Chapter 17 /// Part 1

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"Bil can I take this thing off now?" Levi complained as Billie continued to lead her blindly, making sure the blindfold the taller girl had on wasn't slipping.

The girls had slowly began moving Billie into Levi's apartment over the past few days, so there were currently boxes splattered around the room as well as multiple pairs of shoes and oversized clothing, so Billie manoeuvring herself and a blind and still limping Slightly Levi through them without her catching on where about she was was quite the task.

"Ok stand right here." Billie said as she stopped moving and lifted her hands to untie the blind fold. "Ok, surprise!"

Levi let her eyes adjust for a moment before her jaw dropping. "Babe! You got me a marine fish tank?" Levi knows to a lot of people it probably doesn't seem like much but these bad boy's cost a couple of grand, it's always been one of her goals to save up to buy one. "It's got fish in!" She yelled before pausing. "Wait how did you do this? Like these things have to be cycled for a super long time before you can add any little fishies."

Billie smirked. "I had them basically set it up in the back of the store, keep it running with the filter and stuff...then they had to use like a Fuckin' moving machine heavy lifter thing to get in. You don't wanna know what I had to bribe Zach with to get him to keep his pie hole shut."

"I love it, thank you so much."

Before Levi could carry on talking, Billie interrupted by putting her hand up. "There's something else. And I'm sorta scared you'll shout at first...but I couldn't not."

Levi scowled st her girlfriend. Usually if Billie thinks she's going to shout, it's because she's spent a lot of money on her. Instead of saying what she got her, Billie handed over a thick brown envelope, watching Levi with eager eyes as she took out the papers inside and scanned over them.

After what felt like hours, Billie couldn't take it anymore. "Levin?"

Levi didn't say anything, but instead looked up with to meet Billie's eyes, tears raw on the older girls face. " bought my grandma's house?"

Billie nodded. "It's under your name. All of it. You can decide what to do, I know she was still paying a bit of her mortgage back to the bank, so I sorted that and the property is now officially under your name. I didn't know if you wanted to sell it or some shit or if there was too many memories for you just to part with it. But at least this way you can do it your way, at your pace."

Levi sniffled a couple of times before rushing forward and wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. "Thank you, Billie. Seriously. Thank you so much." Billie grinned and squeezed her arms around Levi, placing a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

"Happy anniversary." Billie said as the two girls stayed wrapped in each other's embrace.

"Happy anniversary, beautiful." Levi pulled away and used the back of her hand to wipe away any tears lingering on her face. "Fuck, I hate crying." She said with a small laugh before taking in a deep breath. "Can I give you your gift now?"

Billie nodded her head quickly, smiling as Levi led her over to the sofa. "Ok. Pull out your phone." Billie grew a bit confused but complied nonetheless. "Now scroll as far as you can." Billie did as she was told and scrolled to the last page which is filled with apps she rarely uses. "Ok, see that little folder there?" Billie nodded when she seen the folder, not remembering naming a folder 'titties'. "Click on the neon green app."

Billie did as she was told and was greeted with a short video as soon as it opened.

'Hey Bil. So what do you get the person who just buy whatever she wants? Fuck knows. So I decided to play to my strengths and the love I have for you. This app is your app. When you're having those down days when you don't feel okay, come on your app. When you miss me, come on your app. When you want to be cheered up, come on your app. It's your app. I wanted to show you how much I love you...because I can never put it in words. I don't actually think words exist to describe it. But for now, I hope this gets my feelings across. I'm so in love you with you, Bil. I can't wait for our future. Happy anniversary, here's to many many more.'

The video disappeared of the screen and Billie read a few little sections entitled 'you're okay', 'if you miss me', 'bet I can make you laugh', and a few more than she skimmed past.

"Uhhhh, So, in each section there's a few different things, some letters, some videos, pictures, memes, anything that I wanna show you. There's also a little memory bit where I've put a bunch of our photos all in one place so you don't have to scroll through your thousands of pictures."

Billie grinned so big her cheeks were starting to ache. "Baby you made me an app?! That's so fucking cool. Genuinely I love it, thank you so much."

Billie leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on Levi's lips. She knew Levi didn't have much money at the minute, lockdown had really put a dampener on her little side hustle of fixing people's computers. She'd tried to explain to her not to do anything, they're both in it for the long haul so there will be plenty more opportunities. So the fact that she put so much effort into something specifically for her meant the world to her.

"So is there nudes on this?"

Little cutie patooties. Lemme know what you guys think, want, don't want, the usual.

Also if any of you are interested in Dixie D'Amelio I have a new story on my profile which is Dixie/OC. More than likely g!P too.

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