Chapter 48: Recover

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Warning: This Chapter has content that may be hard for some readers to read as it deals with having to give up a child, and the grief that comes with it.

Jace bent over as pain shot up his arm from the mark that connected him to Dayanara. Causing him to stumble and almost fall. Alec moved quickly to his side to steady him.
"Jace, what is it, what's wrong?" Alec asked his Parabati in concern.
"It's Dayanara, something isn't right. It feels like my blood is on fire. Ahhhh, I've never felt anything like this! I have to get to her, she needs me!" Jace said to Alec as he fought through the pain to steady himself to walk.
"Jace! I am worried too, but their in the Seelie Realm. There is nothing we can do without breaking the accords, if we did that we could put them in more danger." Alec said firmly trying to get Jace to see reason.
Jace stilled for a moment as the pain he was feeling from Dayanara disappeared. Alec noticed his reaction.
"Jace, what is it? What are you feeling now?" Alec asked in concern.
"Nothing the burning is gone." Jace said as he allowed himself to sag down on the couch.
"This whole waiting thing is impossible."
Alec laughed at Jace's comment.
"Only you would complain about sitting still."
"Well I'm sorry, like I told you before assigning you the position as head of the institute. I'm a follower not a leader, warriors are good at action. I mean we have to wait for the right time to attack. But things are different when it comes to Dayanara.
"When I'm with her it's like I'm home." Jace said before looking away from Alec.
"Sounds like you're really in love. Have the two of you talked about a wedding date, especially since you have proposed twice.
Jace shook his head, "No, but I'm thinking I need to do it soon. Before something else happens and comes between us. I only proposed the second time as a do over. Considering, she found out my last name is Herondale and not Wayland."


Magnus stretched has he woke up, with the intent of getting a drink and filling a plate with fruit for Dayanara's breakfast. The tables however, were still empty. Dayanara started to stir beside him and sit up.
"Sorry Kitten the table is empty."
Dayanara pouted as she looked at the table.
"Poo, I was thirsty and a little hungry."
"So was I Kitten but I guess that's all for right now." Magnus said gesturing towards the empty table. When it was suddenly full again.
"Oh, goody!" Dayanara suddenly exclaimed as she pulled a green robe and struggled to get her very pregnant self out of the bed.
Magnus smiled lightly at her affords.
"Here let me help you." Magnus said taking both of her hands in his and pulling her up out of bed.
"This part of being pregnant sucks. Though Jace would tell me how cute I was, right about now. Even though I feel like a beached whale and my back is killing me." She said as she waddled towards the now full table of fruits. Dayanara savored the sweet flavor of the dragon fruit as cut open the pink fruit and started to scoop out its soft white center. She turned and offered some to Magnus which he took. She picked up a glass of pomegranate-blueberry juice. With a her glass in one hand and a slice of kiwi in the other she turned to Magnus as he put blackberries and blueberries and mulberries on a plate eating one or two here and there.
"Magnus, if I became a Queen would you become my King? Do you think Jace would do it? If I did it we could change so much." Dayanara asked in a curious tone.
"Dayanara, where is this coming from?" Magnus asked in a concerned voice.
"Just answer my question, Magnus please."
He sighed at first, before speaking.
"I'm sure Jace would follow you anywhere and even agree to stay at your side. But I don't know if he would want to be King. As for me I don't know, if by some strange coincidence it were to happen I'll let you know then."
Dayanara cocked her head to the side as she gave what Magnus had just said some thought.
She put a few blueberries in her mouth before speaking. "I think you both would, especially if it meant making things better for Downworlders and Shadowshunters alike it would be something that happened slowly and not in one day."'
Dayanara turned back to her fruit salad, before looking back at Magnus like she was on the verge of tears.
"Dayanara what is it, is it the baby?" He asked concerned.
Dayanara shook her head, "No, it's just that I really want some honey pear juice, but I've drank what was here already." She then sniffed back a few tears.
Magnus gave her a soft smile. "I'm sure there is a bottle of sparkling pear juice here. Now if I can just find the honeycomb I saw earlier." Cradling a glass in one hand, his eyes lit up when he found the last comb of honey.
His hand stilled above the comb as two honeybees crawled on it.
"Excuse me ladies, mind if I take it to my lady and unborn baby it will really be helpful." Magnus said gently to the bees. He was surprised when the two bees took off leaving the honey for him. He then turned toward Dayanara.
"What, what is it?"
She just smiled at him, "They were impressed on how polite, you were to them."
"You could understand them?" Magnus said as he raised an eyebrow. Dayanara motioned to all of her.
"Oh, yes, right you're a Seelie right now." Magnus was so comfortable with her right now, he'd almost forgotten. Everything felt normal right now, being here with Dayanara, carrying his child. He found himself wondering what it would be like to see her pregnant again once all of this was over.
Magnus suddenly, shook his head as he tried to clear his head of the thought.
This wasn't where they were supposed to be, Dayanara wasn't a Seelie she was a Nephilockie, he supposed, a Trihybrid now. Alec was waiting for him, he needed to get back to him.
Magnus returned back to what he was doing before his mind had wandered. He allowed honey to drip down into the glass in his hand. He then made his way to the sparkling pear juice, opening it he poured it into the glass with the honey.
"There I may not have my magick here, but I can still work some drink magic." Magnus said handing the glass to Dayanara.
She took it and took a sip, her eyes widening in surprise.
"Oh my this is delicious! I think this is my new favorite." Dayanara stood there just looking at Magnus.
"What is it, what are you thinking." He asked her.
"How much, I love you." She said as she finished her drink and set the glass down on the table, before pulling Magnus closer to her she then gave him a passion fill kiss before, pulling out of it.
"Sorry, I think I need to go lay down and put my feet up."
"Here, I'll help you get in bed." Magnus said taking her arm and helping her back to their bed.
Dayanara untied the tie to the green robe. Seelie had no modesty when it came to their bodies, other then their warriors, others sometimes wore revealing clothes. So he wasn't surprised by the shear lavender nightgown that was there. As he he removed her robe.
As Magnus helped her into bed through there was a small bump from the baby. Dayanara grabbed his hand and put it on the spot. Magnus was taken by surprise when the baby kicked against his hand. Even more so when the warm feelings of love and contentment washed over him.
"She loves us, with each beat of her little heart." He then took in how tight her skin was over her growing belly. There wouldn't be much more time before she was here.
"Magnus, I want to name her Eva. What do you think?"
"I think it's beautiful, we should add Cherished to it. So her name will be Eva Cherished even if it is only for us."
Dayanara shook her head, "No, she will be called that until it's time to take over the Seelies or we're not leaving her. You have to promise me you'll make the Seelie Queen agree."
That was a tall order to do, but he didn't want to upset her. "I promise to do my best." Magnus said as he pulled the covers over her as she settled in on her left side.
Magnus went and climbed in on the other side. But he found that he didn't need any sleep, nor was he that hungry. Which meant the hold the Seelie Realm had on him was fading, he still couldn't reach his magick, but that was normal.
It also meant that Dayanara would be going into labor soon.
So since he couldn't sleep, Magnus decided to sit on a chair next to the bed. His right hand came up to touch the mark on his left peck muscle. It looked and felt like a tattoo, it almost felt like he had always had it. The only difference between it an a tattoo was that he could sense it's magick, it was very old and powerful. Unlike a tattoo that had been there for awhile the mark that connected him and Jace to Dayanara was sometimes warm, especially when there was intense emotion between them.
What had happened earlier, when he felt like having Dayanara with him, seeing her pregnant with one of his miracle children. He supposed he'd never know what had been done to him to make him fertile.
Then it came to him, Jace hadn't been the target that day, he had been. So Dayanara and the mark on her neck was why his children existed. Had he never given it much thought.
How were they to recover after having to give this baby up to the Seelie Queen. Magnus didn't think he could and he knew Dayanara wouldn't.
He took a purple jewel from Dayanara's necklace, one of his necklaces and his silver ring. He found a feather outside, a bit of water and two small pieces of paper with Eva and Cherished written on them then put it all in to a bowl. All he needed now was a little spark, pulling in a slow calming breath he focused on bringing the smallest amount of magick into his hands to make a spark. He held a hand over the bowl and snapped his fingers. Once the smoke had cleared, he reached into the bowl and pulled out a silver necklace with the a purple jewel at the start of the script, was written in sliver Eva is Cherished.
He had no idea if the Queen would allow it but he didn't care, this was their daughter and she would always have a piece of them.
"Magnus!" Dayanara cried out for him.
He pocketed the necklace and hurried through the willow branches to get to Dayanara.
"I'm here Kitten, I'm here." Magnus called as he made it to her side.
"She's coming Magnus, our little Eva is coming and she's coming fast." Dayanara said as she tried to calm her breathing. Her legs started to shake as the contractions continued to come.
Magnus had pulled the sheets up to see that her water had indeed broke, and their daughter's head was already crowning.
"You're right Nara, she is coming fast. But you can do this, just push with the contractions." Magnus said trying to give her encouragement.
Dayanara cried as she pushed, knowing that as soon as she was born, she would have to give her up. There was nothing she could do to slow this labor.
"She's almost here you're doing beautifully, Nara. One more push, Kitten and she's here."
She didn't want to, but right now her body wasn't her own. It belonged to the Seelie Queen for now and was bending to her wishes.
A moment later a tiny cry filled the thicket. She had a head of dark hair a leaf was on her left cheek as well as two on her chest just like Dayanara. Her eyes were already a light honey color just like Dayanara's. The only sign that Magnus was her dark hair and tan skin tone.
Vines gently started to wrap around Dayanara's lower half.
Magnus was startled by the sight.
She gave Magnus a small smile.
"It's ok. They are helping to clean me."
The sight of seeing carnivorous vines wrapping a round her didn't sit well with him. But in a few minutes the fluids and placenta were gone.
The baby had been cleaned as well. So Magnus picked up a blanket and wrapped it around the baby.
"Our sweet little Eva Cherished. I have something for you." Magnus said as he pulled the necklace from his pocket, then put it on the baby's neck.
"I don't know if you will be allowed to keep this but this is the one way to let you know we love you." He brought Eva to Dayanara again so she could place a kiss on the top of her head.
She then took her from Magnus to allow her to nurse if only for a little while.
A few minutes later, Magnus was laying the baby in the cradle and Dayanara was resting in the bed.
"Very nicely done. She's more beautiful then I could have imagined. She is already immensely, gifted." The Seelie Queen said in a authoritative tone.
"We only asked three things before we leave." Magnus said as he watched the Seelie Queen's reaction.
"Go, on Magnus Bane," the Seelie Queen said indicating he should continue.
"She'll be called Eva Cherished until it is time for her to take the throne. Second, this necklace is her heirloom and link to us and how much we love her. Third, you allow us to say goodbye to her." Magnus said as he finished speaking.
The Seelie Queen was quiet at first, not saying anything.
"Fine, her birth name will be Eva Cherished until she takes the throne, she may keep the necklace as well, It was made with elements from nature that was willingly given so I will allow it. I suppose saying goodbye won't hurt. But as soon as it's done you are to leave.
Dayanara, will transition back to herself once you leave. It will be up to you and your Shadowhunters to help her. Just remember, Seelie can be very sexual creatures till the end, she may need it to dull the pain. I will leave you to it."The Seelie Queen faded into the trees, but Magnus knew she wasn't gone.
"Dayanara, wake up it's time." He said as he helped her dress in the clothes that had been returned to Dayanara as well a little extra.
She then sat on the edge of the bed as Magnus brought Eva to her.
"We love you so very much you precious little girl this necklace will never let you forget. No matter what, you're going through." He kissed her little head as he handed her to Dayanara.
"Magnus is right, we love you my little flower." Dayanara hugged her to her gently as she kissed the top of her head. Then she kissed Eva's head again and once more before she laid her down in the cradle. Two female Seelie's dressed in white were there now. Dayanara could only hope that they were there to take care of Eva.
A male and female Seelie in dressed as warriors appeared out of the trees.
"We will walk you to the gate now." Said the male warrior.
They were almost to the gate, when Dayanara felt like her legs were about to give out. Magnus scooped her up into his arms before she could fall.
"I gotcha ya, Kitten." He said as he blinked back tears of his own. He prayed to whoever was listening that Eva never felt like she wasn't wanted. That was the farthest from the truth.
The Seelie gate opened up in a secluded area of the park. The female warriors stepped through with them.
"This is a far as I go, can you manage?" She asked as she motioned to Dayanara.
"If this is as far as you go. Then I will have to won't I." Magnus sniped back at the Seelie, but she said nothing as she turned back towards the gate and disappeared.
Magnus shifted Dayanara ever so slightly so he could use a hand to open a portal. He then carefully stepped through with Dayanara still in his arms

He was a little surprised when he stepped out of the portal to find himself standing on Jace and Dayanara's small balcony and not inside. Magnus looked down at Dayanara in his arms to find she had fallen asleep.
