Chapter: 24

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"Finally. Zeldris wouldn't shut up about you for the last 3,000 years." Galand complained which caused me to giggle a bit. I really did miss my old friends.

"I honestly don't know where to even start Zel. I was beginning to think I'd never see you again." I exclaimed causing Zeldris to take his eyes off of me and turn towards the ground. This was a hard time for both of us. Both of our hearts ached for so long and now finally, we were with each other again.

"I've waited for this day for what felt like eternity (y/n)." Zeldris replied softly with sincerity in his voice.

"Please. I'd hate it if you were all just stuck here so exposed to the elements. I'd like to have you all come and stay at my castle." I explained. The Ten Commandments were all my best friends 3,000 years ago. I just thought I'd offer my hospitality to them and essentially to Zeldris who I knew wouldn't want to take his eyes off me.

"We'll see love. We're all really weak right now and it'll be hard to get anywhere. But I can ask the rest-" Zeldris started until he was interrupted.

"Hear that everyone! Party at (y/n)'s place!!" Galand shouted up to the rest of the commandments which got all their attention. 8 peeping heads all looked down to me, Zeldris, Galand and Melascula with interest.

"(Y/n)?" A voice rang until I was able to identify its owner Derieri. Then soon enough Derieri along with Monspeet jumped down from the black ledge they were on. Both of them still looked the same, like not a day had passed since I last saw them 3,000 years ago. The only remarkable difference I found in any of the commandments was Fraudrin who now took the physical form of former Holy Knight grand master Dreyfus.

"(Y/n), long time no see." Derieri spat out to me. Me and her were relatively close back in the days of the holy war. In fact, after my family was killed by the goddesses, Derieri was the closest thing I had to a friend. "So what's all this about your castle?" She soon followed up.

"Oh, well you all need rest but I just thought I'd let you guys know that my castle isn't too far from here and I'd love it if you all wanted to stay with me there." I replied hopefully. I really just wanted to shelter my friends, and I knew the longer they were exposed, the more havoc would be wrecked.

"Damn, that thing is still standing. I thought 3,000 years passed?" Melascula responded coyly to my offer and I just laughed. I couldn't hold back my joy too much longer, I was here with all the people who used to make me happiest. There was no greater feeling.

"We'll head over to the castle the day after tomorrow. That should give all of us some time to rejuvenate and get used to things. But for now (y/n), I'd like to go somewhere alone with you." Zeldris spoke up and I just nodded in agreement. I was still taking everything in. The sweet sound of his voice. The warm feeling of his touch. I was beyond elated.

It took a bit of effort for Zel to open his wings from the darkness that surrounded his body. I could tell his body was still getting used to the energy in Britannia. But as soon as he took off into the sky, I took out my wings, pushed off the ground, and followed him.

We flew for only a few minutes over a miniature forest and into a small clearing. One tree had fallen over and onto its side at the edge of the clearing and that's where we made our landing. Zeldris stood on top of the side of the fallen tree while I came down next to him.

Already we were alone together for the first time in 3,000 years. I could feel his warm breath on my skin the second he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest. For a few seconds I thought I was just in one of my own cruel nightmares and by the time I'd wake up he'd be gone again but this was real. Zeldris was again holding me in his arms and I had no intentions of ever leaving his side.

"So where were we." Zeldris said with an almost criminal smile whipping over his face. In just this instance he had stolen my heart the same way he did the moment we met. His hands moved over the curves of my body and then his left hand ended up on my cheek. I felt myself melting into a brew of nothing but passion and love, because even after all this time, he is still my one and only love.

I ran one hand in through his hair and smiled softly to myself. His hair had this bouncy yet soft feeling to it and I could spend forever playing with it. But in an instance Zeldris bent my body over backwards; the way we would when we used to dance. Then firmly his soft lips touched mine and the feeling sent of a thousand little sensations all throughout my body. I was holding onto him, my arms draped off his neck and my hands began to move closer to his face and his round cheeks. When our lips parted again I almost wanted to immediately return to his. I never wanted to let this kiss go. But I had some words I needed to say before I could let passion get the better of me.

"I missed this Zel." I whispered with his face still close to mine. "But I have to know... do you still have the same Intentions as before?" ...

A/n: Hey loves ❤️, finallyyyyyy I cannot tell you how amazing it is to be writing this part!! I just wanted to let you know updates may be a bit slower than usual. School has started for me and it'll be harder to find as much time to write. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask. But anyways thank you all!! Until next time!!

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