Chapter 25: Into the Vortex

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As the two women finished up cleaning the living room up from wrapping paper and bows.  Dayanara looked over at Clary.
"I appreciate the help, but you don't have to stay." Dayanara explained.
The red haired Shadowhunter just smiled at her. "I don't mind really, I'm happy to do it. Besides you gave me back my Mom."
"How is that going? With your Mom I mean." Dayanara asked.
"It was a little tough for her at first but it's getting better. Of course, Luke has been there to he has hardly left her side." Clary replied with a smile.
"I'm glad things are working out." Dayanara said returning Clary's smile.
A moment later, a portal appeared and two male Warlocks walked out. Dayanara had already brought magick into her hands. But before she could attack, one of the Warlocks appeared in front of her locking binding cuffs on her wrist.
"Weren't expecting you, but we came prepared for anything." Whispered out the first.
The second Warlock focused on Clary.
"Iris Rouse is expecting you, you still owe her a blood oath. So instead of killing you, you're going to pay your dues." The Warlock sneered at her in return.
"I'm not going anywhere with you." Clary challenged.
"You don't have a choice!" Pulling his owe magick into his hands, the Warlock managed to disarm Clary from her stele. Then locking metal cuffs on her wrist.
"Now, you either come with us willingly or things might turn out bad for the other two people in this apartment." The Warlock threatened.
Those words made Clary and Dayanara freeze.
"Fine, I'll go with you." Clary replied in defeat.
As he took a rough hold on Clary. He turned to his companion.
"What are you doing? Iris told us bring Shadowhunters back not a Warlock. Isobel Lightwood isn't here, so let's take Fairchild here and get moving."
The Warlock holding on to Dayanara used his magick to make a copy of himself.
"I say we take her too. Not sure how but she has Shadowhunter blood in her. Rouse may be able to use her for something." He sneered as he looked down his nose at her. He then reached forward and grabbed the necklace and charm Magnus had given her.
"Can't have them tracking you that easy." He said as he ripped it from her neck and tossed it to the floor.
"Now to make sure you don't cause any problems." He then brought magick into both hands as he waved them over Dayanara.
" Somnum, somnum, sleep, sleep!" The Warlock chanted in Latin.
As Dayanara went limp, he caught her in a yellow magick barrier. Making her float behind him as he walked toward the portal, behind Clary and her captor. They disappeared into the portal as it snapped closed behind them.
Jace then walked out into the room from Alyssa's bedroom.
"Sorry Dayanara, Clary I didn't mean to make you ladies do all the clean up. Alyssa finally fell asleep."
Jace looked around the empty room. "Dayanara, Clary where are you guys?" Jace called as he moved around the apartment. He then spotted Clary's stele on the ground.
"This isn't good. What happened in here, and where did you go?"
Alec watched Magnus as he got ready for bed.
"Magnus, you've been acting weird all day. What is going on with you?" Alec questioned his lover.
"Weird me, no I've always been flamboyant." Magnus replied to Alec's words.
"You are indeed flamboyant at times, that's part of your charm. You've been acting jumpy around Dayanara. So tell me what is going on?" Alec answered in return.
"Last night, while I was at Jace and Nara's. I may have had a vision of Dayanara being pregnant." The High Warlock confesses, to his Shadowhunter.
"Didn't we all ready have this conversation. No matter what happens, we'll do it together." Alec reminded him.
"If she is pregnant, you know that I'm most likely the father of the baby. Due to whatever they did to me." Magnus asked.
Alec gave him a smile and nodded.
"Yes, Magnus I know." Alec then noticed that Magnus was rubbing the right side of his chest again. It seemed to be an unconscious action, he had picked up since coming home.
"Magnus, are you ok? You've been rubbing and worrying that spot on the right side of your chest since you came back through the rift." Alec questioned the High Warlock
"I have,I didn't even notice that I was."
Once he had stop Alec gently pulled open the top of the shirt.
"Is that what I think it is?" Alec questioned.
Taking in the mark that was on Magnus's chest.
Just then, Jace walked into their apartment.
"Yeah, it's an identical mark to the one on my wrist. Welcome to the club." He said a little curtly.
"Seriously, what is with you all and knocking?"
Magnus asked.
"I don't have time for proper etiquettes. We have bigger problems. Clary and Nara were cleaning up from the party while I put Alyssa to bed. When I came out later they both where gone." He then continued.
"Nara, would have said something if she and Clary were going to go somewhere. Not to mention I found Clary's stele." Jace finished saying.
"Just give me a second and I'll activate the tracking spell on Dayanara's necklace." Magnus said in response to Jace's words.
Magnus closed his eyes and waved his hands in the air as blue magick sparked to life in his hands.
His eyes then snapped open.
"The tracking spell says that Dayanara is in your apartment." Magnus stated.
"I'm telling you it's wrong." Jace challenged.
"My tracking spells are always right." He counter.
"Not this time, old man." Jace shot back.
"Did you just..." Magnus started but Alec cut him off before he could finish.
"Ok, enough. Jace we'll go to your apartment and check things out. Jace is right Magnus, Clary wouldn't have left her stele behind. If they are in danger, fighting isn't going to help them."He replied.

Walking down the hall Alec asked Jace.
"I know you where in a hurry but do you think you should have left Alyssa alone in the apartment.
"I'm not a complete idiot. I made sure the wards that Nara and Magnus put in the nursery were working."
Upon unlocking the door, Jace went to the baby's room first. Only to find his daughter still peacefully sleeping. He then made his way out to the living room, just in time to see Magnus pick Dayanara's necklace up off the carpet.
"So I was right. Someone did take them." Jace replied to no one in particular.
Magnus replied in turn.
"Yes, it would appear so. It would also seem that they were aware of the tracking magick hidden within this necklace."
Magnus then walked around the room with his hands out as if he was testing the air.
"A portal has opened here, and at least two Warlocks used their magick here." Magnus concluded.
Jace just shook his head. "Why didn't they fight back? Why did they just go with them."
"Maybe, they didn't have a choice, Jace. They went with them without fighting back to protect you and Alyssa. As far as we know, we're the only ones that know about her existence." Alec said in replied.
"But, who would have taken them and why? I mean why take Clary?"
Magnus then spotted a tuff of orange fur on the cream carpet. He plucked it up to look at it in the light.
"Jace, has Dayanara taken in any orange cats of late?" Magnus asked.
"Not that I know of we have Logan a brown and white tabby, Gypsy a calico but she is more black, white and tan not orange. Then there is Isis but she is black and white. No orange cats here. Why, Magnus?" Jace questioned.
"I found a tuff of orange cat hair. If Dayanara doesn't have any orange cats. I only know one warlock that has a thing for ginger cats." Magnus answered.
"Who, Magnus?"
"Iris Rouse!"
"What would she want with Clary?" Jace asked.
Alec's eyes widened with realization.
"When Clary's mother first died. She sought out Iris to help bring her back. Iris was obsessed with making it possible for a Shadowhunter to carry a child with demon blood. Clary signed a blood oath." Alec stated in return.
"And now, Iris has Dayanara too." Jace voiced out loud.

( That's all for this chapter. I hoped this answered a few questions. I'm sure I made You ask a few more. Hopefully, I can answer them. Until Chapter 26.)

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