Chapter 4 /// Part 2

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Chapter 4 /// Part 2

*Facetime from: Billie🧃*

Levi stared at the screen on her iPhone for a moment. Billie had been texting her all day, despite Levi not replying. She's got enough to deal with without this high school drama.

Sighing, she gave in. Like she knew she would.

Pressing the green button to accept the call she held her phone angled so the only thing on screen was the top of her forehead and hairline.

She pauses as the call connects for the first time, the sight of Billie laying down in bed with some type of puppy dog eyes staring into the screen. She nearly let her off. Nearly. Levi knows she's not going to carry this on, but the younger girl has to learn she can't treat people however she wants and expect them to come crawling back within an hour. "Yeah?" She questions after a brief silence between them.

"You didn't reply to my messages." Billie said with a small pout.

"Yeah I know, I've been doing school work." Levi continues being brief, not letting them goddamn eyes get to her.

"Oh." Billie paused and ran her hand through her hair. "Listen, I'm sorry for acting like a little bitch. It wasn't intentional."she mumbled towards the end.

Levi stopped herself before she responded, taking note of a few little tics the singer was having.

"I just, I dunno, I freaked out I guess?" Billie continued before Levi could speak. "Like I don't want you think I'm just some I probably am...but I wouldn't want you to think that." Billie made sure to put emphasis on the 'you'. "Like you're pretty dope Levin. Don't get it twisted I want us to fuck. But I kinda wanna know you more than I want that."

Levi went to respond but was cut off once again.

"And I know I acted like a fuckin little bitch. But I'm not that person y'know? I just feel this vibe with you and it sorta got me fucked up and I don't know what to do with it."

Levi took the chance of Billie taking a breath to intervene and shut the rambling girl up. "Billie, hey, shut up for a sec ok?" Billie closed her mouth at Levi's words, not wavering eye contact for a second.  "I appreciate you apologising. I'm sorry for not replying to you. I got in a mood back at you and I probably shouldn't be calling you immature when you're the one making all the moves out here." Levin finished with a smile.

"So...we're cool, right?" Billie questioned, that twinkle finally back in its rightful place.

"We never weren't cool, Bil. People bicker it happens."  Levi could practically see the relief fall off Billie's shoulders. "You have Tourette's right?" She questioned, keen to move on from there...not so lovers spat.

Billie nodded and moved her hand up to scratch her scalp. "Yup."

"How do you normally control your tics?"

"By being a boss ass bitch?" Billie sarcastically answered with a grin. "Nahh, usually I just try to chill out, not think about them."

Levi nodded in understanding, quickly trying to think of something to distract Billie because the poor girl couldn't seem to get the tic's under control.

"Play me a song." The older girl demanded.

"Fuck off it's late."

"It's like 11.30, there's no way an 18 year old goes to bed that early."

Billie seemed to contemplate her answer for a second. "Show me your face and I'll think about it." She made reference to the fact she still hadn't seen more than Levi's forehead since the call started.

"Psshhh, done!" Levi exclaimed at the deal. "Chump."

"There she is." Billie smile grew at the site of Levi's grinning face. "Look at those dimples mamas! Fuck me up." Levi laughed at Billie hyping her up.

"You're lame. Now, sing bitch, sing."

Billie glances around her room and drops her phone to the bed leaving Levi to look at her ceiling. "Hold on a sec!" She heard Billie in the background. A few moments later Billie returned with a ukulele. "Right this shit's gonna be messy because these nails just don't hit it right." Levi kept silent and watched Billie figure out her chords for a moment.

"Don't be that way,
Fall apart, twice a day
I just wish, you could feel, what you say"

Levi stayed silent, just taking the time to admire an artist at work. Billie put such concentration, even when just singing on FaceTime. The song passed way to quick for Levi's liking.

"Bil that was honestly amazing. Like my arms have fuckin goosebumps." Levi exclaimed once the younger made eye contact once again.

Billie didn't reply, instead choosing just to look at Levi.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." She eventually said.

"Shoot." Levi said as she copied Billie's previous position by lying down.

"You said you were epileptic right...does that mean you couldn't come to one of my lights and shit?"

"Uhhh, it's sorta complicated. Strobe lights and shit aren't fun for me, but as long as I take my medication, sleep well the night before, I usually take some sunglasses too and if I need them I can put them on and shut my eyes and just listen to the music...which isn't always the best thing in concerts so I don't really like to go to them. People pushing and spilling things on me just fucks me off, and having a full on fuckin' fit in the middle of the crowd means I get stood on." Levi laughed. She was used to it by now.

"What if you wouldn't need to worry about that? Like if I invite you to one of my shows you're coming backstage with me, duh. You can watch from the side stage!" Billie exclaimed, happy her maybe crush can watch her do her thing.

"Are you trying to ask me a question, pretty girl?"

Levi's eyes widened at the pet name that slipped out. Oh well, gotta let Billie have something.

Billie's grin widened to the point it looked like it hurt. "Yeah, come to my show on Wednesday. Come watch me."

'Let me put a show on for you' Is what Billie wanted to say.

So I said it'll be on Monday, but I had this written and it's 12.17 so hello monday rise and shine.

Next chapter will be in a few days, and lemme tell you billie's about to be a big ok soft pretzel.

She's got me twisted. // B i l l i e E i l i s h Where stories live. Discover now