Chapter 54: Fragile World Part 1

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Dayanara's recovery had gone a little slower then she wanted it to go. As the rest of her memories, from the day of the explosion came back to her. Dayanara had learned that she was more powerful now and she had more control over her angel powers. Her body still wouldn't allow new runes to be written on it. But if she was with Jace he could activate the runes that scared her body and she could use them.
Her angel blood had been awoken during the explosion, Rafael Santiago and Simon had gotten her blood on them and it had mingled with wounds they gotten digging her out. So now the two of them, were Daylighters and had pledged their loyalty to her, just like a few of the Seelies had done. Magnus had gone so far as making both vampires, sign a blood oath to silence.
Dayanara and Jace's wedding was on hold until the little girl she was carrying was born. She was almost 30 weeks now.
Learning how to walk again, while being 10 to 12 weeks pregnant hadn't been easy. Jace and Magnus were very doting. Alec's behavior almost reminded her of Jace when she had first been pregnant, with Alyssa. The only difference was how he acted when Jace and Magnus weren't around he was completely different.
Dayanara's morning sickness had been relentless this time. This morning was no different, as she lost her breakfast, lunch was usually the meal she could keep down. But today she wasn't sure that was going to be safe either. Gentle hands rubbed her back as they held her hair back.
"Eww, don't do that I'm pretty sure I have vomit in my hair." Dayanara warned her hair holder.
There was a soft chuckle from behind her.
"Then I help you wash it." Alec said as he continued to rub her back.
"I just don't understand why you won't let me cut it?" Dayanara asked in confusion.
"You can cut it, I'd just like you to wait till she's here first." Alec said as he went and grabbed the portable reclining chair, Magnus bought just so Dayanara could wash her hair in the sink.
Once the water was warm he tipped Dayanara's head back and started to rinse it before adding shampoo to it. A moan slipped free from her lips as Alec lathered the shampoo into her hair. Just as he was about to rinse the shampoo from Dayanara's violet colored hair.
A timer suddenly, went of on Alec's phone making him curse.
"Damn it!"
"What is it Alec?" Dayanara asked.
"I have a meeting with the Inquisitor that I can't miss. She already thinks Jace made a mistake reinstating me as head of the institute. I can't give her any reason to think she's right."
Magnus came walking to Dayanara's bedroom with a tray of food for lunch.
"Uh oh, morning sickness again, Kitten. Guess I'll put this away for later." Magnus said before snapping his fingers and making the tray disappear.
"Magnus, I have a meeting to get to that I can't be late for it's with the Inquisitor. I can't give her a reason to doubt Jace's decision to reinstate me as head of the institute. Can you help Dayanara finish washing her hair, please." Alec asked Magnus as he gave Dayanara's pregnant belly a kiss.
"Yes, of course my Sweet. Will you be home for dinner tonight?" Magnus asked Alec as he leaned down to kiss Magnus's lips.
"I should be, so I'll see you later." Alec said as he rushed for the door.
Magnus finished rinsing Dayanara hair and in a snap of his fingers it was dry.
"I had hoped all of us being under the same roof. He'd open up more." Dayanara said as she tried to fight the tears pooling in her eyes.
"Damn hormones." Dayanara replied as she pulled in a shaky breath as she wiped the tears from her eyes before they fell.
"Hey, Nara what is it?" Magnus asked as he lifted her chin so she was looking him in the eyes.
"I don't know, Jace thinks this baby is his but whenever I carrying Jace's baby I lose my Warlock magick to some extent. None of that has happened with this one it's been normal and you and I haven't been intimate enough for it to possibly be yours." Dayanara said biting her lip.
"So you think it's Alexander's" Magnus asked.
"I know it's a silly thought, but when Alec and I were exposed to that strange magick. We both have missing pieces of that night. Alec has been so hot and cold with me." Dayanara explained.
"How so Kitten?" Magnus questioned trying to see where she was going.
"When you and Jace aren't here, Alec is so attentive and gentle. Even when I'm not asking for anything. But then if you or Jace come into the room he shuts down. Sometimes, I feel like I'm being pulled towards him like I was with you and Jace. But, Alec doesn't have a mark to connect him to me. I know I said I was attracted to him, who wouldn't be , it's not like that though this is different." Dayanara said as she made her way to the couch.
"I can't help but wonder if Alec is using the glamour rune to some how hide the mark." Dayanara said before shaking her head.
"Maybe, I'm just being silly."
"I don't think you're being silly. There is something going on with Alec. I couldn't imagine him using a glamour rune to hide such a special mark." Magnus said before making Dayanara's lunch tray appear again.
"How about chicken ramen, berry mojito tea and a dill pickle for lunch." Magnus said setting the tray down on and end table for her.
Dayanara took a few sips of the spearmint berry tea, before biting it to the tangy pickle moaning as she did so.
"I've so been craving this."
"I know Jace sent me a fire message about not forgetting the pickle with your lunch." Magnus said before continuing.
"Now rest, Alyssa is with Jace doing rune lessons. Izzy is spending time with Tristan and Sparrow and I'll be upstairs with Ezra and Nova working on their magick control. Then I will have them help finish up Tristan and Sparrow's new bedroom and do a little something to start on the nursery for our little crumpet." Magnus said as he got ready to go up stairs.
"Magnus?" Dayanara asked.
"Yes, Kitten?" Magnus said in response to her question.
"Do you have any idea why Alec doesn't want me to cut my hair? I was going to cut it off this morning after my bout of morning sickness. But he said he wanted me to wait till after the baby was born?" Dayanara found herself asking.
"No, I don't have any idea why he would want you to wait till after the baby was born." Magnus said before kissing the top of her head.
"Eat a little something and get some rest. I won't be far." Magnus said before heading back towards the stairs.
"I will Magnus, thank you." Dayanara said before finishing off her pickle.
She then started on some of her soup, and drank her tea. A little bit later, Dayanara woke up to find new tray of of food waiting for her. Along with a little note.
Try to eat a little something. Magnus made it and the kids are taken care of. Love, Jace.
Under the metal dome was a plate of sautéed shrimp in garlic sauce over rice, a buttery roll and a pickle. Dayanara couldn't help but smile at the pickle on her plate. There was a glass of sparkling pear juice as well.
Before Dayanara knew it she had finished the pickle, roll, glass of pear juice and half of the rice dish. She then found herself falling asleep. The smell of ginger blossoms and pears surrounded her, as she was cradled by something warm. Dayanara stirred slightly in her sleep.
"Hmmm, Magnus where's Jace?" She asked in her sleepy haze.
Magnus answered in a soft tone. "He and Alec got called back into the institute. So I'm putting you to bed Kitten."
"But that's a lot of steps and I'm to heavy for you to carry all that way." Dayanara tried to argue.
"It's fine, you're not that heavy and you're half asleep. Don't worry I have you." Magnus said as Dayanara yawned.
Soon Magnus had her in a comfy floral maternity nightgown and was tucking her in bed.
Dayanara's left hand gently touched his arm.
"Stay until Jace gets home, please."
"Okay, Kitten." Magnus said as he sat on top of the bed sheets. Dayanara slid down in bed until her head was laying on Magnus's lap.
As she lay there Magnus stroked her head running his fingers through her hair, until Dayanara drifted off to sleep.

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