Chapter 15 /// Part 1

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"You're so short." Levi mumbled against the side of Billie's head as the younger girl had her arms wrapped around her waist.

Billie just hummed in response and buried her head into her girlfriends shoulder. The two girls had decided to go for a hike to get some fresh air and had stopped to take a couple of pictures whilst they rest at the top. "I'm gonna ignore That because my lungs are too tired to deal with you."

Levi laughed. "Fair." Levi pulled back and placed her hand in the middle of Billie's chest, and her other hand on her back, moving them both in small circles to encourage Billie's breathing to return to normal quicker.

"I'm so unfit, holy shit dude." Billie complained after a few more minutes. Billie narrowed her eyes and glared at Levi who just shrugged. "In my defence, my boobs weigh me down, it's a real issue."

"I didn't say anything!" Levi exclaimed with a laugh.

"You didn't have to, your face did all the damn talking."

Levi chuckled again, not mentioning she did the hike with her leg still bandages up. The doctor's took her cast off last week but have insisted it still needs to be bandages due to the wounds still not being completely healed however Levi won't complain as it gives her a hell of a lot more freedom, even if her leg aches every time she walks on it. Sitting down on the ground and stretching her legs out, Levi turned her head to watch Billie as she did the same.

"Look how pale I am, bro!" Billie laughed as she touched their two legs together.

Levi smiled but was interrupted by her phone ringing before she could respond. Taking her phone out of her shorts she held her finger up to Billie with a small smile indicating she'll be one minute.

"Hey ma, you okay?"

Billie took a moment to take in the view of the city in front of them, thankful that this is just yet another memory she can share with her love. After a few moments, Billie logged that she hadn't heard Levi's voice in a while so she turned her head and furrowed her eyebrows that her girlfriends face had turned from a smile to a spaced off look. Reaching her hand out she placed it on Levi's thigh to try and get the girl to look at her, instead Levi continued staring straight ahead, Billie able to see her jaw clench.

"Okay." Levi mumbled down the phone. "Yeah. I'll speak to you later." Levi lowered the phone and pressed the red button on the screen before staring down at the item.

Billie's concern grew at the change of demeanour in her girlfriend. Moving her hand from the girls thigh she moved it up to the back of her neck and stroked the warm skin there. "What's going on?" She asked after there was still nothing from Levi.

"My uhhh," Levi stopped to sniff and use the back of her hand to wipe one of her eyes. "My Grandma's died."

Billie's heart broke for the older girl. It was like by Levi saying those words out loud, it made it real as her shoulder slowly started to shake as she bowed her head and let the emotions overtake her.

Billie immediately moved as close as she could to the girl and wrapped her arms around her, Levi not hesitating to fall into the girls arms and let her hold her. Billie squeezes her arms tight around Levi, letting the girl sob into her body, she knew that Levi's grandma brought her up, so she's sure Levi felt like she was losing a parent. "I'm here." Billie mumbled before placing a kiss on the top of Levi's head and resting her head on it. "I've got you."

Yooooo poor Levi, man 😔
Only a short chapter because I want to show a side where Billie is...the stronger one I guess? We've seen a lot of Levi being there for Billie (and of course Billie is there for Levi) but we haven't seen a completely vulnerable Levi yet, and I think how your partner can help when your going through something like this is massively important and can really make a relationship go either way. So yeah, hope you're all still saying safe. K BYE

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