Seeing Jace and Alec in the living room, he knocked on the balcony door. Both men turned to the sound and scrambled up to get the door.
"Thank the Angel your back and ok." Alec said as he smiled in relief.
"I am back, but I can't say I'm ok. I have a lot to tell the both of you. But first I need to lay her down to rest and a stiff drink." Magnus said as he moved passed them and into the apartment.
"Magnus, whose the Seelie in your arms where's Dayanara?" Jace asked as he and Alec followed him.
"She's right here in my arms, she was forced to go through a transformation. It should were off in few days, but I didn't quite believe the Seelie Queen. As painful and quick as it happened in the Seelie Realm, I can only believe it will be slow to fade and just as painful." Magnus said as he gently laid her down in Jace and hers bed. He then carefully removed her shoes. Before pulling a blanket over her.
"We're home Kitten, get some sleep. I won't go anywhere I promise." He said as he kissed her forehead.
Magnus went to the small bar cabinet and poured himself a glass of bourbon. He savored the slow burn as it went down his throat.
"Magnus, it's been four weeks, what happened how is Dayanara a Seelie now." Jace questioned him.
Magnus poured another glass of bourbon.
"Four weeks for you, was nearly seven and a half months for us. It would seem that  Dayanara had dormant Seelie blood in her body,from the Queen herself. Which the Queen woke up so she could pay a debt her father owed her. A Child with unforeseen powers, but she insisted that it had to be a Seelie, Warlock child." Magnus said as he pitched the bridge of his nose.
"I'm sure, I felt Dayanara's transformation. It felt like my blood was on fire. I'd like to say that I can't believe she'd make you give her a child, but I can." Jace said the last bit harshly.
Magnus took another drink from his glass as he sat down in a soft chair in the living room.
"I bet she's beautiful." Alec said as he gave Magnus's shoulder a gentle squeeze.
"She is Alec, so much so. We managed to have the Seelie Queen to allow us to name her, we chose Eva Cherished as her name." Magnus said as he fought back the tears in his eyes.
Just then sobbing could be heard coming from the master bedroom. Magnus set down his glass and headed to the bedroom. He then climbed into the bed with Dayanara as she put her face against his chest and continued to cry. As he rubbed circles on her back.
"I know Kitten, I know let it out." Magnus said to her in a soothing voice.
Jace frowned before leaving the room for a minute.
The smell of dogwood, ginger blossoms and pears soon helped Dayanara fall back to sleep.
Alec watched from his spot against the door frame. He then sighed, "I guess I should see if I can work a few days of leave. Something tells me that this won't be over in three days before Jace has to go to Idris."
"There's no way I can get out of it either. My grandmother is a hard ass and isn't budging." Jace said coming back to the room.
"Oh, I called Clary she and Jocelyn are coming over. So is Catarina as soon as her shift is over. Dot agreed to keep the both sets of twins a little longer. I figured some women power could help. Clary and her mom are good with tears and stuff. I'm sure Simon will be fine with four kids for a bit." Jace added hoping he had done something right.
"Here why don't I take over for a bit." Jace offered.
"I'll stay until Clary and Jocelyn get here. Then I have my own trip to plan for. I might just close my eyes for awhile." Magnus said as he leaned back in the bed a little.
"Alright Magnus, get a little rest. Alec will wake you when they get here." Jace said as he excused himself from the room.
"Crap I forgot that you and Magnus would be leaving at the same time in a few days. How am I supposed to help Dayanara out as she transitions back to herself and with the kids?" Alec couldn't help but voice, his concern was evident in his tone.
"First off, you're not alone, we have Simon, Clary Jocelyn, Luke and Dot. I'm sure Izzy and Meliorn will be willing to help out. Once, Dayanara is a little bit better. I thought of asking Meliorn over to see what he thinks might help Dayanara deal with the pain as she comes back to herself." Jace said reminding Alec that their family was much bigger now.
Alec scrubbed his face with a hand before moving to rub his neck. Why did all of this just feel like it was all going to go to hell?

(A/N: Hello dears, hope there is not to much dislike for these last couple of Chapters. Once the final chapters are posted. Keep a lookout out for Hidden Haven Book 2 of the New Salvation Trilogy.)

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