Chapter 22 /// Part 1

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Since Levi left the hospital she's not been able to stop Billie constantly being by her side. If she wants to do some work, Billie is nearby. If she wants to go for a run, Billie is driving next to her. If she wants to go the toilet, Billie is texting her. And Levi is loving it, lapping up every second of attention her girlfriend is giving her.

She's had to practically kick her girlfriend out of the toilet just so she can have a few minutes. Taking advantage of the time to herself, she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out the small square box. She shuffled if a few times in her hand before stuffing it back into her pocket, giving herself a mental pep talk.

"You ready to go, baby?" She heard Billie shout from the other side of the door. They'd decided to have a last minute date night, well, Billie thought it was last minute, Levi had been planning it for weeks. They were going to their mural favourite restaurant.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." She opened the door to see her blonde girlfriend leaning on the wall waiting not so patiently.

"Finally." She said. "I've been waiting out here for ages.

Levi gave her a side glance. "I was in there for two minutes you psychopath."

Billie let out a laugh and leaned up to kiss Levi's cheek. "I'm hangry, sorry." She apologised as the pair walked fo Billie's car and they got in. "Aren't you? You are earlier than me."

Levi froze for a minute. "Yeah, I snacked on some cereal when you were getting ready."

The restaurant wasn't a super long drive away so it didn't take them more than 15 minutes to arrive. "Car park is super quiet." Billie mumbled as she pulled into a space. "Oh god, imagine if someone is doing one of those super cheesy proposals. Like they rent out the whole restaurant so it's just them!" Billie threw her head back in laughter.

Levi felt like the box in her pocket weighed a ton, it was weighing her down. "Yeah...yeah imagine that." She said as she tried to laugh along. "Hey, why don't we go for a walk first? The restaurant is dead, they won't mind moving our table to a little later?"

"But I'm hungry." Billie whined.

"Please, for me?" Levi begged.

Billie eyed her girlfriend for a moment. "Fine. But only because I'm gonna get lucky tonight." She said with a smirk as she eyed Levi up and down.

"Oh you have no idea." Levi mumbled under her breath as they got out the car.

"Hmm?" Billie asked, not hearing what Levi said, just that she spoke.

"I...I said you betcha." Levi gave an enthusiastic thumbs up. Whilst Billie was getting out the car, Levi pulled her phone out and sent Claudia a quick text asking her to ring the restaurant and cancel any plans and that she'd explain later. Levi took a breath and tried to think on her feet. There was a lake a few minutes walk away that her and Billie have been too a few times. "That'll work."

"You ready, love?" Billie asked. Levi turned to her with a smile and held her arm out, Billie wrapping her own arm around it with no hesitation.

The pair walked in a comfortable silence to the lake, both just enjoying the time together. They walked up to the barrier at the lakeside and leant on it, admiring the views.

"Hey, look." Billie whispered and pointed to the other side of the lake.

Levi inwardly groaned when she faintly could see someone get down on one knee. The pair watched the couple the other side.

"Oh no." Billie said.


"She's taking way too long to answer. If she was saying yes she would have said it by now. Unless he's got a long ass boring speech." Levi felt like the air was coming out of her lungs. Was it supposed to be this hard? Is this a sign? Billie let out a small gasp when she seen the woman walk off, leaving the guy on one knee alone. "That's cold. That's so cold." She said, unable to contain the small giggle that came out her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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