Chapter 9 /// Part 4

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Chapter 9 /// Part 4

"Billie you're so close to kicking the ball in the lake my whole body Is tense." Levi said after the green haired girl kicked Odin's ball away near the lake for what felt like the tenth time.

"Will you relax, it's fine."

"You say that, but I'm the one who's gonna have a dog smelling of damp for the next night." Levi mumbled as the pair walked along.

After their shower the two fell asleep in Levi's bed so went to the store once they come up the next morning, deciding to take Odin along and take him to the park afterwards.

Billie had a look around, noting the park was pretty empty apart from people dog walking like the two of them. Deciding to bite the bullet, she reached her hand out and interlocked her fingers with Levi's, smiling at the the taller girl grinning to herself. "Stop smiling, nerd." She muttered as her cheeks blushed.

Levi dropped her hand for a second as Odin came bouncing back with his bill firmly between his teeth. Taking advantage of playing soccer in high school, Levi rolled it back onto her foot, kicked it up, and stuck it with her shoes laces so it went long and far, laughing as Odin barked and bounced away. Without thinking she immediately grasped Billie's hand again.

"So, I have a surprise for you. I'm gonna pick you up on Saturday morning, Alright?" Billie stayed as the pair lightly swung their hands back and forth.

"What is it?" Levi questioned as she nodded.

"Yo if I told you it would be a surprise."

"But if you told me I'd appreciate it.

"Well fuck the fuck off." Billie scoffed.

Odin approached again with his ball, tail wagging, mouth drooling. Billie took her turn and kicked the ball a lot less coordinated than Levi.

Both pairs of eyes followed the line of the ball as it flew over the grass and landed with a plop into the lake. "If he doesn't go and get it, you're going in Eilish." Levi moaned as they sped up to reach the lake as Odin bounded ahead of them.

"Odin my guy, don't let your momma down now." Billie laughed as Odin sniffed around the edge, unsure if he wanted to get in or not.

"This is going great for you." Levi said in a dry tone as she crossed her arms.

"Shut your face. Odin! C'mon, we're homies?" Billie tried again, sighing in relief when he cautiously stepped in. "Ha. Fuck you and your smart ass."

Levi just laughed and swung an arm around Billie's shoulders, letting her hand dangle as they wondered around the lake whilst Odin discovered his new passion for swimming.

"If he tries to jump in my bath next time, it's 100% on you." Levi said with a chuckle. "Tell me more about this surprise."

Billie hummed for a second. "It's nothing big...but like, it's uhm, something I haven't really shared with many people. Like you'll be one of like 6 people in the whole world. But I wanna make it clear that I trust you...and that I'm all in with this."

Levi smiled, the younger girl was always trying to demonstrate how much she was invested. She hoped she knew that she didn't need to. "I know you are Bil."

"No but like, deadass, I'm not seeing anyone else or talking to anyone else..." Billie trailed off.

Levi stopped walking and turned towards the shorter girl. "Billie I'm not gonna ask you to be my girlfriend in the middle of a park where I can't even kiss you."

Billie smiled, Levi didn't shut her down. She knew Levi will ask her to be her girlfriend soon, she just wishes she'd hurry the fuck up. "What happened to that joke? Yknow what does a lesbian bring to a second date? A moving truck." Levi laughed and wrapped her arms around Billie's shoulders and brought her in for a hug.

"Bro chill. I'm gonna ask you, I'm just not gonna ask you when you want me too."


also I wanted to ask, is there anything specifically y'all wanna happen in this? Any particular thing that happened, anything billie has said, even any smut ideas, just lemme know and I'll see what I can do #bookofthepeople BYE HOMIES

She's got me twisted. // B i l l i e E i l i s h Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu