Chapter 6 ///Part 3

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Chapter 6 /// Part 3

"So, that happened." Billie said, breathless finally being able to kiss Levi.

" can I please talk now?"

"If you're gonna kiss me afterwards, bet." Billie shrugged.

Levi kept her hands where they were placed on Billie's hips. "I didn't realise it looks like I was shooting you down, I really didn't. There's an assignment due on Friday and I finished it last month but lots of my friends are dumbasses who didn't and they're panicking so I said I'd help, that's the only reason I haven't been able to do stuff. I'm not making excuses at all, because I get now it was total dick behaviour to not at least explain. But you not speaking to me for the last day has been complete shit. I've gotten so used to you texting me and calling me and sending stupid ass selfies that without it I legit felt like the ground was eating me up."

Billie let out a small chuckle and started using her nails to mess with Levi's baby hairs at the nape of her neck.

"I know I made a big deal about the age difference, and yeah I am worried about it still, but I'd rather be worried with you, than without."

"Took your time." Billie mumbled and again brought her lips up to meet the taller girls.

"You has to ruin it didn't you." Levi said against Billie's lips.

"Shhh." Billie shushed Levi and moved one of her hands to the back of her head allowing her to pull Levi's head down to meet hers.

Levi followed her instructions and allowed Billie's hand to pull her head down. This time the kiss they shared was much softer. The pairs lips moved perfectly in sync, Levi allowed Billie to take control, letting the younger girl engulf her bottom lip between hers and run the tip of her tongue against it. Levi widened her mouth ever so slightly, just enough to allow her own tongue to peek through and meet Billie's. As the kiss grew more intense Levi lowered one of her hands down the back of Billie's back and rested it on her ass, grabbing it ever so slightly causing a breathy moan to come from Billie.

Billie in turn lowered one of her own hands down Levi's face, the hand cupping Levi's jaw for a moment before dragging her hand down so it was resting on the girls collarbone.

Levi could feel her body tingling under Billie's touch so reluctantly she pulled her face away. "You know the other day when we were telling each other secrets?"

"You interrupted a bomb ass make out sesh to talk to me about a game we played."

"Bil, focus. Please."

"Fine yeah, I remember."

"There was something I didn't tell you...which I think I should tell you." Levi paused and looked down to her hands which were now shaking slightly. Her and Billie were literally at the first points of whatever the hell they were. "I was born with a dick." Levi eventually blurted out.

Billie was silent for a moment. "So you're trans?" Billie asked.

"Not exactly. I was born with a dick...and I still have one." Levi couldn't look at Billie's face so didn't see the confusion masking it.

"I'm confused."

"Yeah, I'm not doing this well. Ok so when I was born, my parents got told I was a little boy. So I got brought up as one, they noticed I had a bit more of a feminine face but thought I just looked more like mom. As I got older I started to act more feminine and... I started to develop these." Levi motioned to her chest. "The doctors did some tests and discovered that I was...a female. Basically my grandma said I had lived the whole first part of my life as a boy, they didn't know what to do, so they didn't force me through any treatment and let me decide. When I got to about 15/16 I decided like I like it, it makes It's all I know. I'm comfortable as I am, and if In the future I change my mind, the treatment option is always there." Levi finished talking and carried on looking down at her hands.

All that either girl could hear was the sound of each other breathing. "So you're a girl...with a dick? Does it" Billie asked after a few moments.

"Oh trust me it works." Levi mumbled and shifted her legs, missing the glance down Billie down at her crotch that Billie snuck. "If it grosses you out, or...yeah. I won't be offended, I get it."

"Mamas." Billie paused and reached her hand under Levi's chin to bring her head up so they could look into each other's eyes. "I don't care. You're hot as fuck, you having a dick...sorta makes you even hotter, if possible." Billie said with a chuckle.


"Fuck yeah. I'm in, I'm all in."

"Thank fucking god because if we're gonna carry on doing what we were just doing you for sure would have found out soon." Levi said with a grin.

"You mean?" Billie checked, glancing down to LeviNs crotch.

The girl moved her hands out of the way of her waist for a second, showing Billie her still visible dick print though her pants.

Billie licked her lips and then pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. "Mamas, we're gonna have so much fun." 

Right there it's g!p

If you're reading this and really have an aversion to it, I'm sorry but the votes were out numbered. If you're reading, didn't vote, and don't like it...soz.

Remember there's gonna be smut cos I like sex, Billie defffffffinitly likes sex, so a decision had to be made.


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