Chapter 14 /// Part 8

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"Billie! Come on, I said I'm sorry!" Levi pounded on the door once again.

"Go away!" She heard Billie shout.

Levi rolled her eyes and leaned her back on the door in front of her. "Babe c'mon, I didn't know you'd react like this. If I did, I wouldn't have done it!"

"Levin! Get. Gone."

Before Levi could open her mouth to respond she was interrupted by Maggie poking her head around the wall. "Still locked herself in there?" Levi nodded with a grimace covering her face. "Don't's probably for the best."

Levi nodded as Maggie disappeared back behind the wall. "Please, Bil'.  I need to know you're okay."

"Bitch, I will fight you."

"Bet, pull up!" Levi laughed at her tiny girlfriends threat. "Just op-" Levi was quickly interrupted by the door in front of her finally opening.

"Are you happy?" Billie asked with a straight face.

Levi grinned as best she could. "Extremely." Reaching forward she attempted she wrap her arms around Billie's waist but the girl quickly stepped back. "Billie I'm sorry!" She tried again, causing the younger girl to raise her eyebrows.

"Oh you're sorry? You're sorry I've just spent the past 30 minutes shitting my innards out!"

"I didn't know you had a bad reaction with it!"

"I told you the other day!" Billie retorted, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation.

Levi paused to think before it clicked for her. "You mean that night when I was half asleep when you forced me to watch The Office? Babe I was practically asleep!"

"But I told you!" Billie paused as she finished washing her hands. "We were meant to go to the march today."

"We still can?"

Billie narrowed her eyes and pointing her finger at Levi's chest. "What? Wearing a fucking adult nappy?"

"'re tiny, you'd probably fit in a toddlers." Levi but her lip, quickly realising she was just poking the bear at this point. "Ok, no, c'mere." The taller girl reached forward and forced Billie into her arms, the shorter girl putting up a weak fight but eventually giving in. "We're gonna spend the night in your room, I'm gonna get you a hot water bottle, and I'll rub your stomach as much as you want. Then tomorrow, we're gonna go the March, okay?"

Billie didn't respond but instead nodded into Levi's chest.

Levi reached down and put one of her hands under Billie's thigh. "Jump." She mumbled. Billie did as she was told and jumped up to wrap her legs around Levi's waist and rested her head on her shoulder.

Levi quickly counted her blessings she had started walking without any crutches and slowly hobbled to Billie's room, using one hand on Billie's lower back to support the girl.


Within an hour the two were laying on Billie's bed with her coloured lights on and The office playing on her laptop. As soon as Levi had returned with bottles of water and a hot water bottle Billie returned to her earlier position of being wrapped around her girlfriend with her head buried into her shoulder and Levi's hand underneath her T-shirt gently tickling the bottom of her back.

Levi was attempting to watch Billie's favourite show, since she goes on about it so much, when her viewing was interrupted by Billie mumbling something.


"Love me." Billie whined.

Levi laughed and wrapped her arms tight around the girl. "I am loving you."

Billie mumbled something into Levi again but the girl just squeezed her again and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

Pulling her phone out, Levi clicked the camera and took the a picture of her girlfriend snuggled into her. Opening Instagram she posted it to her story with 'and y'all think she's not soft.' Written on it.

"Hey baby?" Billie mumbled, this time Levi heard it clearly since she wasn't distracted.


"Do you want kids?"

Levi's jaw dropped as she felt her body temperature increase rapidly. "Kids? I mean I like kids and I think I want them. Not now. Like I'm not ready now. But yeah I think so? I mean probably in a few years or something I don't wanna be an old mom y'know? Unless you wanna wait longer. Wait do you want kids. I mean if you don't that's something pretty big we should probably talk about? Right? Like, kids can be a-"

Billie let out a laugh and put her hand over Levi's mouth. "Fuck, man. Calm down. Good to know where you're at though babe." Levi groaned and gave Billie's ass a gentle slap. "I was just asking. I want kids one day." Billie let out a hum and snuggled back in. "How many do you think you'd want?"

"I don't two?" Levi shrugged, willing her body temperature to cool down.

"Mmmm I've always imagined us with three.

"Three?" Levi's eyes widened. "But what do you do with the third?"

"What do you mean what do you do with the third?"

"Well like, with two, you have one in each arm, right? Perfect fit. But if you have three...what the fuck do you do with the third?"

Billie rolled her eyes. "Jesus mamas I'm not saying let have triplets. Plus there's two of us!"

Levi didn't respond as Billie snuggled back into her. She knows they've said they love each other and for Levi, Billie is it for her, she's her lobster, but this is the first time they've actually talked about their future. "What else do you think of?"

Billie took a moment to think as she slipped her hands under Levi's shirt, rubbing the exposed skin. "Don't like...freak the fuck out or anything ok?" Levi nodded. "I imagined we'd get a house sorta near my parents, like close enough they can come over easy enough but not close enough that they'll always be there. I'd have a studio and you'd have your little nerdy office. The kids would each have their own room because I couldn't be assed with the arguments if they shared. We'd have a big back yard. If I had to go away for work the kids could take turns in coming with me. And we'd get married someone like super cringy with out families around us and have some sick ass party afterwards." Billie finished her little mental fantasy.

"You've really thought it out, huh?"

Billie nodded and placed a kiss on Levi's exposed neck. "Don't tell anyone."

"What that you've got out life planned out or you're so soft you're practically goo?"

Billie hummed. "Both."

"Your secret is safe."

I'm so sorry about the delay but life's been shit so it's been a struggle to write. I could really do with some luck this week so keep your fingers crossed pretty please.

Hope you're all staying safe.

Also I think there will be a smut chapter in the next few days mmmmkay.

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