Chapter 10 /// Part 3

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Chapter 10 /// Part 3

"Did you write your password down anywhere?"

"No dad, I'm not a fuckin grandma I don't have it wrote down!" Billie shouted at her dad.

As soon as Billie discovered she had been hacked she went running into the living area whilst harshly wiping away the few tears she let fall. The past half an hour was spent with the whole family, plus Levi and Claudia, sitting in the living room trying to figure out what happened, and what they do next.

"Have you deleted the post or?" Finneas trailed off.

Levi knee the answer, as soon as Billie left her bedroom she had gone on her own instagram and looked at the post. She wouldn't have minded if Billie had posted it. And from what she seen from the comments on the post, her fans wouldn't of minded either. But she gets what Billie is feeling. The one thing she got to control about their whole situation was how she told people, when she told people, and if she told people. And that had been taken away from her. So Levi is more than happy to sit there whilst Billie rages out.

"Yes Finneas, of course I did." Billie snapped once more.

Silence fell upon the room.

After a few beats, Levi couldn't take it. It wasn't a comfortable silence. It was the opposite.

"So...what do we do now?" Levi asked hesitantly.

Billie turned her head to look at the girl sitting near her. "I don't fucking know Levi! I dunno. What answer do you possibly want me to say here? Oh we'll just pretend it never happened? Oh I'll write a fucking letter? I. Don't. Know. So will you please, please shut the fuck up!"

The silence in the room became deafening. Levi stared back at the younger girl, unable to hide the hurt that masked itself on her face. Opening her mouth to speak Billie held her hand up in the air motioning for her to stop. "I don't need to hear whatever you're gonna say right now. This is my fucking life." Billie said with a sigh.

Levi nodded gently a couple of times before standing up and giving the other bodies in the room a gentle smile and nod. "I'm gonna give you some space." Levi mumbled when her eyes connected with Billie's.

Levi turned on her heel and left the house in cold silence.

Funny story. This was meant to be in the fucking last chapter but this bitch got too distracted with making banana bread when she proof read. OH WELL.


She's got me twisted. // B i l l i e E i l i s h Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon