Chapter 8 /// Part 3

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"Yo get some grapes."

The two girls were currently wondering down the isle of Levi's local supermarket. Since Billie still refused walk, she was wrapped around the older girls back with her legs around her waist so she could get a piggy back. It also worked in her favour that she could rest her head next to Levi's ear and whisper the most random shit to her as they walk around.

Levi was pushing the trolley with one hand as her other hand rested under one of Billie's legs for added support.

"Yo...walk." Levi deadpanned as she stood a few metres away from the grapes.

Billie moved her mouth so it was next to Levi's ear, letting her lips graze the sensitive skin. "Yo, stop being a ball ache and I'll suck your dick when we get back."

Levi stood still for a second before moving forward and grabbing a pack of grapes. "Grapes it is."

Billie threw her head back and laughed before she squeezed her arms around Levi's upper body in a one sided hug.

Luckily for Billie it was a cold morning meaning her disguise of a beanie that she was wearing with her hood up didn't make her look out of place.

"Should we get you some tofu?" Levi questioned as she picks up a pack.

"Dude no, it tastes like ass. Speaking of ass, your breath smells like bootyhole, I told you not to drink that red-bull." Billie moaned, covering Levi's mouth with her hand.

Levi rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out to connect with the palm of Billie's hand. "It does not smell like bootyhole. But It could do if you wanted." Levi laughed as she used her free hand to pinch Billie's thigh gently, causing the girl to jump.

"Take your bootyhole breath away from me and put the tofu down. It sucks."

Levi ignored Billie's opinion and threw the package into the trolley. "We're getting it, you need to eat some proper meals that aren't Taki's or Burritos. Oh, also, you're on my Fuckin' back, I can't get away from you!"

Billie giggled before jumping down, wincing slightly. "C'mon you big baby, I need to get some adult groceries before we get goodies." Levi led the way with Billie following behind her.

The younger girl pushed her hood down, sweating her balls off now they were out the fridge area.

"Levi, wait!" Billie tried to stage whisper as the older girl walked down the aisle. "I'm serious!"

"Hurry your ass up!"

Billie laughed and hobbled as quick as she could, which wasn't a great feat. "Babe, slow the fuck down!" She tried again between laughter. "You're not funny by the way, I'm laughing at my own ass." She made sure to make the other girl aware.

Levi eventually stopped and lifted an arm up which Billie swiftly got under, smiling when Levi wrapped her arm around her neck and brought her in close before she continued walking.

"Do you know you drool in your sleep?" Levi questioned as she put a few spices in the cart.

"Get to fuck." Billie mumbled.

"Nah, deadass, I woke up at one point and nearly wiped your damn mouth."

"You're stone cold, why you gotta tell me that? I thought you was sweet on me?" Billie rolled her eyes and tried to jokingly pull away from Levi's arm.

Levi laughed loudly and tightened the hold she had on Billie. "I wasn't complaining. I was just like, noting."

Glancing up at the taller girl, Billie smile challengingly. "Oh yeah? I'll bite. What else have you noted."

Levi took a second to think as one of Billie's hands now entwined themselves with Levi's hand which was dangling over her shoulder.

"Ok, so when you're like nervy or anxious you tic a little bit more but you also do this thing where you sorta dig your nails into your palm. Youuuu act all tough and big bad Billie but you're a complete soft ass." Levi paused to laugh as Billie again rolled her eyes. "You sneeze like that baby panda from that video that went viral a couple of years ago. Ridiculously loud. You have a weird openness about pooping but hey, I'm down for it. You have a scar on your inner thigh that makes you super tickily. When you watch TV you spend half your time frowning you're concentrating that much on it. You bite your lip when you wanna say something but you don't think you can so you tend to say something else. When you're tired your voice goes all super scratchy and deep. You have a little birth mark on the outside if your right boob." Levi stopped walking and brought her hand up to act like she was deep in thought. "Oh yeah, and you're super hot." She laughed and carried on walking.

"So yeah. I know some stuff is like common knowledge I guess, but they're just little things that make you you without even knowing it."

Billie smiles to herself and leant into further to Levi's shoulder. "I'm really into you."

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Likes by ElishEatMe and 7,201 others.

BillieNo1Source: Billie was spotted at ShopMart yesterday with an unknown friend. Source: 'so I was shopping yesterday and could hear Billie laughing, I went looking and found her limping down the aisle to this girl she was with. They looked super comfy. They walked around most of the stood with the girls arms around billie's shoulder.

Billiebae: look at her skin tho. Flawless.
WheresBillie: are we gonna ignore she was shopping with a girl who had her arm around her or—
Wheredowego: I will legit give my first born for Billie to go live, just once this fuckin year!!
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Not keen on doing Instagram things purely cos There's so many good social media stories and shit, but I wanted to get the point across for the storyline that they're not immune to the word. ALSO I KNOW nothing happens in this chapter but like I said REAL RELATIONSHIPS CAN BE BORING SOZ. Plus they're cute. PLUS like I said, this shit is in parts for a reason. It's all to do with what happened in the other parts of the chapter, but I didn't want them all together so the chapters are all over the place, u get me bruv


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