Chapter 14 /// Part 6

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"Billie are you gonna eat these? Because if you don—"

Levi stopped still once she opened the door to Billie's bedroom, greeted by the face of her girlfriend trying not to laugh as she kept her phone held up to her face.

Levi held a finger up to indicate for Billie to wait.

"And uhm, yeah, so I always try to make them know how much I love them and how much I appreciate them." Billie trailed off as her eyes kept flickering towards Levi who was now attempting to tip toe with crutches  towards her with a piece of paper held out. "What're you?" Billie mumbled as she grabbed the paper and threw her head back to laugh. "No, they're mine." Billie laughed again as her girlfriends eyebrows shut up in confusion.

Levi looked around for another piece of paper causing Billie to roll her eyes. "Just say it!" She exclaimed.

Levi silently pointed to the phone.

Billie laughed again and lifted the piece of paper to the camera. "My damn girlfriend just walked in and passed me a note saying 'can I have your last bag of taki's or nah, sighed Levin.'" Billie laughed to try and hide the lump in her throat at calling Levi her girlfriend in an interview for the first time.

Levi's eyes widened, also picking up on the girls wording. Quickly composing herself she went back to her task of convincing Billie to let her have her food. "But they're due up in like a few days."

Billie turned her phone slightly to show Levi standing their in sweatpants and a merch sweater from the postponed tour. "So? They'll be good for another few weeks after."

"I'll order you more!"

"I told you not to eat your Doritos so damn quick, not my fault you eat like a dude."

The guy, Josh, on the other end of the phone laughed as the two girls bickered. "Wait, so are you two isolating together?"

Billie glared at Levi once more before turning her attention back to the phone. "Yeah, Levi's brought her doggy Odin so she's helping me on puppy duties."

"I'm doing all the puppy duties." Levi mumbled.

"Next time I will wake up to let him out, ok? Stop holding it above me, damn."

"So, wait, can we meet Levi?" Josh asked, knowing he was pushing his luck, but also knowing him and Billie have a good work relationship after interviewing the young girl a good few times.

Billie stated silent but turned the phone to face Levi who stood their awkwardly with her hands resting on her crutches. "Hello." She trailed off.

Billie flipped the phone back to herself. "She's like an awkward baby giraffe." She said with a laugh, quickly scanning the comments coming through, happy with the love her fans were showing her girlfriend.

"What's It like isolating with Billie? In one word."

Levi took a minute to think. "Loud." She stated befor expanding. "She always has music on or is singing or something, or she's just like...talking to herself around the house till someone pays her attention."

Billie fake gasped. "If people talked to me more I wouldn't have to practically beg for attention!"

Levi lifted her hand up and moved it in a mimicking movement.

"And Billie, what's it like isolating with Levi?"

"I was gonna say something super nice but bro, she eats everything." Billie paused, resisting the urge to laugh at the suggestive comments coming through. "Like she eats all the food we get.  Oh, also, this bitch fucked her leg up and is on crutches so I have to get her all the damn food because she can't juggle a plate and two crutches. I'm like a domestic goddess."

She's got me twisted. // B i l l i e E i l i s h Where stories live. Discover now