Chapter 6 /// Part 2

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This plan probably would of worked better if Levi knew where the fuck Billie was. Luckily she had both Finneas and Claudia's number saved in her phone. From what she know's about Fin though he'll blab to Billie. Claudia is her way in.

Hi! So weird question and don't at all mean to sound like a stalker do you know where Billie is?

She only had to wait a minute for a response.

Claudia 🥰:
Yeah me and Finneas have just left her, she's at home, we're picking up some food.

Claudia 🥰:
I'm guessing If you're going there we should knock before we walk in when we get back

Thank u!

Levi chose not to respond to the second message. Because really how do you respond to that?

'Probs best, I wanna bang your future sister in law?" Nahh.

Getting Billie's address up on her phone she hopped in her truck and set off, knowing it won't take long to arrive.


Walking up to Billie's front door, Levi's stomach was in knots. This could go horribly wrong. Or horribly right. Either way it feels horrible.

"Levin? Sup dude?" Billie questioned as she answered the door.

"Can I come in?" Billie nodded in response and opened the door wider to let the older girl in.

"You've been ignoring me." Levi got straight into it. No point building up to it.

"Nahh, I've just been taking a step back." Billie shrugged as she popped a grape into her mouth.

"Why?" Billie stayed silent and just motioned for Levi to follow her.

"Bil?" Levi asked again as they reached Billie's room.

"You wanna know why?"

"That's literally what I'm asking." Levi replied causing Billie to glare at her in response.

"God you drive me nuts, you know that?"

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Levi tried again.

"Jesus fuck! I've just been hanging back because you're sorta not giving me anything to work with. I've tried to ask you out like 4 times Levi, and everytime you shoot me the fuck down. You're hot and fuckin' cold, I don't know where I stand and it pisses me off!" Billie was yelling now.

Levi took a step back, not seeing angry Billie in person her. "I didn't mean too, I genuinely had other shit planned, Bil."

"Then why didn't you ask me?!  I don't ask people out, people ask me. But four fuckin' times and you couldn't ask me once! Am I not good enough? Or is it because god forbid there's a three year age difference?!" Billie was red in the face now, Levi wasn't sure if it was from anger or trying to stop the tears that looked like they were in her eyes from falling.

"Billie it's not tha-"

"Yeah I know you're not sure, something doesn't make sense. I. Get. It. But you said you'd be open. You said that to my face. I haven't even looked at anyone since I met you because you're literally the only fuckin' thing in my mind, but to you it's like I'm the last thing on your list."

Levi clenched her fist whilst Billie carried on. One side of her wanted to lose her temper, but the other side was breaking at how she made the girl in front of her feel.

"But I get it Levi, so don't worry, you're off the hook!"

Finally Levi had enough and took two big strides forward and grabbed Billie's face between both her hands and angling the girls face upwards. She wasted no time in lowering her face down to Billie's and hurriedly presses her lips against Billie's full ones

It wasn't romantic. It wasn't sweet. It was desperate. Desperate, heavy, and hard.

Billie responded straight away, bringing her own hands up to Levi's waist and pulling her closer by her hips. Levi released a bit of pressure and wrapped her own lips around Billie's bottom one. She's been eying it up since they first met.

Their lips slotted so perfectly together that Levi couldn't believe they hadn't been doing this for longer.

Levi moved her head away from Billie slightly and dropped her hands down to Billie's own hips as the younger girl wrapped her arms around her neck. "Shut up for just one minute." Levi whispered.

Billie didn't respond, instead standing on her tip toes and connecting their lips again. People always say, oh there's fireworks when they kiss. That isn't the case for them. Instead both of them felt like they had a whole artillery of tanks in their stomach on constant fire mode. Their lips moved in perfect sync.

Livi found out that her new favourite thing in the world is Billie's bottom lip.

"I'm into you too." She muttered against Billie's lips as the pair separated.

Fucking finally. So smut is gonna start getting involved soon and so far I'm leaning towards g!p, I think. Look at Billie all in her feels. K THANKS BYEEEE

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