Chapter 13 /// Part 5

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"Levin, I'm telling you, if you jump off it's going to HURT." Billie yelled.

The two were on their 3rd day in Hawaii and Billie has rented a small yacht out for them to go sailing and snorkelling. Levi complained that she's spending so money but quickly agreed with Billie's point that less crowds mean she can be herself. They'd spend the whole morning on the boat and had currently parked up a snall distance away from the island of Maui, enjoying the open water.

"What's the worst that could happen?!" Levi shouted back. The older girl was currently on the top of the yacht ready to jump in the crystal water.

Billie frowned and threw her arms up in the air. "Fucking many things!"

Levi grinned and shrugged. "When in Hawaii, right?" She asked herself before doing a small run of the edge and dived in.

Billie rolled her eyes and walked to the edge to do the whole 'I told you so' thing, but when Levi didn't emerge straight away she started to get worried. "Levi?"

"Get a girlfriend Billie, it'll be fun Billie." She muttered to herself when she checked the other side of the boat.

Billie's fear was starting to rise but it was quickly interrupted by the sound of a splash followed by a loud gasp.

"Bil, I think I broke my leg." Levi moaned through gritted teeth as she swam backwards to the boat whilst trying to keep her legs still.

"What the fuck?!" Billie questioned as she reached a hand out to grip Levi's shoulder as soon as she was close enough.

Levi didn't respond but instead let out a loud groan as she used her upper body strength to pull herself back onto the boat. She lay flat on the floor and the girls were joined by Sam, the boat operator quickly.

Billie let Levi and Sam talk as she ran her eyes up her girlfriend. Her face was visibly in pain as she grimaced causing Billie to finally glance down at Levi's legs. Her right leg in particular was her extremely swollen around the knee already and her tan skin had visible bruising showing up.

"Billie, I need you to hold this against her foot okay, keep pressure on it, I'm gonna get us to the island and we'll get her to hospital, okay?" Billie frowned at Sam's words as he pushed a white towel into her hands and rushed off to the drivers port.

"Billie? Ahhh, are you okay?" Levi asked between groans to her girlfriend who hadn't moved.

At the sound of Levi's voice, Billie snapped her head up and nodded before turning her attention back to Levi's legs. Her right leg looked to be swelling by the minute but what caught her attention this time is small pool of blood that was now on the boat floor.

Billie gagged at the sight and covered her hand with her mouth. "Oh crap, where the fuck are you bleeding from?" She asked.

"Foot." Levi muttered as she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to calm herself down with deep breaths.

Billie shuffled on her knees so she could see the bottom of Levi's feet, grimacing when she saw that Levi's left foot had some deep slices and a few grazes on it. Closing her eyes she blindly reached the towel to Levi's foot and pressed on it, causing her girlfriend to let out a yell.

"Babe, suck it up!" Billie shouted over Levi's yell.

Levi opened her eyes and glared at the girl who was doing everything she could to avoid looking at the blood. "Suck It up? Are you fucking kidding me!"

Billie rolled her eyes. If there was one thing in this world besides music that she knew how to do, it was wind up her girlfriend. And if that meant she was distracted for a few minutes then everyone is a winner.

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