Chapter 13 /// Part 1

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"Hey grandma!" Levi exclaimed as she answered her phone.

"I know, I miss you too. I'm gonna come over when I'm back, we'll have dinner and a sleep over." Levi paused, smile painting her face. "Yeah I'll bring Odin, did you see the pictures I sent you?" She ousted again. "I know, he's cute. Ok, take care of yourself ok? I love you to the moon and back." Levi hung up the phone and slid it into her pocket before flopping back in the seat in the airport they were currently in whilst they waited to board their flight to Hawaii.

"You're soft." Billie said with a grin as she reached her hand over and placed it in Levi's arm, using her thumb to rub the exposed skin. Levi just smiled in response whilst she kept her head down.

"You okay, mamas." Levi nodded in response but didn't move her head. "You miss her, huh?"

"I mean, how can I not? She raised me for most of my life, I haven't seen her in like three weeks."

"She raised you? What about your mom and dad?" Billie asked, as she angled her body to face Levi more.

"My dad died when I was young, and I guess my ma didn't know how to cope without him, y'know? She was alone with a new born and she just sorta lost it. She turned to a lot of shit to cope and eventually they wanted to take me off her. My grandma took me in, instead." Levi shrugged, it was no big deal to her at this point. "Like don't get me wrong, my ma loves me. But she didn't know how to take care of me, y'know? So this way my ma could still see me but my grandma raised me. That woman's my hero."

Billie nodded along. "She sounds like it."

"My grandma always made sure she knew who my mom was, and that she loves me but she needs to learn to love herself before I can stay with her. Grandma came out of retirement and worked two jobs to fund us and made sure I got everything I needed. That's why I study so hard, y'know? Like when I'm earning I wanna take care of her, make sure she knows how much she means to me. Like don't get me wrong, I love my ma, but that woman has a special place in my heart. And she lives close, so I try to see her often. If I go out she always makes sure I text her and let her know when I'm home and safe. I showed her a picture of you, y'know?"

"Oh fuck, what did she say?"

"She said I'm punching, to get a girl like you." Levi said with a laugh.

Billie laughed and used a hand to flick some hair of her shoulder. "Well, I mean." She trailed off.

The girls were interrupted by a flight attendant approaching them and bending down to say something quietly to Billie before walking away.

Billie stood up and stuck her hands out to help Levi up. "C'mon, that's us. We're ready to board."

Levi watched as Billie collecter her backpack and flung it over her shoulder. "They haven't made an announcement yet?"

"Yeah I know. That lady came and told me." Billie said with a shrug.

"But that only happens with first—" Levi paused as her face lit up with excitement. "First class. Billie! Are we flying first class?!"

Billie grinned and pretended to brush off her shoulders.

"I've never been first class anything! What the shit." Levi mumbled as she picked up her on backpack and slid it over both her shoulders. Two strapping is the way to go.

Billie steppes aside and used both hands to gesture for Levi to go in front. "Age before beauty." She said with a cheeky grin.

Levi looked at Billie with an expressionless look. "I don't know the way, smartass."

"Is that code for you wanna look at my butt?" Billie asked as she walked in front.

Levi shrugged. "I mean it's a solid half and half."

The girls boarded their flight, stopped every few seconds either for Levi to gasp about something around her, or for Billie to stop and take a picture with a fan.

Eventually they reached their seats after being guided by the flight attendant who also put the partition between them down.

"Champagne?" The same hostess offered as Levi shrugged her backpack off.

"Err, how much?" She questioned.

Billie laughed and nudged her elbow into Levi's side. "It's free." She whispered.

" Like no charge at all?" Levi questioned the air hostess who smiled.


Levi smiled and took a glass from the tray she was holding. "Out of interest...what else is free?"

The woman smiled. "This is your first time first class, right?" Levi nodded in response. "Let me see what I can get for you." With that the woman wondered off and other passengers started to board the plane.

Levi turned to face Billie who was already sitting down with a glass of water. Levi followed the girl and sat down herself. "Oh my good god." She groaned as she sat down. "This is like sitting on a pillow."

She turned over and noticed the arm had a handful of buttons on it.

"What're all these?" She mumbled, as Billie watched on.

"It's like a fucking wide screen TV!" She exclaimed as she pressed one button that revealed a TV in front of her. She pressed another button and found that a make shift door came across the opening of her seat area to make a makeshift room. "This is insanity." She exclaimed.

Billie laughed loudly at her girlfriends actions. "You're like a kid at Christmas, the fuck dude?"

Before Levi could speak, the air hostess came up to them again, handing Levi two black soft bags, and one paper bag that she placed on the table. "Enjoy, sweetie."

As she walked off, Levi turned her head to face Billie with a giant grin. "You don't ask you don't get." Levi began to root through the bags. "Headphones, slippers, toothbrush, toothpaste, cotton pads, deodorant, socks, a PEN." Levi paused whilst she looked in the paper bag. "Snacks! Bil, we've got snacks, we're all good."

Billie rolled her eyes and leant forward to adjust a dial that was in front of Levi, turning it as far left as it would go, putting Levi in darkness. "You've has way too much coffee, this morning."

"Hey, how'd you do that?" Levi fumbled around for a few minutes before figuring out how to turn it up, putting her lights on a dim glow. Ooo damn, this light be hitting different." Levi said as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Billie nodded and licked her bottom lip lightly. "You're not wrong." Billie grabbed her phone and leant into Levi, snapping a quick picture of the two smiling.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. Welcome to American Airlines flight 12092, this is your flight heading to LAX, we're expecting a nice easy journey. Thank you."

"Lax?" Levi turned to Billie and asked.

"We have to change over there. Plus, I thought you'd enjoy the first class lounge whilst we wait."

"Fucking yes."

Next chapters are hawaiiiiiii!

Also. Is there anything else you'd like to see? Whether it's a specific thing, a smut plot, any shit like that.

Also. My guys in the UK. Red salt chips, AM I RIGHT.


How's your day going? Mines consisted off finding a bottle of Sauvage that I thought I left at work, eating red salt chips, and drawing my next tattoo. Party life style or WHUT.

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