EPISODE - 86 I'm your father..

Start from the beginning


"Hi Shashi! ", Nandini stood on the door of his room, waving at him.

Shashi turned to her, first he stood confused then smiled, "Hi Nandini! What are you doing here? Came to beg me to give your husband's property back? ".

"No!" , Nandini nodded sideways, getting in the room, "Just came to congratulate you for being smart! Congratulations Shashi.. you finally managed to destroy my family, you managed to separate me from my husband.. ".

"I wish I had died that day and Manik hadn't signed on those papers.. I wouldn't have to see this day.." , Nandini acted like she's crying.

"Ohho my poor baby.. ", Shashi patted her back, Nandini shoved his hands angrily.

"Shameless girl.. it's good I abandoned you when you were a child.. ", Shashi blurted out in anger.

Nandini looked at him shocked, "What? Means.. you're..".

Nandini gulped, now she understood why his face was familiar to her. Why she felt she had seen him somewhere. He's her FATHER.. the same one who left her with Dadu, the same who didn't even thought about her.

"Yes, you heard it right Nandini.. I'm your father.. but you're not my child! You can never be my child, my only children are Karan and Meera, they brought good luck in my life unlike you, you are a bad luck, you came in this life only to destroy me, to show my deeds to the world.. to make me pay for everything I did... I couldn't let that happen, that's why I abandoned you, I left you in some old man's house.. I thought your chapter was over, but there you came again in my life.. but I'm Shashi Kapoor, I challenged my own destiny, and see before you destroyed me.. I destroyed you! Hahahahahahaa.. I kidnapped your husband and made him sign forcefully those property papers, by defeating Manik.. I indirectly affected you Nandini.. now you're lost, what will you do? How will you defeat me? Hahaah.. I'm just the best! No one so sharp and intelligent like me has born yet.. ", Shashi laughed evilly.

Nandini's eyes were red due to tears continuously slipping from her eyes, she couldn't believe she's meeting her father and instead of hugging her and saying sorry, he's telling all this to her.

"You're not a human.. you're a Satan.. I can't believe you're my father.. what was my fault? Why did you do this to me?", Nandini cried.

"In this world, you have to be selfish dear.. how will you get what you want then?Sometimes you've to sacrifice things close to you, to get what you want.. I had to sacrifice you, to live the way I'm living now.. ", he smirked.

"I worked so hard to live this luxury life.. I was a very poor man, a servant in a big company like your husband's, every day I dream that I've to be the CEO of this company, but how? By working hard like this every day? Nahin na, what will I gain by being honest man every time? That time only I understood, if I want this company, I've to snatch it.. that's it.. I started being friendly with my Malik, start visiting his family often, I did everything for him, even faked an accident in which I saved his life, I gained his trust and then, I killed him.. ", Nandini gasped, How can someone be so Cruel and selfish?

" Yes, I KILLED HIM.. poor man, he loved me! But what to do, I was helpless.. I wanted what he had, and we couldn't share the same space, hain na? Then while he was breathing his last, I made him sign the property papers.. and then I became THE SHASHI KAPOOR everyone knows, I made his family become servants in their own mansion ", he laughed, Nandini looked at him with disgust.

"  one police officer got to know about the crime I committed, I tried to bribe him but he denied, so I had to kill him also.. this is just the start of the crimes I committed to be here my baby, you see how much your father struggled to get here.. then came your husband, he bought my company and send me to the roads? Did I suffer so much to be on roads with my family ahn? Nahin na, I had to reply him in his way.. and I did.. I showed him what Shashi is made of.. no one can destroy me so easily! NO ONE! ", Shashi said.

"Since you already destroyed me, I can hear the list of your crimes.. you have one hour, and I'm sure you don't want to be bored here.. ", said Nandini smiling sarcastically, "Let me know my father!".

"Good idea!", Shashi smiled, he sat on the bed and started narrating everything to Nandini, sometimes laughing at her face.

After one hour, his bodyguard called him to come to the conference hall. Shashi was leaving with him, Nandini called him.

"Dear Papa.. " , Nandini smirked, "Don't forget what pandit Anand told to you in past, this girl will destroy you! ", Saying this she left while flipping her hair back with a Devilisious smile on her luscious lips.

Shashi looked at her, her eyes revealed no fear, only revenge. Somehow she scared him.

"Sir let's go! ", his PA came to him, he nodded startled and left with them disturbed with Nandini's words.

Totally Unaware that his Feets were himself taking him to his destruction.. The Time is Ticking tic tok tic tok with the happiness to see the END of an Evil!



I'm sitting right now in our car waiting for nandini.. I hope she will be fine!

Heck with this property! I just want she Will be fine after knowing the truth of her life!!

Oh god!

Please keep her safe!!

I know shashi won't do anything with her as he's in his own world of victory..

I also know that in this state of mind he'll tell his all deed to her in his over flowing confident..

But I don't know How will she react if she'll come to know that she's the daughter of SHASHI KAPOOR..

Hey Meri Nandini ki Devi Mayiyan Please be with her..

I don't want her to know about it.. please don't let this happen.. If she comes to know about it she'll be so hurt!!


So, it's time to End the Evil! Are you guys Excited!?🤨

What you guyz will say about Shashi Confession!?🙄

Few Words for Nandini..🥺

Few Words for Manik..😌

NEXT Part After 400+ VOTES & 100+ COMMENTS..

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