Chapter 55: Fragile World Part 2

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Warning this Chapter will talk about miscarriages, and early delivery at 34 weeks, which considered full term. (Been there myself) I will do my best to mark with asterisks.

"Magnus! Alec!" Jace yelled as he held onto Dayanara's limp form. Tears clouded his vision, as he tried to rouse her.
"Nara, hey listen to me. Open your eyes, open your eyes Nara." Jace said as the tears in his eyes started to fall.
Magnus and Alec were at Jace's side in a snap of Magnus's fingers, his cat eyes glowed as he called out to Meliorn and Isabelle.
"Meliorn, Isabelle take the children to the playroom,please. Luke call Catarina tell her it's an emergency, hurry." Magnus said as he turned his attention back to Dayanara who was still being held in Jace's arms.
"Magnus, the baby, is the baby ok?" Alec asked out of concern.
"I don't know Alexander, I'm checking." Magnus said as golden blue magick spread out over Dayanara's body.
"The baby seems to be perfectly fine. Dayanara however isn't. I'm not sure what is going on. She's hemorrhaging from somewhere. I'll know more when Catarina gets here." Magnus said worry etched across his face.
"She's going to need a blood transfusion, Magnus." Jace said as he started to carry Dayanara down the stairs using his speed rune to get to the special room they were setting up for Dayanara when it was time for the baby to be born.
"I can see that Jace, there is just one problem. Other then knowing that she used blood, from Alec, Meliorn, myself and a few drops of yours. I know nothing of the ratios she used to get a compatible blood type." Magnus said as he and Alec followed him.
"Catarina, should be here any minute." Luke said as he walked into the makeshift delivery room.
"Anything else I can help with?" Luke asked as Jace fumbled with a few things.
"Have you ever drawn blood before?" Jace asked.
"I've done it before, do you have everything we need to do it?" Luke said as he came into the room.
"If we do it will be over there in the cabinet top shelf."  Jace said just as Catarina came in the room, with Isabelle walking behind her with Meliorn.
Catarina, didn't say anything as she set to work putting IV's and leads on Dayanara while another female warlock placed a fetal monitor around her big baby bump. It was now that Catarina spoke,
"Thank you, Luke if you could go ask Meliorn to come here that will be helpful. I have a little quicker way to draw blood." She said as she looked to Magnus.
"You're first Magnus, Lilac can take over for you."  Catarina said indicating one of the chairs in front of her. While the female warlock Catarina called Lilac continued to use her magick to keep Dayanara stable.
While Catarina used her magick to quickly draw blood from Magnus, Meliorn, Alec and Jace.
"Isabelle, do you mind if I test your blood against Dayanara's too. In light of what happened you may be a closer match. I'm going to go ahead and do what I did the last time. Then I'll run some test on your blood. Catarina said before, she then got to work mixing the different bloods until she had a familiar match to Dayanara's blood type.
* "I just don't understand where she's hemorrhaging from. It's not the placenta, the baby is perfectly healthy. I mean based off of where the blood is coming from, it's got to be related to her pregnancy. She's having no contraction and the baby is healthy in fact it's being protected by magic."
Catarina admitted as she let everyone know what was going on.*
"Maybe I can help? I still have my clearance at least for two more weeks so there may be more I can find out." Maryse said coming into the room
Alec looked at her confused.
"What do you mean you'll only have your clearance for two more weeks?"
"Well, since you're father and I will no longer be married and I won't be carrying the Lightwood name anymore. I decided that I needed to take responsibility for the horrible things I did when I was younger. Even if at the time I thought I was doing them for the right reasons. So as punishment it was decided that my clearance will be revoked and my runes removed. The Klave is allowing my memories to remain for the good I did, trying to make up for the bad and the fact that I have children that are apart of the shadow world. Otherwise..." Maryse said before Alec finished what she was going to say.
"They would have erased your memories of the ShadowWorld too. This is ridiculous, I can't believe you agreed to this. What about Jace's wedding, what about mine and Magnus's?"
Maryse smiled at Alec.
"I'll still be there, I just won't be a Shadowhunter anymore." Maryse said to her son.

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