a little closer to Dayanara.
"He was probably just scared. Especially, since he knows he prefers men. Sometimes coming out of your comfort zone is hard, you of all people know that. Besides, I don't want Alec looking at me like a curse in his life." Dayanara said looking at Magnus.
Magnus was looking at her as well, his cat eyes glowing as he looked at Dayanara.
"With you, Nara, I can be myself completely, no hiding myself." Magnus said as he kissed her hand and then started to place kisses up her arm.
"Magnus, that's not true and you know it. Alec thinks your eyes are beautiful, and he wouldn't care if you showed them all the time. You know this too, so don't act like you don't." Dayanara says to Magnus.
"Maybe not, but I don't want to think about that right now. What I want to think about now is how much I want to continue to kiss you." Magnus said as he got to the nape of her neck.
"Magnus." Dayanara got ready to say as Magnus moved on the couch to reach her neck better. From the nape of her neck, he moved up her neck. He's lips gazed the mark on the back of her neck. Causing a moan to escape Dayanara's lips.
"You're not playing fair right now."
"Maybe, I'm tired of playing fair. Maybe, I want you for myself right now. I plan on letting Alec feel just how much he's missing being with all of us. But we need a little privacy first, so a change in our surroundings is needed." Magnus said as he snapped his fingers.
Dayanara was sitting on the side of a king size bed in the guest room. Magnus had started to climb up on the bed behind her. Her curly violet locks were braided down her back so he moved the braid to the side to see her mark better. Before he placed his lips to it making a shiver run down her spine.
"Tell me you don't want me, Kitten and I'll stop." Magnus whispered into Dayanara's ear as he continued to place kisses over the mark at the base of her neck.
"Magnus, you know I can't do that. You already know how much I want you." Dayanara, said in a shaky breath.
"Even Jace, is painfully aware how much I love and want you both." Dayanara said breathlessly. There was a popping sound as Magnus pulled on her blouse exposing her left shoulder so he could place a kiss or two there before moving back to kiss the mark that now not only connected her to Jace and Magnus, but a reluctant Alec as well.
Dayanara moaned at the feel of Magnus's lips on her mark as well as her skin.
"I plan on thinking of no one, but Alexander and you of course. So Jace won't feel everything so intensely as he usually does. Only Alexander will feel how intense and wonderful it can get." Magnus said to Dayanara before turning her head slightly to the side so that he could capture her lips with his own.
"Do you believe you can think of Alexander in such a way." Magnus asked Dayanara as he started to lay her back in the bed. His lips never leaving hers.
"Yes, yes I can, I've wanted Alec Lightwood since the day the two of you freed me from the institute." Dayanara said against Magnus's lips.
Magnus then pulled his shirt up over his head.
"Good,then you know what to do Nara, Kitten." Magnus said as he worked on removing Dayanara's blouse the rest of the way. Dayanara leaned forward towards Magnus's bare chest to kiss the right side of his chest where his mark was. As her lips and then tongue traced the sensitive mark. Magnus bit back a moan of his own. Both of their marks were glowing in a pure golden light now.
"I almost forgot how sensual your tongue could be on my mark." Magnus says in a horse voice.
"I can remind you of how sensual and euphoric my tongue can be elsewhere." Dayanara purred as her tongue moved down his chest and torso till she stopped at his pants.

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