Chapter: 11

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"I'll never forget you..."

. . .

"No way! Is it true (y/n)?" Diane shouted after it was wonderfully revealed that my lover was indeed Meliodas's own brother. I think almost half the sins had their mouths open, especially Ban.

"Ya learn something new everyday." Ban commented. I just rolled my eyes and began to walk away but before I could turn around and go back to the tavern, who should come out but Meliodas.

"Y-you have a brother?" King asked him the second he came into view.

"And our dear (y/n) is in love with him?" Diane continued almost as if she was finishing King's sentences. Ban just Shot me a confused look almost as if he was starting to do the math in his head. I knew this was the start of a very bad thing. I just face palmed before Meliodas began to rub his finger on his chin looking confused.

"Yep, I have a brother!" Meliodas said excitedly and then came over to pull me into a tight backwards hug. "And (y/n) is head over heels for him!" He continued.

"Melio! We are not talking about this now." I commanded. He just shot a childish smile before letting go of me.

"Come on (y/n), so when do we get to meet him?" King asked arrogantly as if he got off on picking in me. Although just then Meliodas got cold. He turned around and stared at all of us with this stare that I swear could turn my hellfire to ice.

"You don't." Meliodas said quietly but sternly. I think everyone was shocked at this turn of events. But I just looked down at the ground and tried not to get emotional. I knew why Melio was angry. Nothing should've been brought up. Ever.

I'm sure Ban was already putting the 3,000 year old pieces together and before I would know it Melio's secret would be in jeopardy all because of me. Naturally I didn't want that to happen, but what could I do now? Too much had already been said and as of now, it was all my fault. I'm one of the people Melio trusted first with his 3,000 year old secret and of course, I'll be the one to ruin it. All because I couldn't keep my emotions in check.

I found myself still looking at the ground at the peak of an awkward silence. Meliodas turned and walked back inside the tavern. I wanted to follow him but something stopped my feet from moving. I could feel Ban walking up to me. He rose his left hand and put it on my shoulder but right when that happened, that's when the tears started flowing.

I couldn't face any of them. Not even Ban. So instead of being the logical, mature person I am, I ran. I ran into the woods until I couldn't see the smoke from the campfire outside the tavern. I ran past trees and animals, I ran past a world who I'm sure was all wondering the same thing. What is the last true bringer of justice doing crying her eyes out over something that could seem so trivial in retrospect?

It was then when the thoughts came pouring in. Why couldn't I just move on? It was obvious he was never going to get out of that damn seal. It's been literally 3,000 years. Do you have any idea how many people have tried to break the seal and failed? Hundreds, maybe thousands. Why was this time any different? I'm just wasting my (near eternal) lifetime. But no matter how bad I fought it, my heart ached for him. My heart has never stopped aching since the day he was sealed away.

Out of the corner of my eyes I thought I saw something tall, red, and light blue. That's when I knew Ban had come after me. I mean of course Ban had come after me. I wouldn't expect anything less. I just wasn't sure if I was ready to talk. Although as soon as his whole figure came into sight, I knew no matter what I said, our bond could never change.


About 25 years back, Ban was just about 14 years old. I had looked out for him in ravens for quite some time now. He was still too young to take care of himself but too old to be babied. But most importantly, he was a real piece of work.

I told Ban he was ready to start his life, I mean he could be a merchant, or a sailor, or I'm sure if he wanted to; a chef. But he refused every single offer I gave to him.

That was when it hit me. I just had to get Ban out of ravens. This town was absolutely miserable and it was killing him. I just had to take Ban home. I mean I'm sure a few years under my care in my castle would do him good.

. . .

"Holy crap! (Y/n), this is your house?!" Ban seemed to question while his jaw was completely on the floor.

"Yep and now it's yours too." I told him as we stood outside the front door of my massive stone castle. I took a golden key and unlocked the door. It opened to a vast marble floor with two doorways in opposite sides of the wall and two adjoining staircases in the center.

"With all due respect miss, I don't think I deserve this." Ban said with an obvious unsure tone. I just smiled before turning to look at Ban.

"Ban, I made a promise to you that I would take care of you and I don't intend on breaking it. As for if you deserve this. Bany, everyone deserves an equal opportunity at life, no matter what." After saying this Ban just looked at me in complete shock before swiftly embracing me into a hug. "Alright Bany, now let me show you around the place ." I finished.

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