Chapter 21: My Heart

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The first thing to come to me was voices, first they were talking, then they were yelling. Everything was muffled, so I couldn't make out what they were saying. I tried to open my eyes, but I was just so exhausted and it took to much effort to try any more. So I just let the darkness swallow me.
"Just wake up, wake up no one will ask anything from you. Magnus isn't going to punish you or any thing. We just want you to be, I just want you to be ok." Came Jace's soft voice.
Then the raised voices started again, only this time they were louder. I could only pick up a few words here and there. Like "Never...done and three...months."
"She decided...choice and fault."
It was all starting to give me a headache. My lips and throat were dry but I knew I had to form words, and force my eyes open.
"St-op...stop it! It's no ones fault." My voice was raspier then I expected. Suddenly, all eyes were on me.
"You've seen Magnus get exhausted from over using his magick. That's all that happened." I tried to leave it there. But Jace, wouldn't let it go. I was going to have to tell them things that I was afraid would make them afraid of me.
"There was a white glow around your wound. What was that?" Jace questioned.
I decided not to just come out and say it.
"You already know the answer Jace."
"I'm the hybrid child of a Shadowhunter and a Warlock I shouldn't exist but here we are." There was no hiding the sarcasm in my voice.
"It was from the part of you that is Nephilim, wasn't it?"
Jace said answering his own question.
"See, told you that you knew the answer. Well, since the two parts don't get along well I can't use their powers together Angel or Warlock and since the day I was born I was raised a warlock, warlock gifts and magick was always there for me. There are a few times when it wasn't and something else came out." There was a deep sadness in her voice as Dayanara spoke.
"When they did it was followed by a swift punishment. What Shadowhunter has angel powers but can't stand the runes of the Angels."
She then found herself drifting asleep once more.
When she woke later, the sun was shining in the sky. Dayanara decided to try her feet, and her magick. Getting out of bed she stood and snapped her fingers changing her clothes.
"Well, I can at least do that. Dayanara slowly made her way to the living room. There she found Jace playing with their daughter, Alyssa.
"She's crawling now. I really was out for three months, wasn't I?" Dayanara asked softly.
Jace looked up at the sound of Dayanara's voice.
"You're awake, how are you feeling Nara?"
Tears burned in the corner of her eyes when Alyssa noticed her and started to crawl to her.
"I missed three months of her life and it was my fault. Clary and Luke didn't make me take them. I offered to do it, I gave them the choice." Dayanara stated.
"Then why did you..." Jace started to asked but he didn't get to finish before Dayanara stopped him.
"I did it because, I couldn't do it for me. But I could do that for her. Most warlock kids don't get to have what I had, a family. A family where both of their parents lived together. My father was killed in front of me has he tried to get to me to protect me. Shadowhunters hand cuffed my Mom and drugged her away. I would love to be able to go back and be able to save them, but I can't." Her eyes met Jace's as she continued.
"Before you say anything let me finish. I know I can't go back, because I've tried and I can't. So why not help someone I can." Dayanara finished as she walked over to look out of the bay window.
Jace picked Alyssa up in his arms and walked over to Dayanara.
"Nara, I'm sorry you went through all of that. I never knew my mother she died the day I was born. But, I do understand the loss better then you think." Jace gently replied
Dayanara smiled softly at him.
"Maybe that's why we get along so well." She said in return.
Alyssa reached out toward Dayanara to touch her face. Making her chuckle. "Yes hi sweetheart." She said smiling.
Jace then spoke up just remembering something.
"That reminds me Izzie has the day off and she offered to babysit Alyssa, today." Jace said as he studied Dayanara's face.
"Well, guess that will give me so time to work on orders for a few of my clients. I do still have a few of those, clients." Dayanara replied.
"Aren't they, mundanes?" Jace questioned.
Dayanara, just shrugged her shoulders.
"Maybe, mundanes are the most grateful for my mixers. Arthritis, common muscle pains, cough and congestion, auto-immune problems." Dayanara rattled off a few of the ailments she helped with.
"So your clients are all old mundanes." Jace said in a teasing tone.
"No not all of them." She then narrowed her eyes at Jace as she made her way to the kitchen.
"Did you have a point you were trying to make, Jace?" Dayanara asked as she quirked an eyebrow at him.
"No I was just curious. So what's on the agenda for today while Alyssa and I are gone?"
The blonde shadowhunter asked.
"Nothing to exciting, balms, lotions, syrups and tonics."
She busied herself measuring out the oils to go in one of her balms: Sunflower, Coconut, Castor. Dayanara then added essential oils to the mix chamomile, lavender, patchouli, dill weed eucalyptus and coriander. Once the oils were measured out in a bowl, she melted the sunflower wax in a pan on the stove top added Vitamin E once the wax was melted she added the oils and stirred. Dayanara was pouring the balm into small jars. When there was a knock on the door. Jace called out, "I got it Nara!"
Dayanara smiled when she heard Isobel gushing over Alyssa.
"Oh my gosh she's getting so big."

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